La Grande Guerra (1914-1918)
567 canzoni in questo gruppo
'O surdato 'nnammurato (Anna Magnani)
14/18 (Allain Leprest)
1914 (Saul Blease)
1915 (Anti-Flag)
1915 (Raoul Raffagli)
1915 (Saul Blease)
1916 (Motörhead)
1916 (Tichot)
1916 (Saul Blease)
1917 (Linda Ronstadt)
1917 (Saul Blease)
27 di otubar (Arturo Zardini)
A Conscientious Objector Lament (Alfred Lester)
A Hospital Ship at Tobruk (Gary Miller)
À Hurtebise (Tichot)
A Life (1895 - 1915) (Mark Hollis)
A Secret Hidden Message (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)
A Silent Night Christmas 1915 (Jerry Lynch)
A Soldier's Diary (The Stranglers)
A Soldier's Reminiscences (Ernest Hastings)
A Torino, piazza San Carlo (anonimo)
Achterland (Einstürzende Neubauten)
Adamello (anonimo)
Addio padre e madre addio (anonimo)
Addio Venezia addio [El diciaòto novembre] (Coro Pane e Guerra)
Adio Ronco (anonimo)
Ah si... la guerre de quatorze n'avait pas eu lieu (Marco Valdo M.I.)
Ah! C'est la guerre! (Henriès)
Ai preât la biele stele (Luigi Pigarelli)
Al milite ignoto (Claudio Lolli)
Al termine della notte (Mè, Pék e Barba)
Aldrig mera krig (Tältprojektet)
Alerte au gaz ! Gaaz ! Gaaaz ! (Marco Valdo M.I.)
Alice Annie Wheeldon (Robb Johnson)
All and Everyone (PJ Harvey)
All Being Well (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
All for You Sophia (Franz Ferdinand)
All of No Man's Land Is Ours (Einstürzende Neubauten)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Elton John)
All Quiet on the Western Front (David Broekman)
All Together Now (The Farm)
All Your Friends (Coldplay)
Alpini in montagna (E tu Austria) (anonimo)
Als die Waffen schwiegen (Saltatio Mortis)
Ambulance Train (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
And Jesus Wept (Reg Meuross)
And When They Ask Us (Joan Littlewood and her Theatre Workshop)
Andrea (Fabrizio De André)
Andremo via (Massimo Bubola)
Angel of Mons (Saul Blease)
Angst packt mich an (Erich Mühsam)
Anni sull'altipiano (Gino D'Eliso)
Anonymous (Dan Kennedy)
ANZAC Cove (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
Apollinaire (Georges Chelon)
Aqualast (Rover)
Arms and the Boy (Wilfred Owen)
Arruolamentu (Dr. Drer & Crc Posse)
Ascoltate o popolo ignorante (anonimo)
Au ravin des enfants perdus (Chanson pour Vauquois) (Dominique Grange)
Avant le départ (Tichot)
Bach and the Sentry (Ivor Gurney)
Back (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
Ballade vom ertrunkenen Mädchen (Bertolt Brecht)
Ballata della Grande Guerra (Roberto Piumini)
Bella Matribus Detestata (Guerres maudites par les mères) (Jean De Lize)
Belleau Wood (Garth Brooks)
Berliner Weihnacht 1918 (Klabund [Alfred Henschke])
Billy Hughes (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
Black Stitchel (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
Bleuet (Guillaume Apollinaire)
Bold as Brass (Gary Miller)
Bombardano Cortina (anonimo)
Bombed Last Night (anonimo)
Breakfast (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
Brief an meinen Sohn (Erich Kästner)
Brot und Frieden hätt' ich gern [Der Deserteur] (anonimo)
Bum Bum (Massimo Bubola)
C'est les journaux qui nous l'ont dit ! (anonimo)
Cadorna (anonimo)
Çanakkale türküsü (anonimo)
Canzone della Pace ("Pax")
Caporetto (Gianluca Grossi)
Caporetto (Andrea Polini)
Caporetto '17 (Ivan Della Mea)
Carne da cannone (Casa del Vento)
Cartolina dal Fronte (Nico Bonato)
Ce que chantent les victimes (anonimo)
Cenotaph (This Heat)
Cento Cartucce (Selvaggi Band)
Champ d'Honneur (L'Affaire Louis' Trio)
Chanson pour la classe (Gaston Couté)
Children's Crusade (Sting)
Choisis Lison (Bach [Charles-Joseph Pasquier])
Christmas 1914 (Mickey MacConnell)
Christmas 1914 (Keegan McInroe)
Christmas Truce (Sabaton)
Cold and Fake Part I (Mike 3rd)
Cold and Fake Part II (Mike 3rd)
Coloured Bows (Tony Smith)
Come esempio sulla massa (Wu Ming Contingent)
Common Ground (IQ)
Concerto pour la main gauche en ré majeur (Maurice Ravel)
Conchies (Wegrowbeards)
Conscription of Wealth! (Tony Smith)
Contro la guerra 1915-1918 (anonimo)
Corpse #564 (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)
Cosa occorre (Renzo Vigagni)
Csak egy éjszakára (Géza Gyóni)
Cunfins (Leonardo Zanier)
Da Caporetto al Piave (Massimo Bubola)
Daou soner Landevant (anonimo)
Das feurige Männlein (Alfons Petzold)
De twintigste eeuw (anonimo)
Dead Soldiers’ Wives Don’t Dance (Bill Adair)
Decades (Joy Division)
Demoghèla! (anonimo)
Den vackraste visan om kärleken (Ture Nerman)
Der Beginn des Weltkrieges 1914 (unter Zuhilfenahme eines Tierstimmenimitators) (Einstürzende Neubauten)
Der Deserteur (Klabund [Alfred Henschke])
Die erfrorenen Soldaten (Karl Kraus)
Die Unentwegten (Kurt Tucholsky)
Die weiße und die rote Rose (Klabund [Alfred Henschke])
Doberdói dal (Zoltán Kodály)
Don't Take My Darling Boy Away (Will Dillon)
Dove sei stato mio bel Alpino? (anonimo)
Dulce Et Decorum Est (Wilfred Owen)
E anche al mi' marito (anonimo)
E Cadorna manda a dire (anonimo)
E vui durmiti ancora (Gaetano Emanuel Calì)
Elegische Ironie (Erich Mühsam)
Eleven Eleven (Garnet Rogers)
Előüzent Ferenc Jóska (anonimo)
Emily’s Bridge (Krysia Mansfield)
En cet Hiver de 1915, il vous aimait très fort (François Hadji-Lazaro)
Encore un petit verre de vin (anonimo)
England 1914 (Ralph McTell)
England's Broken Doll (A. E. Andrews)
Eno mărmoldir in to Vogēr gālbig frōmŏs (Risyart Vandtūar)
Era una notte che pioveva (La sentinella) (anonimo)
Ernst Friedrich: Krieg dem Kriege (LA CCG NUMERO 2000 / AWS NUMBER 2000)
Ero povero ma disertore (anonimo)
Erster Bericht über den Unbekannten Soldaten unter dem Triumphbogen (Bertolt Brecht)
Esik az eső, ázik a heveder (Zoltán Kátai and the Hegedűs Ensemble)
Everyone Sang (Siegfried Sassoon)
