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Before 2012-7-2

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Una vita normale ("A song for Vittorio Arrigoni") by Marco Rovelli, still unreleased, is about a lot of things. About Vittorio Arrigoni, sure; but, above all, about Gaza. About an utopia made up of real things and, just a bit, also about us.
Riccardo Venturi 2012/7/2 - 22:16
The complete original Greek text of the Μπαλάντα του Κυρ-Μέντιου ("The Ballad of Mr Medios"), the well-known "donkey poem" by Kostas Vàrnalis sung by Nikos Xylouris, was already included in this site, but it had been left untranslated. From the Italian translation (an English tranlation will be provided soon), Vàrnalis' poem finally appears in all its revolutionary strength, a song of struggle and hope. With a natural, yet special dedication to Lucien Lane: Αν ξυπνήσεις μονομιάς, θα 'ρτει ανάποδα ο ντουνιάς!
Riccardo Venturi 2012/6/22 - 15:37

La Chanson du Bébé

La Chanson du Bébé
La Chanson du Bébé

Chanson française - Gioachino Rossini - 1868

Qu'est-ce que cette chanson de bébé vient donc faire dans les Chansons contre la Guerre ?, s’étonne Lucien l'âne en faisant une petite ruade plaisante pour souligner son désarroi.

Salut à toi, Lucien l'âne mon ami, dit Marco Valdo M.I. en affichant un air des plus réjouis. Sache, monsieur l'âne venu de la plus haute Antiquité, que depuis que le monde est monde et même avant, on n'a jamais vu un bébé souhaiter la guerre...

Oh ça, oui ! Jamais de jamais, au grand jamais !, j'en suis un témoin des plus objectifs.

Dès lors, une chanson de bébé est déjà une chanson contre la guerre ou une chanson qui traite la guerre comme elle doit l'être : par le mépris. Tout simplement, elle l'ignore. Et nous, je veux dire les humains, nous ferions bien d'en faire autant. Cela dit, outre le fait que j'aime beaucoup la façon dont Rossini... (Continues)
Maman, le gros bébé t’appelle il a bobo,
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2012/6/20 - 10:53


Songwriters: Roughton Reynolds, Liam Clewlow, Chris Batten, Robert Rolfe
Album: A Flash Flood of Colour

"It's one of the softer tracks on the album… and it gives me a chance to tinkle on a guitar which I do enjoy from time to time. It's got some of our juiciest vocal harmonies to date too, which we laid down in the studio after a few pints of thai rum. The drunker you are, the better your harmonies are. Fact.
"Stalemate" definition... A situation in which further action or progress by opposing or competing parties seems impossible.
Humans have been fighting for many reasons for many many years.
Some wars are won, some wars are lost, some wars are abandoned…
People die, people survive, but what always endures is hatred and sadness.
War is a symptom of our culture. Nothing will change unless the environment we live in doesn't bring about reason for war. All the wars fought... (Continues)
Previous wars made billionaires out of millionaires,
Contributed by giorgio 2012/6/20 - 08:25

Phone Call From Leavenworth

Phone Call From Leavenworth
Now, they hold me here much longer
Contributed by anonymous 2012/6/20 - 04:26

Το μεγάλο μας τσίρκο

Το μεγάλο μας τσίρκο
English translation by vagvaf

"Some changes to English edition which solve some issues of meaning"
Contributed by vagvaf 2012/6/19 - 17:48
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Les Seigneurs de Guerre

Les Seigneurs de Guerre
Paroles de Jean-Pierre Mauro
Musique de Marcel Ximenes
Album: D'un siècle à l'autre
Suivis par plusieurs milliers d'hommes.
Contributed by giorgio 2012/6/19 - 16:01
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Stop the War

Stop the War
Testo (completo) trascritto dal CD da RAF.
ohhhh….ohh ohhhhh… ohh ohhhhh…
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2012/6/19 - 15:52
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Ascia di guerra

Ascia di guerra
Album: I.R.A. - Il Ritorno di Achille
2012/6/19 - 11:45
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Héros de guerre

Héros de guerre
Paroles de Christian Jacques
Musique de Achigan
Album: Au Fond Des Toilettes Du Monde

« L'étoffe des héros est un tissu de mensonges » (Jacques Prévert, Choses et autres)
La soif d'informations est pire que la vraie soif
Contributed by giorgio 2012/6/19 - 08:40
Song Itineraries: Heroes
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It happened 7 milion years ago
Contributed by DonQUijote82 2012/6/18 - 15:58
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This World Is Wrong

This World Is Wrong
No No No...this world is wrong and I know now
Contributed by DoNQuijote82 2012/6/18 - 15:53

