
Never Goes

Lingua: Inglese

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Testo di anonimo autore australiano, sulla melodia dell’inno religioso “What A Friend We Have In Jesus”
Testo trovato su Australian Folk Songs

Da un opuscolo pubblicato nel 1917 nell’ambito del vasto movimento politico e sindacale che si opponeva all’introduzione della coscrizione obbligatoria voluta dal primo ministro Bill Hughes, il cui governo promosse ben due plebisciti sull’argomento, risultando sconfitto in entrambi. La gente in Australia disse NO, ma questo non impedì il macello di oltre 60.000 soldati australiani e neozelandesi in quel conflitto.

Vote NO

Leggo nell’introduzione al link sopra riportato che il foglio contenente questa e altre conzoni contro la coscrizione militare fu inviato a domicilio a chissà quanti australiani, infilato in mezzo alla guida telefonica stampata dal Government Printing Office…
Are you tired of fat's aggression ?
Of the war do you feel sick ?
Would you take a frank suggestion
From the boys who're going to kick?
All your rulers are designing
To compel you fight their foes.
If against them you're inclining
Come and join the "never goes."

Is your backbone made of jelly ?
Is your courage in a can ?
Has your heart dropped in your belly ?
Would you prove you are a man ?
When they've passed this conscript binder
To augment your many woes,
Send them back the sly reminder
You have joined the "never goes."

If you're not a bally weakling,
But a man who has a heart ;
If you're not a crawling creeping,
Come with us and play your part.
All of us are meaning action,
We are giving blows for blows;
Come and swell this growing faction ;
Come and join the "never goes."

When they'd sieze us for a soldier,
And would force us with their might
, We will send them out our bolder,
That for them we'll never fight.
We are going to stand together,
"All for one:" our motto goes;
Solidarity for ever
We're the never, "never goes.”

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 16/7/2015 - 12:04

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