Far Far from Wipers (Joan Littlewood and her Theatre Workshop)
Far, Far From Wipers (anonimo)
Felder von Verdun (anonimo)
Fieber (Erwin Weill)
Field Of Poppies (Dave Gwyther)
Fields Of France (Al Stewart)
Finalmente la guerra è finita (anonimo)
Flandrischer Totentanz (Elsa Laura Seemann)
Flieder (Karl Kraus)
Flora Sandes (Reg Meuross)
For God and Ulster (Ciarán Murphy)
For King & for Country (Greg Harper)
Forward Joe Soap's Army (anonimo)
Frañsez Laorañs (Gweltaz Ar Fur)
Fratelli (Giuseppe Ungaretti)
Friday 14th May (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
From Omiecourt (Ivor Gurney)
Fuoco e mitragliatrici e Valzer dei disertori (anonimo)
Further Down the Line (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)
Galicia (Đorđe Balašević / Ђорђе Балашевић)
Gallipoli (The Memories)
Gassed Last Night (Joan Littlewood and her Theatre Workshop)
General Shute (Alan Patrick Herbert)
Georges Chennevière: Ravitaillement (GLI EXTRA DELLE CCG / AWS EXTRAS / LES EXTRAS DES CCG)
Gerard Duvall, tipografo (Bededeum)
Gervasio (Uscitademergenza)
Giacche verdi (Doc Secret)
Giorgetta Goletti: La ragazza neutrale (GLI EXTRA DELLE CCG / AWS EXTRAS / LES EXTRAS DES CCG)
Giugno 1917 (Municipale Balcanica)
Gladiators (Andy Irvine)
Gli Austriaci da Gorizia (anonimo)
Gli imboscati (anonimo)
God Save the People (Australian Women's Peace Army)
Going Home (1918) (Randy Newman)
Grodek (Georg Trakl)
Guerra infame (anonimo)
Hanging On The Old Barbed Wire (anonimo)
Hanna turnà (Francesco Feola e Giuseppe Capaldo)
Harry Farr (Stray)
Harry Patch (In Memory of) (Radiohead)
Hellfighter (Saul Blease)
Het wijnglas (Jean-Louis Pisuisse)
Hic Jacet (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
Hiding in the Ammunition Van (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
Hit (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
Home Fit for Heroes (Martin Carthy)
Hommes 40, chevaux 8 (Jean Villard, dit Gilles)
Horror Follows Horror (Ivor Gurney)
How did I die? (Einstürzende Neubauten)
Hungersnot (Erich Mühsam)
Hush, Here Comes a Whizzbang (Joan Littlewood and her Theatre Workshop)
Hymnen (Einstürzende Neubauten)
I Am the Messenger (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)
I centomila di Redipuglia (Canzoniere Popolare di Aiello (Canzonir di Dael))
I Did Not Raise My Boy To Be A Soldier (Morton Harvey)
I dispiasì d'noi autri povri alpin [Sei nen perché] (anonimo)
I Don't Want To Be A Soldier (anonimo)
I Don't Want To Go To War (Edward Madden)
I frà 'd San Bernardin (anonimo)
I Sing of Olaf (e e cummings)
I'm Sick of This Blooming War (R. Walker)
Ich wund’re mir über gar nichts mehr (Otto Reutter)
If I Were God (Saul Blease)
Ik was erbij (Bram Vermeulen)
Il 24 maggio (Giuseppe Schiera)
Il 24 maggio 1915 (anonimo)
Il 24 maggio l'è un giorno disgraziato (anonimo)
Il disertore (Turé Muschio)
Il filo (Milo Brugnara)
Il general Cadorna (anonimo)
Il governo italiano prepotente come un cane (anonimo)
Il reumatismo del tenente (Wu Ming Contingent)
Il testamento del capitano (anonimo)
Im Osten (Georg Trakl)
Im vierten Kriegsjahr (Hermann Hesse)
In cima al Tonale (anonimo)
In de loopgraf (Einstürzende Neubauten)
In Flanders (Ivor Gurney)
In memoria (Giuseppe Ungaretti)
In Memoriam (Harry Gill)
In Memoriam (Easter 1915) (Edward Thomas)
In Memoriam (Private D. Sutherland Killed in Action in the German Trench, May 16, 1916, and the Others Who Died.) (Ewart Alan Mackintosh)
In Our Little Wet Home in the Trench (anonimo)
In Prison (Frederick Keel)
In the Light (Mike 3rd)
In the Twilight (Mike 3rd)
In the Twilight Part II (Mike 3rd)
It Could Happen Again (Collin Raye)
I’m Glad I've Got a Bit of a Blighty One (Vesta Tilley)
J'aime mieux me taire (Frédéric Mouret)
Jack O'Leary (Massimo Bubola)
Jahrgang 1899 (Erich Kästner)
Jaurès (Jacques Brel)
Je cherche la tombe de mon gars (Gaston Montéhus)
Jo's Requiem (or Lost in France) (Ernest Rhys)
Joan Of Arc, They're Calling You (Frank Sturgis)
John Condon (Songshed)
John Hill (The Young 'uns)
Johnnie (Bram Vermeulen)
Kaj ti je deklica (anonimo)
Kantate von Krieg, Frieden und Inflation (Walter Mehring)
Keep the Home Fires Burning (Till the Boys Come Home) (Ivor Novello)
Khriighenacht (Balt Hüttar)
Kimegyek a doberdói harctérre (András Széles)
Klaaglied Van De Vrouwen (Kristien Dehollander)
Klage (Georg Trakl)
Klage (Erich Mühsam)
Klage der Garde (Klabund [Alfred Henschke])
Kriegslied [So lebt der edle Kriegerstand] (Erich Mühsam)
L'alba che verrà (Massimo Bubola)
L'alpin dal Popera (Gruppo Musicale di Costalta)
La Berloque (Marco Valdo M.I.)
La Bomba Imbriaga (Bepi De Marzi)
La Butte Rouge (Gaston Montéhus)
La cantica dei Disertori (7After - la Punkwave Italiana)
La chanson de Craonne (anonimo)
La chanson des bourses du travail (Inconnu)
La Der des Ders (Skaraboss)
La fin de la guèrra (San Salvador)
La galleria del Sempione (anonimo)
La garde de nuit à l'Yser (Damia)
La Gran guerra (My Weapon)
La guerra di Berto (Berto Bernardini (?))
La guerra passa tremenda (anonimo)
La lettre de metal (Indochine)
La licenza (anonimo)
La mère du déserteur (Paul Dalbret)
La ninna nanna de la guerra (Cantacronache)
La prière des ruines (Tichot)
La Roche (Rover)
La rose sous les boulets (anonimo)
La Roulante (anonimo)
La tradotta che parte da Novara (anonimo)
La tradotta che parte da Torino (anonimo)
La tregua di Natale (Wu Ming Contingent)
La Vigilia del 1914 (Luca Bassanese)
La vita del militare (anonimo)
Laidlaw's Last Lament (David Kilpatrick)
Lament (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
Lament (Einstürzende Neubauten)
Langemarck (George Papavgeris)
Lasse-moi passer, sentinelle (Dominique Grange)
Last Kind Words Blues (Geeshie Wiley)
