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Avant le 2022-7-24

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Bruxelait est impossible à lire comme comme mot, en tout cas, pour un né natif; Bruxelles a besoin de ses deux "l"; dunque, "bruxellait".

À mon sens, la correction s'impose, dit Lucien l'âne.

Ainsi Parlait Lucien Lane
Lucien Lane 24/7/2022 - 13:03

A Voice Within

A Voice Within
Dear Nalini:
I am not sure you will see this, as I believe that this web page is almost 25 years old. Thank you for your song—it is a beautiful tribute to Shin Yasui . I also knew Shin and along with a friend in Chicago, who was a Sarajevan refugee in Croatia, we were talking about him last week. We knew Shin on the Dalmatian Coast where he was already doing amazing work in 1993. Perhaps we can add a chapter to a 25th Anniversary remembrance? Call if you want to talk about this.
Jim McGarry, (415) 269-1670
Jim McGarry 24/7/2022 - 03:10
Downloadable! Video!

Vedrai com'è bello

Vedrai com'è bello
Un frammento della canzone di Gualtiero Bertelli, cantato da Bruno Lauzi, è stato la sigla della trasmissione RAI "TURNO C"

Giovanni Bartolomei da Prato 23/7/2022 - 11:58

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