‎2 + 2 = 5 (the Lukewarm)‎

‎2 + 2 = 5 (the Lukewarm)‎
Album “Hail to the Thief (The Gloaming)”‎

Pare che l’espressione “due più due uguale cinque” sia stata usata per la prima volta nel 1852 da ‎Victor Hugo nel pamphlet “Napoléon le Petit”, commentando l’abilità di Napoleone III, appena ‎autoproclamatosi imperatore, di ingannare e tradire il popolo francese e di uccidere la Seconda ‎Rebubblica.‎
Ma sicuramente il “principio di irrealtà” cardine di ogni regime totalitario ha ricevuto la sua più ‎chiara definizione da George Orwell, e già prima del suo celeberrimo “Nineteen Eighty-Four”. In ‎‎“Looking Back on the Spanish War” (1943), riflettendo sulla teoria nazista che nega l’esistenza ‎della verità in quanto tale ammettendo soltanto la verità assoluta dettata dal leader, Orwell scriveva: ‎‎“If he says that two and two are five - well, two and two are five. This prospect frightens me much ‎more than bombs.” ‎
Il “two plus two equals... (Continues)
Are you such a dreamer
Contributed by Dead End 2012/6/18 - 14:48
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Il nitore di Danka

E' bellissima e l'autore è bravissimo
2012/6/18 - 14:39

Le Pied d'Ivan

Le Pied d'Ivan
Grèce- Allemagne, le match au sommet... de l'Euro(pe)
Ce sera la grande finale... Et voici pour tous, mais tout spécialement pour Riccardo Venturi - inlassable supporter de la Grèce, le match en avant-première


Lucien Lane
Lucien Lane 2012/6/18 - 11:48

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Lyrics by Carol Ichinose

Was it not enough
Contributed by giorgio 2012/6/18 - 08:21

Blues pour Jean Martin

Blues pour Jean Martin
Blues pour Jean Martin

Chanson française – Blues pour Jean Martin - Boris Vian - 1955
Paroles : Boris Vian – Musique : Boris Vian – Alain Goraguer

Interpretata da Béatrice Moulin con Yves Robert nel disco "Pas avec le dos de la Q.I.R." (?) del 1964.

Pas de chance pour ce pauvre Jean Martin, une sorte de cousin du Fanullone italien, ou un employé modèle 1950. Très formaté, en quelque sorte. Un comptable digne de celui-ci qui cherche un autre emploi – tant il s'emmerde dans la vie. Ils sont des millions dans ce monde idiot à faire des métiers aussi passionnants. Tu peux me croire Lucien l’âne mon ami, la vie n'est pas toujours drôle pour ceux qui doivent « gagner leur vie ».

Je te crois sur parole, mon ami Marco Valdo M.I., car pour nous les ânes, c'est pareil. Ceux qui doivent travailler à la noria, par exemple, ils s'emmerdent.

Donc, notre Jean Martin, un nom des plus communs...

Je... (Continues)
Ce soir
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2012/6/17 - 23:13
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Paul Reutershan (The Agent Orange Song)

Paul Reutershan (The Agent Orange Song)
La guerra e sui effetti a distanza! (Luigi)
Contributed by Luigi 2012/6/17 - 20:53

Freedom Fighters

Freedom Fighters
Lyrics by Carol Ichinose
The mosque
Contributed by giorgio 2012/6/17 - 20:44
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Tiempos de guerra

Tiempos de guerra
álbum: "Tiempos de Guerra" (Demo)
Contributed by giorgio 2012/6/17 - 16:54
Jack of All Trades, a ruthlessly optimist song from Bruce Springsteen's latest album.
Riccardo Venturi 2012/6/17 - 11:47
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Missile Blues

Missile Blues
Lyrics & Music by Gordon Scoville

"I wrote this song in the 70's after watching an announcement of stockpiling more missiles. Although the attention has been drawn away from the issue towards other issues as global warming, global economy, etc...There still remains an arsenal that could destroy LIFE as we know it, many times over." (Gordy)
Honey babe, when you read this note
Contributed by giorgio 2012/6/17 - 11:36


Lyrics by Carol Ichinose
The sun is up
Contributed by giorgio 2012/6/17 - 10:11


Album : Cynical and Bitter in the U.S. of A

Soldiers that came from combat in the Iraq War are still fighting it in their minds everyday. Many have been neglected by the same government that they fought for.
Verse 1
Contributed by Terry Sutton 2012/6/17 - 03:26
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99 Luftballons

99 Luftballons
Ciao ascolto il successo di NENA da moltissimi anni forse 15 ed ogni volta lo trovo fantastico potente grintoso quanto basta e soprattutto musicale sebbene in lingua tedesca dalla pronuncia non proprio dolce e che adoro.Pensate lo diffondo in macchina ancora con le musicassetta a nastro che ho chiamato "LE REGINE DELLA MUSICA" credo di potervi annoverare con pieno diritto anche NENA ed il suo capolavoro grazie a tutti ed arrivederci
SANGUINETI DARIO 2012/6/17 - 02:52

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