Lavoratori soldati (o Guerra e pace) (Pietro Pizzuto e Pietro Pietrobelli)
Le champ d'honneur (Tichot)
Le Chemin des Dames (Chjami Aghjalesi)
Le Chemin des Dames (Soldat Louis)
Le Cri du Front (Marco Valdo M.I.)
Le cri du poilu (Nine Pinson)
Le no man's land (Pierre Bachelet)
Lent a vén Doberdón fütyül a szél (anonimo)
Les mutins de 1917 (Jacques Debronckart)
Les pailles d'or brisées (Tri Yann)
Les poilus (Norvats)
Let England Shake (PJ Harvey)
Let's Hear It for the Politicians (Tony Smith)
Leur idéal (Eugène Bizeau)
Listen in the Twilight Breeze (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)
Lloyd George’s Beer (Ernie Mayne)
Lost (Mike 3rd)
Lottete combattete (Stornelli 1918-1948) (Graziella Di Prospero)
Louis Barthas (Du Bartàs)
Louise (Gérard Berliner)
M'affaccio alla finestra (anonimo)
Ma parliamo dunque di questi imboscati (anonimo)
Madre Acqua (Coro Vallagarina)
Maledetta la guerra e i ministri (anonimo)
Margherita caduta in guerra (Lucia Miller)
Mario il musicista (Sandra Boninelli)
Mean Things Happening in This Land (John Handcox)
Menschheit (Georg Trakl)
Mentre el diretto cammina (anonimo)
Messa di Requiem (Giuseppe Verdi)
Mike Harding: Christmas 1914 (LA CCG NUMERO 3000 / AWS NUMBER 3000)
Miners (How the Future Will Forget the Dead in War) (Wilfred Owen)
Minguccio (Tonino Zurlo)
Mio nonno partì per l'Ortigara (Chiara Riondino)
Monte Canino (anonimo)
Monte Pasubio (Bepi De Marzi)
Montenero (anonimo)
Nach der Schlacht (Kurt Tucholsky)
Nacht im Felde (Ernst Lothar)
Nachts weinen die Soldaten (Saltatio Mortis)
Names (Jez Lowe)
Natale 1914 (Marco Chiavistrelli)
Natale 1915 (Trilussa)
Natale di guerra (Trilussa)
Nel nome della bella (Massimiliano Larocca)
Nella terra di nessuno (Claudio Sala)
Neve su neve (Massimo Bubola)
Never Goes (anonimo)
Night With a Thousand Furry Animals (Mike 3rd)
Ninna nanna delle dodici mamme (Odoardo Spadaro)
Noch geb ich den Sieg nicht verloren (Erich Mühsam)
Noi non vogliamo più fare il militare (anonimo)
Noi veniam dalle pianure (Massimo Bubola)
Non, non, plus de combats (anonimo)
Non, pas ça, pas la guerre! (Francis Marty)
Nonno (tra Caporetto e Tripoli) (Massimo Liberatori)
Nordest (Francesco Pelosi)
Not dè guèra (Selvaggi Band)
Novantanove m'han chiamato (anonimo)
Novembre 1918 (Pauline Collet)
Now the Guns Have Stopped (Karl Jenkins)
Nuclear (Mike Oldfield)
O Gorizia, tu sei maledetta (anonimo)
O Italia come la pensi (anonimo)
Ò sentito sparà il cannone (anonimo)
Oblaki so rudeči (anonimo)
Oh! It's A Lovely War! (John P. Long & Maurice Scott)
Oh! Oh! Oh! I Want to Go Home (Mills & Castling)
Oj Doberdob, slovenskih fantov grob (anonimo)
Old Enough to Kill a Man (Donna's Page)
Old Joe Whip (anonimo)
On Battleship Hill (PJ Harvey)
On les aura ! (anonimo)
On Patrol in No Man's Land (Einstürzende Neubauten)
On Receiving News of the War (Isaac Rosenberg)
One Day We'll See Them (Alex Campbell)
One Soldier's Thoughts (Gary Miller)
Onschuldig landschap (Bram Vermeulen)
Onze de novembre (Claude Marti)
Òran do dh’Iain Dòmhnallach (Mary Ann Kennedy)
Òran nan Raiders (Julie Fowlis)
Osteria all'antico termine (Piccola Bottega Baltazar)
Otterburn (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
P.C.D.F. (Squelette)
Pacific Revolution (Mike 3rd)
Pain (Ivor Gurney)
Paschendale (Iron Maiden)
Peace (Mike 3rd)
Petits morts du mois d'août (Dominique Grange)
Please Monsieur (The Mather Robinson Band)
Podgora (anonimo)
Poèmes pour la paix (Paul Éluard)
Ponte de Priula (anonimo)
Poor, Poor Surgeon Tim (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)
Pounding for Peace (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)
Pòvri avans 'd la guèra infausta (Anna Monasterolo)
Prendi il fucile e gettalo per terra (Gran Dio del cielo) (anonimo)
Preparedness (Ralph Chaplin)
Quand Madelon… (Bach [Charles-Joseph Pasquier])
Rally 'Round the Flag (Kilmaine Saints)
Regazzine vi prego ascoltare (anonimo)
Remember (Renaissance)
Remembrance Day (Leon Rosselson)
Remembrance Day (Antidote)
Remembrance Day (B-Movie)
Requiem (Ivor Gurney)
Retreat (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
Révolution (Robert Guérard)
Rosso su verde (Massimo Bubola)
Rumanzetta militare (E.A. Mario)
Salonika (anonimo)
Salvatore Fiumara (Davide Buzzi)
San Martino del Carso (Giuseppe Ungaretti)
Sarajevo (Nicola Piovani)
Say No! (Dick Vander Harst)
Schtzngrmm (Ernst Jandl)
Se avete fame (anonimo)
Se i' ponte alla Carraia fosse i' Piave (anonimo)
Sentite buona gente (Il Prigioniero) (anonimo)
Shoot (Chumbawamba)
Shoot to Kill (Saul Blease)
Shot At Dawn (The Ballad of Harry Farr) (Huw Pudner)
Siam prigionieri (anonimo)
Siam tutti bagnati (anonimo)
Sing Me to Sleep (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
Snoopy vs. The Red Baron (Royal Guardsmen)
Società infame (La Cantarana)
Softly Spoken Bill (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)
Sogno di Natale (Giorgio Cordini)
Soldai che va alla guerra (anonimo)
Soldatì (Luciano Ravasio)
Soldatsång (Ture Nerman)
Soldier's Dream (Wilfred Owen)
Soldiers of the Lord (Gary Miller)
Solidarity Forever (Ralph Chaplin)
solo i miracoli hanno un senso stanotte in questa trincea (Michele Gazich)
Somewhere at the Front, Somewhere (Gary Miller)
Song-Books of the War (Siegfried Sassoon)
Sono una creatura (Giuseppe Ungaretti)
Sott'à lu ponte (Petru Santu Leca D'Arbori)
Spunta l'alba al quindici giugno (anonimo)
Stand to Your Glasses! (Hurrah for the Next Man to Die) (anonimo)
Stay Down Here Where You Belong (Irving Berlin)
Stelutis Alpinis (Arturo Zardini)
Stimmen aus dem Massengrab (Für den Totensonntag. Anstatt einer Predigt) (Erich Kästner)
Stony Broke in No Man's Land (anonimo)
Stornelli in grigioverde (anonimo)
