
The Route March

Chloë and Jason Roweth
Lingua: Inglese

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Parole di Henry Lawson (1867-1922), scrittore e poeta australiano.

Musica di Cathie O’Sullivan (1979), cantante e compositrice australiana, virtuosa dell’arpa celtica.

Nel disco intitolato “The Riderless Horse - An Australian Impression of World War 1” (2004) in cui I Roweth, musicisti australiani, hanno raccolto più di 30 canzoni e poesie dal primo e dal secondo fronte durante la Grande Guerra.

Did you hear the children singing, O my brothers?
Did you hear the children singing as our troops went marching past?
In the sunshine and the rain as they’ll never sing again –
Hear the little schoolgirls singing as our troops went swinging past?

Did you hear the children singing, O my brothers?
Did you hear the children singing for the first man and the last?
As they marched away and vanished, to a tune we thought was banished –
Did you hear the children singing for the future and the past?

Shall you hear the children singing, O my brothers?
Shall you hear the children singing in the sunshine or the rain?
There’ll be sobs beneath the ringing of the cheers, and ‘neath the singing
There’ll be tears of orphan children when Our Boys come back again!

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 7/8/2014 - 10:01

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