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Tricia Tell Your Daddy

Tricia Tell Your Daddy

The song "Tricia, Tell Your Daddy" (Steed Records # 715), performed on this single by Andy Kim in 1969, targeted President Nixon's daughter Tricia. The narrator pleaded with her to spread "love and peace", and stop the "people dying needlessly" because Nixon "is everybody's daddy now". Composed by Jeff Barry & Marty Joe Kupersmith (aka Marty Sanders) of the band Jay and The Americans, who released their own version of the song in 1970: Tricia Tell Your Daddy, arranged by Donald Fagen & Walter Becker, otherwise known as Steely Dan.

Vietnam War Songs Project
Tricia tell your daddy
8/6/2020 - 21:57
Downloadable! Video!

War Can Wait

War Can Wait
Lyrics & music by Sean T. Wright
Album: War No More

War No More, released at the end of March 2008, “is a very special album”, Wright said. “It's my first album that carries a strong anti-war motif throughout. It tells a story that switches narrative, from my strong personal views to the wider perspective of my alter-ego Jimmy, who appears in many of my songs. It completes a very traumatic and paradoxically creative year. It culminated with the loss of my father to cancer on the eve of the album's completion, as well as working with the innovative production genius of Mark Tinley (Duran Duran, Adamski, Dandy Warhols)”.
War can wait while I pick you up
envoyé par giorgio 8/6/2020 - 19:16

El coro de mi gente

El coro de mi gente
feat. Macaco
¡Este es el coro de mi gente!
8/6/2020 - 16:55

E poi ci su i paroli

E poi ci su i paroli
E poi ci su i paroli

Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat:
Giuseppe Condorelli

Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel:
Eleonora Bordonaro e Puccio Castrogiovanni

Interpreti / Performed by / Interprétée par / Laulavat:
Eleonora Bordonaro e Puccio Castrogiovanni

Album: Cuttuni e Lamé

Nota ai naviganti

Le traduzioni delle canzoni siciliane in rete spesso sembrano eseguite con un dizionario 1:1 , senza preoccuparsi di rendere al meglio il significato nella lingua di destinazione. Lasciamo perdere la trascrizione fonetica, materia controversa, anche se qualche convenzione esiste e viene pressoché ignorata.
Mi chiedo perché i produttori e autori delle canzoni non facciano uno sforzo aggiuntivo, davvero minimo se rapportato al resto, per evitare una cattiva fruizione e una mancanza di rispetto per la loro fatica. In questo caso l’autore il prof. Giuseppe Condorelli da Catania , un fine... (continuer)
E poi ci su i paroli
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 8/6/2020 - 15:56

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