Stow-on-the-Wold (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
Strange Meeting (Wilfred Owen)
Sui Monti Scarpazi (anonimo)
Sul ponte di Bassano (anonimo)
Supplica a Maria Santissima (anonimo)
Take Me Back to Dear Old Blighty (Florrie Forde)
Tant pis pour Verdun (Leny Escudero)
Tapum (anonimo)
That Crazy War (anonimo)
The Accrington Pals (Mike Harding)
The Ballad of Bill Hubbard (Roger Waters)
The Band Played Waltzing Matilda (Eric Bogle)
The Bells of Hell (anonimo)
The Boys in Palestine (anonimo)
The Butcher's Tale (Western Front 1914) (Zombies)
The Colour of the Earth (PJ Harvey)
The Conscript (Howard Phillips Lovecraft)
The Cortège (Cecil Coles)
The Dancers (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
The Darkling Fields of Stowborough (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)
The Durham Light Infantry (Whisky Priests)
The Eternal Bleak Darkness of My Death (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)
The Expressionist Tell (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)
The Flowers O' the Forest (Norma Waterson)
The Gallows (Edward Thomas)
The General (Siegfried Sassoon)
The Great War (Philip Jeays)
The Green Fields Of France (No Man's Land) (Eric Bogle)
The Hearse Song (the Worms Crawl In) (anonimo)
The Jester in the Trench (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
The Kindness of Ravens (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)
The Kingdom of the Cross (Saxon)
The Lads in Their Hundreds (Bryn Terfel)
The Lads of Our Village (Zona Vevey)
The Lark (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
The Last Laugh (Wilfred Owen)
The Last Man and the Last Shilling (Tony Smith)
The Letters of Florence Hemphill (Joe Crookston)
The Long Engagement (David Brinkworth)
The Lost Bastard Son of War (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)
The Menin Road (anonimo)
The Military Representative (Ernest Hastings)
The Natural Urge (Unthank : Smith)
The Peace Angel (Tony Smith)
The Place (Frances Ledwidge)
The Poetic Clown (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)
The Price of a Mile (Sabaton)
The Quiet (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
The Recruiting Sergeant (Seamus O'Farrell)
The Return (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
The Road to La Bassé (Bernard Newman)
The Rose of York (Roy Bailey)
The Route March (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
The Russians Were Rushin', the Yanks Started Yankin' (Charles R. McCarron)
The Send-Off (Wilfred Owen)
The Slaying and the Paying (Tony Smith)
The Sleeper Cutters’ Camp (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
The Soldier's Sweetheart (Jimmie Rodgers)
The Song of the Mud (Mary Borden)
The Toast / 1917 (The John Reynolds)
The Town Hall Yard (Jez Lowe)
The Trumpet (Ivor Gurney)
The Unknown Soldier (Roy Harper)
The White Feather Brigade (Tony Smith)
The Willy - Nicky Telegrams (Einstürzende Neubauten)
The Wrong Bus (Jez Lowe)
There's a Long, Long Trail (John McCormack)
They Called It No Man's Land (R. Walker)
They Were All Out of Step but Jim (Irving Berlin)
Ti ricordi la sera dei baci (anonimo)
Tintura di Shrapnel (Wu Ming Contingent)
To Arms! (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
To One Dead (Frances Ledwidge)
Tranchées 1914 (Misanthrope)
Trenches (John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers)
Trincea (Renato Franchi & Orchestrina del Suonatore Jones)
Trincea (Rocco Rosignoli)
Trois beaux oiseaux du Paradis (Maurice Ravel)
Tu Gorizia addolorata (Leoncarlo Settimelli)
Tu vas te battre (Marcel Martinet)
Tutti quegli anni (Massimo Bubola)
Twa Scots Soldiers (Gary Miller)
U fìgghie a la uèrre (anonimo)
Un aviatore irlandese prevede la sua morte (Angelo Branduardi)
Un soldato a Caporetto (Boka)
Una storia senza onore né gloria (Rino Cammilleri)
Une lettre oubliée (Verba volant, scripta manent) (Juliette)
Unspoken (Greg Harper)
Un’altra notte (Giuseppe Ungaretti)
Uomini contro (unòrsominòre)
Uomini contro [Super Flumina Babylonis] (Piero Piccioni)
Varför skola mänskor strida [Fredssång] (Emil Norlander)
Vater ist auch dabei (Klabund [Alfred Henschke])
Veglia (Giuseppe Ungaretti)
Verdun (Michel Sardou)
Verdun (Bernard Joyet)
Verdun, viele Jahre später (Erich Kästner)
Vicenza 1915 (Diego Valeri)
Viole del Carso (E.A. Mario)
Vita di trincea (Massimo Bubola)
Vladslo (Willem Vermandere)
Voci di guerra (Giulio Andreetta)
Voci di vedetta morta (Clemente Rebora)
Walls Between Us (Mike 3rd)
War Film (The Unthanks)
War Machine (Saul Blease)
War to End All Wars (Tony Smith)
War! (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
Wedding Bells (Rover)
Weihnachten (Kurt Tucholsky)
We’re Here (anonimo)
When the War Was on (Blind Willie Johnson)
When This Bloody War Is Over (anonimo)
Where's My Apple Pie? (Joan Baez)
Why Old Men Cry (Dick Gaughan)
Wiegenlied (Erich Mühsam)
Women's No-Conscription Song (Australian Women's Peace Army)
Woods of Darney (Richard Thompson)
Yemen Türküsü (anonimo)
You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train (Vinnie Paz)
Zimmerwald (anonimo)
Zombies (Piero Pelù)
Zu Potsdam unter den Eichen (Bertolt Brecht)
Zweiter Bericht über den Unbekannten Soldaten unter dem Triumphbogen (Bertolt Brecht)
Зарисовка с полей I Мировой Войны (Sergej Nikolaev / Сергей Николаев)
Изгнаници [Креће се лађа француска] (Branislav Milosavljević / Бранислав Милосављевић)
Марш На Дрину (Stanislav Binički)
Наше ће сјене ходат по Бечу [Gavrilo Princip Pesma] (Gavrilo Princip)
Тaмо дaлеко / Tamo daleko (Đorđe Marinković / Ђорђе Маринковић [Georges Marinkovitch])
דאָס פֿערצנטע יאָר (anonimo)
די װראָנע [אױף די גרינע פעלדער, װעלדער] (Mordkhe Gebirtig [Mordechai Gebirtig] / מרדכי געבירטיג)

