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Before 2017-4-13

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Husar má koníčka

Husar má koníčka
Contributed by Stanislava 2017/4/13 - 19:04
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The Grave

The Grave
Le parole di Don McLean alla notizia della scomparsa di George Michael lo scorso Natale:

I never met George Michael but I wish I had. I would have thanked him for the beautiful performance of my song "The Grave" which he did to protest the invasion of Iraq and the disastrous war which he knew would follow and still continues. The authorities had everybody cowered in the shadows as we hoped for a '60s style protest which never materialized. George Michael was fearless and had a great artist's need to speak the truth even in cowardly times. We should remember what he did. I always will.
Don McLean
Alberta Beccaro - Venezia 2017/4/13 - 15:51

Syrian Song

Syrian Song
Chanson italienne – Syrian Song – Anonimo Toscano del XXI secolo – 2017

Texte: Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo, 12 avril 2017
Musique et arrangement : Ensemble “Syria Unite”
(Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump,
Vladimir Poutine, Bashar al-Assad, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan)
Exécution sommaire par l’Orchestre “Islamic State Iraq and Syria” - Raqqah
Chœur de l’Union Européenne de Strasbourg

Cher Anonyme toscan du siècle présent,

Nous aimons beaucoup les anonymes, surtout quand on les connaît et plus encore quand ils demeurent – nous espérons que la mort de l’Anonyme n’est là qu’une feinte, qu’un tour de magie pour faire naître une canzone syrienne, dénonçant sans désemparer les anathèmes et les morts. Ce pourquoi, nous te saluons.
Pour la version française de la chanson, nous nous sommes efforcés de la rendre au plus près et au plus poétique – ce qui ne peut jamais faire de tort, surtout... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2017/4/13 - 10:33

Welcome Mother Jones

Welcome Mother Jones
According to this memorial plaque in Cork :

and several other sources, Mother Jones was not born in 1830 but in 1837.
Juha Rämö 2017/4/13 - 00:01
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Veramente pregevole la traduzione ed interpretazione. Un nome una garanzia
2017/4/12 - 14:24
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Trimdon Grange

Trimdon Grange
12-4-2017 08:08
2017/4/12 - 08:09

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