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Before 2019-4-18

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Georges Brassens: Les passantes

Georges Brassens: Les passantes
MajorCampos (L. Trans.)
Contributed by L'Anonimo Toscano del XXI secolo 2019/4/18 - 23:51
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Emigrante che vien emigrante che va

Emigrante che vien emigrante che va
Chanson italienne – Emigrante che vien emigrante che va – anonyme – s.d.

Chanson d’émigration, je n’ai pas réussi à comprendre si c’est du calabrais ou du sicilien. Elle devrait remonter à l’émigration du Sud de l’Italie après l’unification de l’Italie (fin du XIXième siècle), qui a d’abord transformé les peuples du Sud en brigands, puis en émigrants.

Dialogue Maïeutique

Vis donc, Lucien l’âne mon ami, cette chanson anonyme. Anonyme comme les gens dont elle raconte l’histoire et une histoire terriblement vraie. Elle raconte le temps où les gens du Sud, je veux dire du sud de l’Italie en train de se faire, ont dû massivement fuir leur pays, leurs villages, leurs montagnes, leurs campagnes et leurs villes. Pendant longtemps, ce fut le lot des laissés pour compte de la modernité.

Oh, dit Lucien l’âne, je sais ça, j’ai vu ça, on les reconnaissait sur les routes à leur valise, à leur baluchon... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2019/4/18 - 19:47
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This Is My Land

This Is My Land
The title of the above song, Ellos Deatnu (Long Live the Tana), refers to Tana River that runs 270 km along the Finnish-Norwegian border and is an important spawning ground for the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). It also refers to a long-brewing dispute over the fishing rights on Tana.

Salmon fishing on Tana has been regulated by means of Finnish-Norwegian agreements ever since 1873. The latest agreement that came into effect on May 1, 2017, was sharply criticized especially by indigenous Sámi people, because it was seen to violate their ancient usufructs of property as well as constitutional and indigenous rights.

In the summer of 2017 a group of Finnish and Norwegian Sámi activists calling themselves Ellos Deatnu! refused to acknowledge the Tana agreement, declared a moratorium on it and chose Tiirasaari, a small island on Tana River, a place where the provisions of the agreement are considered... (Continues)
Juha Rämö 2019/4/18 - 11:13
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The Band Played Waltzing Matilda

The Band Played Waltzing Matilda
Riccardo Gullotta

Di Waltzing Matilda e della traduzione in siciliano

"Unglücklich das Land, das Helden nötig hat” (Bertolt Brecht, Leben des Galilei)
“Sventurata la terra che ha bisogno di eroi" (Bertolt Brecht, Vita di Galileo)

The band played Waltzing Matilda è un capolavoro per forma e contenuto . E’ una ballata ma si potrebbe considerare una meta-canzone tenuto conto dello spazio che trovano i riferimenti al noto canto australiano. Riferimenti che generano e riflettono vari livelli di contrasto: un contrasto psicologico tra il narratore ed il suo alter ego (la sua Matilda) , un contrasto figurativo (la banda che suona tra i morti), un contrasto spazio-temporale (nella banda che suona per i morti , ché tali appaiono i relitti che marciano). Una voce solista origina una polifonia. Ovvero un significante che presiede a tanti significati, e sin qui nulla di nuovo, ma i significati... (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2019/4/18 - 00:18

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