14/18 (Allain Leprest)

1914 (Saul Blease)

1915 (Anti-Flag)

1915 (Raoul Raffagli)

1915 (Saul Blease)

1916 (Motörhead)

1916 (Tichot)

1916 (Saul Blease)

1917 (Linda Ronstadt)

1917 (Saul Blease)

27 di otubar (Arturo Zardini)
A Conscientious Objector Lament (Alfred Lester)

A Hospital Ship at Tobruk (Gary Miller)

À Hurtebise (Tichot)

A Life (1895 - 1915) (Mark Hollis)

A Secret Hidden Message (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)

A Silent Night Christmas 1915 (Jerry Lynch)

A Soldier's Diary (The Stranglers)

A Soldier's Reminiscences (Ernest Hastings)

A Torino, piazza San Carlo (anonimo)

Achterland (Einstürzende Neubauten)

Adamello (anonimo)
Addio padre e madre addio (anonimo)

Addio Venezia addio [El diciaòto novembre] (Coro Pane e Guerra)

Adio Ronco (anonimo)
Ah si... la guerre de quatorze n'avait pas eu lieu (Marco Valdo M.I.)
Ah! C'est la guerre! (Henriès)

Ai preât la biele stele (Luigi Pigarelli)

Al milite ignoto (Claudio Lolli)

Al termine della notte (Mè, Pék e Barba)

Aldrig mera krig (Tältprojektet)

Alerte au gaz ! Gaaz ! Gaaaz ! (Marco Valdo M.I.)
Alice Annie Wheeldon (Robb Johnson)

All and Everyone (PJ Harvey)

All Being Well (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)

All for You Sophia (Franz Ferdinand)

All of No Man's Land Is Ours (Einstürzende Neubauten)

All Quiet on the Western Front (Elton John)

All Quiet on the Western Front (David Broekman)

All Together Now (The Farm)

All Your Friends (Coldplay)

Alpini in montagna (E tu Austria) (anonimo)

Als die Waffen schwiegen (Saltatio Mortis)

Ambulance Train (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
And Jesus Wept (Reg Meuross)

And When They Ask Us (Joan Littlewood and her Theatre Workshop)

Andrea (Fabrizio De André)

Andremo via (Massimo Bubola)

Angel of Mons (Saul Blease)

Angst packt mich an (Erich Mühsam)
Anni sull'altipiano (Gino D'Eliso)

Anonymous (Dan Kennedy)
ANZAC Cove (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
Apollinaire (Georges Chelon)

Aqualast (Rover)

Arms and the Boy (Wilfred Owen)

Arruolamentu (Dr. Drer & Crc Posse)

Ascoltate o popolo ignorante (anonimo)

Au ravin des enfants perdus (Chanson pour Vauquois) (Dominique Grange)

Avant le départ (Tichot)

Bach and the Sentry (Ivor Gurney)
Back (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
Ballade vom ertrunkenen Mädchen (Bertolt Brecht)

Ballata della Grande Guerra (Roberto Piumini)

Bella Matribus Detestata (Guerres maudites par les mères) (Jean De Lize)
Belleau Wood (Garth Brooks)

Berliner Weihnacht 1918 (Klabund [Alfred Henschke])

Billy Hughes (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
Black Stitchel (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)

Bleuet (Guillaume Apollinaire)

Bold as Brass (Gary Miller)

Bombardano Cortina (anonimo)

Bombed Last Night (anonimo)

Breakfast (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)

Brief an meinen Sohn (Erich Kästner)

Brot und Frieden hätt' ich gern [Der Deserteur] (anonimo)

Bum Bum (Massimo Bubola)

C'est les journaux qui nous l'ont dit ! (anonimo)
Cadorna (anonimo)

Çanakkale türküsü (anonimo)

Canzone della Pace ("Pax")
Caporetto (Gianluca Grossi)

Caporetto (Andrea Polini)

Caporetto '17 (Ivan Della Mea)

Carne da cannone (Casa del Vento)

Cartolina dal Fronte (Nico Bonato)

Ce que chantent les victimes (anonimo)
Cenotaph (This Heat)

Cento Cartucce (Selvaggi Band)

Champ d'Honneur (L'Affaire Louis' Trio)

Chanson pour la classe (Gaston Couté)
Children's Crusade (Sting)

Choisis Lison (Bach [Charles-Joseph Pasquier])
Christmas 1914 (Mickey MacConnell)

Christmas 1914 (Keegan McInroe)

Christmas Truce (Sabaton)

Cold and Fake Part I (Mike 3rd)

Cold and Fake Part II (Mike 3rd)

Coloured Bows (Tony Smith)

Come esempio sulla massa (Wu Ming Contingent)

Common Ground (IQ)

Concerto pour la main gauche en ré majeur (Maurice Ravel)

Conchies (Wegrowbeards)

Conscription of Wealth! (Tony Smith)

Contro la guerra 1915-1918 (anonimo)
Corpse #564 (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)

Cosa occorre (Renzo Vigagni)

Csak egy éjszakára (Géza Gyóni)

Cunfins (Leonardo Zanier)

Da Caporetto al Piave (Massimo Bubola)

Daou soner Landevant (anonimo)
Das feurige Männlein (Alfons Petzold)

De twintigste eeuw (anonimo)

Dead Soldiers’ Wives Don’t Dance (Bill Adair)

Decades (Joy Division)

Demoghèla! (anonimo)

Den vackraste visan om kärleken (Ture Nerman)

Der Beginn des Weltkrieges 1914 (unter Zuhilfenahme eines Tierstimmenimitators) (Einstürzende Neubauten)

Der Deserteur (Klabund [Alfred Henschke])
Die erfrorenen Soldaten (Karl Kraus)

Die Unentwegten (Kurt Tucholsky)
Die weiße und die rote Rose (Klabund [Alfred Henschke])

Doberdói dal (Zoltán Kodály)

Don't Take My Darling Boy Away (Will Dillon)

Dove sei stato mio bel Alpino? (anonimo)

Dulce Et Decorum Est (Wilfred Owen)

E anche al mi' marito (anonimo)

E Cadorna manda a dire (anonimo)

E vui durmiti ancora (Gaetano Emanuel Calì)

Elegische Ironie (Erich Mühsam)

Eleven Eleven (Garnet Rogers)
Előüzent Ferenc Jóska (anonimo)

Emily’s Bridge (Krysia Mansfield)
En cet Hiver de 1915, il vous aimait très fort (François Hadji-Lazaro)

Encore un petit verre de vin (anonimo)

England 1914 (Ralph McTell)

England's Broken Doll (A. E. Andrews)
Eno mărmoldir in to Vogēr gālbig frōmŏs (Risyart Vandtūar)
Era una notte che pioveva (La sentinella) (anonimo)

Ernst Friedrich: Krieg dem Kriege (LA CCG NUMERO 2000 / AWS NUMBER 2000)
Ero povero ma disertore (anonimo)

Erster Bericht über den Unbekannten Soldaten unter dem Triumphbogen (Bertolt Brecht)

Esik az eső, ázik a heveder (Zoltán Kátai and the Hegedűs Ensemble)
Everyone Sang (Siegfried Sassoon)

Far Far from Wipers (Joan Littlewood and her Theatre Workshop)
Far, Far From Wipers (anonimo)

Felder von Verdun (anonimo)

Fieber (Erwin Weill)
Field Of Poppies (Dave Gwyther)

Fields Of France (Al Stewart)

Finalmente la guerra è finita (anonimo)

Flandrischer Totentanz (Elsa Laura Seemann)

Flieder (Karl Kraus)

Flora Sandes (Reg Meuross)

For God and Ulster (Ciarán Murphy)

For King & for Country (Greg Harper)

Forward Joe Soap's Army (anonimo)

Frañsez Laorañs (Gweltaz Ar Fur)

Fratelli (Giuseppe Ungaretti)

Friday 14th May (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
From Omiecourt (Ivor Gurney)
Fuoco e mitragliatrici e Valzer dei disertori (anonimo)

Further Down the Line (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)

Galicia (Đorđe Balašević / Ђорђе Балашевић)

Gallipoli (The Memories)

Gassed Last Night (Joan Littlewood and her Theatre Workshop)
General Shute (Alan Patrick Herbert)
Georges Chennevière: Ravitaillement (GLI EXTRA DELLE CCG / AWS EXTRAS / LES EXTRAS DES CCG)
Gerard Duvall, tipografo (Bededeum)
Gervasio (Uscitademergenza)

Giacche verdi (Doc Secret)

Giorgetta Goletti: La ragazza neutrale (GLI EXTRA DELLE CCG / AWS EXTRAS / LES EXTRAS DES CCG)

Giugno 1917 (Municipale Balcanica)

Gladiators (Andy Irvine)

Gli Austriaci da Gorizia (anonimo)
Gli imboscati (anonimo)
God Save the People (Australian Women's Peace Army)

Going Home (1918) (Randy Newman)

Grodek (Georg Trakl)

Guerra infame (anonimo)

Hanging On The Old Barbed Wire (anonimo)

Hanna turnà (Francesco Feola e Giuseppe Capaldo)

Harry Farr (Stray)

Harry Patch (In Memory of) (Radiohead)

Hellfighter (Saul Blease)

Het wijnglas (Jean-Louis Pisuisse)

Hic Jacet (Chloë and Jason Roweth)

Hiding in the Ammunition Van (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
Hit (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
Home Fit for Heroes (Martin Carthy)

Hommes 40, chevaux 8 (Jean Villard, dit Gilles)

Horror Follows Horror (Ivor Gurney)

How did I die? (Einstürzende Neubauten)

Hungersnot (Erich Mühsam)
Hush, Here Comes a Whizzbang (Joan Littlewood and her Theatre Workshop)
Hymnen (Einstürzende Neubauten)

I Am the Messenger (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)

I centomila di Redipuglia (Canzoniere Popolare di Aiello (Canzonir di Dael))
I Did Not Raise My Boy To Be A Soldier (Morton Harvey)

I dispiasì d'noi autri povri alpin [Sei nen perché] (anonimo)

I Don't Want To Be A Soldier (anonimo)

I Don't Want To Go To War (Edward Madden)
I frà 'd San Bernardin (anonimo)
I Sing of Olaf (e e cummings)

I'm Sick of This Blooming War (R. Walker)
Ich wund’re mir über gar nichts mehr (Otto Reutter)

If I Were God (Saul Blease)

Ik was erbij (Bram Vermeulen)

Il 24 maggio (Giuseppe Schiera)
Il 24 maggio 1915 (anonimo)
Il 24 maggio l'è un giorno disgraziato (anonimo)
Il disertore (Turé Muschio)

Il filo (Milo Brugnara)

Il general Cadorna (anonimo)

Il governo italiano prepotente come un cane (anonimo)
Il reumatismo del tenente (Wu Ming Contingent)

Il testamento del capitano (anonimo)

Im Osten (Georg Trakl)
Im vierten Kriegsjahr (Hermann Hesse)
In cima al Tonale (anonimo)

In de loopgraf (Einstürzende Neubauten)

In Flanders (Ivor Gurney)

In memoria (Giuseppe Ungaretti)

In Memoriam (Harry Gill)
In Memoriam (Easter 1915) (Edward Thomas)

In Memoriam (Private D. Sutherland Killed in Action in the German Trench, May 16, 1916, and the Others Who Died.) (Ewart Alan Mackintosh)

In Our Little Wet Home in the Trench (anonimo)
In Prison (Frederick Keel)

In the Light (Mike 3rd)

In the Twilight (Mike 3rd)

In the Twilight Part II (Mike 3rd)

It Could Happen Again (Collin Raye)

I’m Glad I've Got a Bit of a Blighty One (Vesta Tilley)
J'aime mieux me taire (Frédéric Mouret)

Jack O'Leary (Massimo Bubola)

Jahrgang 1899 (Erich Kästner)

Jaurès (Jacques Brel)

Je cherche la tombe de mon gars (Gaston Montéhus)

Jo's Requiem (or Lost in France) (Ernest Rhys)
Joan Of Arc, They're Calling You (Frank Sturgis)
John Condon (Songshed)

John Hill (The Young 'uns)

Johnnie (Bram Vermeulen)

Kaj ti je deklica (anonimo)

Kantate von Krieg, Frieden und Inflation (Walter Mehring)

Keep the Home Fires Burning (Till the Boys Come Home) (Ivor Novello)

Khriighenacht (Balt Hüttar)

Kimegyek a doberdói harctérre (András Széles)

Klaaglied Van De Vrouwen (Kristien Dehollander)
Klage (Georg Trakl)

Klage (Erich Mühsam)

Klage der Garde (Klabund [Alfred Henschke])
Kriegslied [So lebt der edle Kriegerstand] (Erich Mühsam)

L'alba che verrà (Massimo Bubola)

L'alpin dal Popera (Gruppo Musicale di Costalta)

La Berloque (Marco Valdo M.I.)
La Bomba Imbriaga (Bepi De Marzi)

La Butte Rouge (Gaston Montéhus)

La cantica dei Disertori (7After - la Punkwave Italiana)

La chanson de Craonne (anonimo)

La chanson des bourses du travail (Inconnu)
La Der des Ders (Skaraboss)

La fin de la guèrra (San Salvador)

La galleria del Sempione (anonimo)
La garde de nuit à l'Yser (Damia)

La Gran guerra (My Weapon)

La guerra di Berto (Berto Bernardini (?))
La guerra passa tremenda (anonimo)
La lettre de metal (Indochine)

La licenza (anonimo)

La mère du déserteur (Paul Dalbret)

La ninna nanna de la guerra (Cantacronache)

La prière des ruines (Tichot)

La Roche (Rover)

La rose sous les boulets (anonimo)

La Roulante (anonimo)

La tradotta che parte da Novara (anonimo)

La tradotta che parte da Torino (anonimo)

La tregua di Natale (Wu Ming Contingent)

La Vigilia del 1914 (Luca Bassanese)

La vita del militare (anonimo)
Laidlaw's Last Lament (David Kilpatrick)

Lament (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
Lament (Einstürzende Neubauten)

Langemarck (George Papavgeris)

Lasse-moi passer, sentinelle (Dominique Grange)

Last Kind Words Blues (Geeshie Wiley)

Lavoratori soldati (o Guerra e pace) (Pietro Pizzuto e Pietro Pietrobelli)

Le champ d'honneur (Tichot)

Le Chemin des Dames (Chjami Aghjalesi)

Le Chemin des Dames (Soldat Louis)

Le Cri du Front (Marco Valdo M.I.)
Le cri du poilu (Nine Pinson)

Le no man's land (Pierre Bachelet)

Lent a vén Doberdón fütyül a szél (anonimo)

Les mutins de 1917 (Jacques Debronckart)

Les pailles d'or brisées (Tri Yann)

Les poilus (Norvats)

Let England Shake (PJ Harvey)

Let's Hear It for the Politicians (Tony Smith)

Leur idéal (Eugène Bizeau)
Listen in the Twilight Breeze (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)

Lloyd George’s Beer (Ernie Mayne)

Lost (Mike 3rd)

Lottete combattete (Stornelli 1918-1948) (Graziella Di Prospero)

Louis Barthas (Du Bartàs)

Louise (Gérard Berliner)

M'affaccio alla finestra (anonimo)
Ma parliamo dunque di questi imboscati (anonimo)
Madre Acqua (Coro Vallagarina)

Maledetta la guerra e i ministri (anonimo)

Margherita caduta in guerra (Lucia Miller)

Mario il musicista (Sandra Boninelli)

Mean Things Happening in This Land (John Handcox)

Menschheit (Georg Trakl)
Mentre el diretto cammina (anonimo)

Messa di Requiem (Giuseppe Verdi)

Mike Harding: Christmas 1914 (LA CCG NUMERO 3000 / AWS NUMBER 3000)

Miners (How the Future Will Forget the Dead in War) (Wilfred Owen)

Minguccio (Tonino Zurlo)

Mio nonno partì per l'Ortigara (Chiara Riondino)

Monte Canino (anonimo)

Monte Pasubio (Bepi De Marzi)

Montenero (anonimo)

Nach der Schlacht (Kurt Tucholsky)

Nacht im Felde (Ernst Lothar)
Nachts weinen die Soldaten (Saltatio Mortis)

Names (Jez Lowe)

Natale 1914 (Marco Chiavistrelli)

Natale 1915 (Trilussa)

Natale di guerra (Trilussa)

Nel nome della bella (Massimiliano Larocca)

Nella terra di nessuno (Claudio Sala)

Neve su neve (Massimo Bubola)

Never Goes (anonimo)
Night With a Thousand Furry Animals (Mike 3rd)

Ninna nanna delle dodici mamme (Odoardo Spadaro)

Noch geb ich den Sieg nicht verloren (Erich Mühsam)

Noi non vogliamo più fare il militare (anonimo)
Noi veniam dalle pianure (Massimo Bubola)

Non, non, plus de combats (anonimo)

Non, pas ça, pas la guerre! (Francis Marty)

Nonno (tra Caporetto e Tripoli) (Massimo Liberatori)

Nordest (Francesco Pelosi)

Not dè guèra (Selvaggi Band)

Novantanove m'han chiamato (anonimo)
Novembre 1918 (Pauline Collet)

Now the Guns Have Stopped (Karl Jenkins)

Nuclear (Mike Oldfield)

O Gorizia, tu sei maledetta (anonimo)

O Italia come la pensi (anonimo)
Ò sentito sparà il cannone (anonimo)

Oblaki so rudeči (anonimo)

Oh! It's A Lovely War! (John P. Long & Maurice Scott)

Oh! Oh! Oh! I Want to Go Home (Mills & Castling)

Oj Doberdob, slovenskih fantov grob (anonimo)

Old Enough to Kill a Man (Donna's Page)
Old Joe Whip (anonimo)
On Battleship Hill (PJ Harvey)

On les aura ! (anonimo)

On Patrol in No Man's Land (Einstürzende Neubauten)

On Receiving News of the War (Isaac Rosenberg)

One Day We'll See Them (Alex Campbell)

One Soldier's Thoughts (Gary Miller)

Onschuldig landschap (Bram Vermeulen)

Onze de novembre (Claude Marti)

Òran do dh’Iain Dòmhnallach (Mary Ann Kennedy)

Òran nan Raiders (Julie Fowlis)

Osteria all'antico termine (Piccola Bottega Baltazar)

Otterburn (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
P.C.D.F. (Squelette)

Pacific Revolution (Mike 3rd)

Pain (Ivor Gurney)
Paschendale (Iron Maiden)

Peace (Mike 3rd)

Petits morts du mois d'août (Dominique Grange)

Please Monsieur (The Mather Robinson Band)

Podgora (anonimo)
Poèmes pour la paix (Paul Éluard)
Ponte de Priula (anonimo)

Poor, Poor Surgeon Tim (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)

Pounding for Peace (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)

Pòvri avans 'd la guèra infausta (Anna Monasterolo)
Prendi il fucile e gettalo per terra (Gran Dio del cielo) (anonimo)

Preparedness (Ralph Chaplin)
Quand Madelon… (Bach [Charles-Joseph Pasquier])

Rally 'Round the Flag (Kilmaine Saints)

Regazzine vi prego ascoltare (anonimo)

Remember (Renaissance)

Remembrance Day (Leon Rosselson)

Remembrance Day (Antidote)

Remembrance Day (B-Movie)

Requiem (Ivor Gurney)

Retreat (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
Révolution (Robert Guérard)

Rosso su verde (Massimo Bubola)

Rumanzetta militare (E.A. Mario)

Salonika (anonimo)

Salvatore Fiumara (Davide Buzzi)

San Martino del Carso (Giuseppe Ungaretti)

Sarajevo (Nicola Piovani)

Say No! (Dick Vander Harst)

Schtzngrmm (Ernst Jandl)

Se avete fame (anonimo)
Se i' ponte alla Carraia fosse i' Piave (anonimo)
Sentite buona gente (Il Prigioniero) (anonimo)

Shoot (Chumbawamba)

Shoot to Kill (Saul Blease)

Shot At Dawn (The Ballad of Harry Farr) (Huw Pudner)
Siam prigionieri (anonimo)

Siam tutti bagnati (anonimo)

Sing Me to Sleep (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
Snoopy vs. The Red Baron (Royal Guardsmen)

Società infame (La Cantarana)

Softly Spoken Bill (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)

Sogno di Natale (Giorgio Cordini)

Soldai che va alla guerra (anonimo)
Soldatì (Luciano Ravasio)

Soldatsång (Ture Nerman)
Soldier's Dream (Wilfred Owen)

Soldiers of the Lord (Gary Miller)

Solidarity Forever (Ralph Chaplin)

solo i miracoli hanno un senso stanotte in questa trincea (Michele Gazich)

Somewhere at the Front, Somewhere (Gary Miller)

Song-Books of the War (Siegfried Sassoon)

Sono una creatura (Giuseppe Ungaretti)

Sott'à lu ponte (Petru Santu Leca D'Arbori)

Spunta l'alba al quindici giugno (anonimo)

Stand to Your Glasses! (Hurrah for the Next Man to Die) (anonimo)
Stay Down Here Where You Belong (Irving Berlin)

Stelutis Alpinis (Arturo Zardini)

Stimmen aus dem Massengrab (Für den Totensonntag. Anstatt einer Predigt) (Erich Kästner)

Stony Broke in No Man's Land (anonimo)

Stornelli in grigioverde (anonimo)
Stow-on-the-Wold (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
Strange Meeting (Wilfred Owen)

Sui Monti Scarpazi (anonimo)

Sul ponte di Bassano (anonimo)

Supplica a Maria Santissima (anonimo)
Take Me Back to Dear Old Blighty (Florrie Forde)

Tant pis pour Verdun (Leny Escudero)

Tapum (anonimo)

That Crazy War (anonimo)

The Accrington Pals (Mike Harding)

The Ballad of Bill Hubbard (Roger Waters)

The Band Played Waltzing Matilda (Eric Bogle)

The Bells of Hell (anonimo)

The Boys in Palestine (anonimo)
The Butcher's Tale (Western Front 1914) (Zombies)

The Colour of the Earth (PJ Harvey)

The Conscript (Howard Phillips Lovecraft)

The Cortège (Cecil Coles)

The Dancers (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
The Darkling Fields of Stowborough (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)

The Durham Light Infantry (Whisky Priests)

The Eternal Bleak Darkness of My Death (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)
The Expressionist Tell (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)

The Flowers O' the Forest (Norma Waterson)

The Gallows (Edward Thomas)
The General (Siegfried Sassoon)

The Great War (Philip Jeays)

The Green Fields Of France (No Man's Land) (Eric Bogle)

The Hearse Song (the Worms Crawl In) (anonimo)
The Jester in the Trench (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
The Kindness of Ravens (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)

The Kingdom of the Cross (Saxon)

The Lads in Their Hundreds (Bryn Terfel)

The Lads of Our Village (Zona Vevey)

The Lark (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)
The Last Laugh (Wilfred Owen)
The Last Man and the Last Shilling (Tony Smith)

The Letters of Florence Hemphill (Joe Crookston)

The Long Engagement (David Brinkworth)

The Lost Bastard Son of War (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)

The Menin Road (anonimo)
The Military Representative (Ernest Hastings)
The Natural Urge (Unthank : Smith)

The Peace Angel (Tony Smith)

The Place (Frances Ledwidge)
The Poetic Clown (Mick Harvey & Christopher Richard Barker)

The Price of a Mile (Sabaton)

The Quiet (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)

The Recruiting Sergeant (Seamus O'Farrell)

The Return (Wilfrid Wilson Gibson)

The Road to La Bassé (Bernard Newman)

The Rose of York (Roy Bailey)

The Route March (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
The Russians Were Rushin', the Yanks Started Yankin' (Charles R. McCarron)

The Send-Off (Wilfred Owen)

The Slaying and the Paying (Tony Smith)

The Sleeper Cutters’ Camp (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
The Soldier's Sweetheart (Jimmie Rodgers)

The Song of the Mud (Mary Borden)

The Toast / 1917 (The John Reynolds)

The Town Hall Yard (Jez Lowe)

The Trumpet (Ivor Gurney)

The Unknown Soldier (Roy Harper)

The White Feather Brigade (Tony Smith)

The Willy - Nicky Telegrams (Einstürzende Neubauten)

The Wrong Bus (Jez Lowe)

There's a Long, Long Trail (John McCormack)

They Called It No Man's Land (R. Walker)
They Were All Out of Step but Jim (Irving Berlin)

Ti ricordi la sera dei baci (anonimo)

Tintura di Shrapnel (Wu Ming Contingent)

To Arms! (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
To One Dead (Frances Ledwidge)

Tranchées 1914 (Misanthrope)

Trenches (John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers)

Trincea (Renato Franchi & Orchestrina del Suonatore Jones)

Trincea (Rocco Rosignoli)

Trois beaux oiseaux du Paradis (Maurice Ravel)

Tu Gorizia addolorata (Leoncarlo Settimelli)

Tu vas te battre (Marcel Martinet)

Tutti quegli anni (Massimo Bubola)

Twa Scots Soldiers (Gary Miller)

U fìgghie a la uèrre (anonimo)
Un aviatore irlandese prevede la sua morte (Angelo Branduardi)

Un soldato a Caporetto (Boka)

Una storia senza onore né gloria (Rino Cammilleri)

Une lettre oubliée (Verba volant, scripta manent) (Juliette)
Unspoken (Greg Harper)

Un’altra notte (Giuseppe Ungaretti)

Uomini contro (unòrsominòre)

Uomini contro [Super Flumina Babylonis] (Piero Piccioni)

Varför skola mänskor strida [Fredssång] (Emil Norlander)

Vater ist auch dabei (Klabund [Alfred Henschke])

Veglia (Giuseppe Ungaretti)

Verdun (Michel Sardou)

Verdun (Bernard Joyet)

Verdun, viele Jahre später (Erich Kästner)

Vicenza 1915 (Diego Valeri)

Viole del Carso (E.A. Mario)
Vita di trincea (Massimo Bubola)

Vladslo (Willem Vermandere)

Voci di guerra (Giulio Andreetta)

Voci di vedetta morta (Clemente Rebora)

Walls Between Us (Mike 3rd)

War Film (The Unthanks)

War Machine (Saul Blease)

War to End All Wars (Tony Smith)

War! (Chloë and Jason Roweth)
Wedding Bells (Rover)

Weihnachten (Kurt Tucholsky)

We’re Here (anonimo)

When the War Was on (Blind Willie Johnson)

When This Bloody War Is Over (anonimo)

Where's My Apple Pie? (Joan Baez)

Why Old Men Cry (Dick Gaughan)

Wiegenlied (Erich Mühsam)
Women's No-Conscription Song (Australian Women's Peace Army)
Woods of Darney (Richard Thompson)

Yemen Türküsü (anonimo)

You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train (Vinnie Paz)

Zimmerwald (anonimo)

Zombies (Piero Pelù)

Zu Potsdam unter den Eichen (Bertolt Brecht)

Zweiter Bericht über den Unbekannten Soldaten unter dem Triumphbogen (Bertolt Brecht)

Зарисовка с полей I Мировой Войны (Sergej Nikolaev / Сергей Николаев)

Изгнаници [Креће се лађа француска] (Branislav Milosavljević / Бранислав Милосављевић)

Марш На Дрину (Stanislav Binički)

Наше ће сјене ходат по Бечу [Gavrilo Princip Pesma] (Gavrilo Princip)

Тaмо дaлеко / Tamo daleko (Đorđe Marinković / Ђорђе Маринковић [Georges Marinkovitch])

דאָס פֿערצנטע יאָר (anonimo)

די װראָנע [אױף די גרינע פעלדער, װעלדער] (Mordkhe Gebirtig [Mordechai Gebirtig] / מרדכי געבירטיג)

![]() | E ‘un me ne ‘mporta della tu’ vittoria |
![]() | Rifiuto la guerra: intervista a Piero Purini |
![]() | Ma stanotte la guerra è finita… |
Altri percorsi