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Before 2012-3-19

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About former MP Bernadette Devlin's assault on MP Reginald Maudling whose policies towards Northern Ireland contributed towards the Bloody Sunday incident

One, two, three, four
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2012/3/19 - 20:28
Song Itineraries: Conflicts in Ireland
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That's How Grateful We Are

That's How Grateful We Are

About the bad working conditions in Soviet-era Hungary that lead to the short-lived Hungarian Revolution of 1956, and the destruction of a statue of Stalin, as a metaphor for the conditions of the working class around the world
OK, this one's called "Whitewash"
Contributed by DoNQuijote82 2012/3/19 - 20:18
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Les CRS tous avec nous

Les CRS tous avec nous
Les CRS tous avec nous

Chanson française – Les CRS tous avec nous – La Chanson du Dimanche – 2012

Pour la compréhension internationale de la chanson du dimanche, on précise que les CRS, dont il est question, ce sont les membres des compagnies républicaines de sécurité, qui font partie de la Police Nationale ... hautement spécialisées dans la répression musclée, dans le matraquage et plus, si affinités.

Quant aux événements dont elle parle...

Il faut comprendre que les couplets sont chantés par les CRS eux-mêmes et les refrains viennent en écho commenter de l'extérieur, de manière teintée d'ironie, ce que sont les CRS dans la vie quotidienne. Car en vérité, ils doivent bien à certains moments être en congé ou en repos... et donc, être déguisés en civils....

Dans le premier refrain, les CRS chantent leur première période... Depuis leur création en 1944 jusqu'à la répression des Algériens... (Continues)
On était jeunes, on était fous,
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2012/3/19 - 20:13
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Rapoport's Testament (I Never Gave Up)

Rapoport's Testament (I Never Gave Up)

Different version, titled "I Never Gave Up" released as single in 1992; Inspired by the Primo Levi novel Moments of Reprieve, about life in Nazi concentration camps
Contributed by DoNQuijote82 2012/3/19 - 20:13
Song Itineraries: Extermination camps
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Dutiful Servants and Political Masters

Dutiful Servants and Political Masters
Pictures of Starving Children Sell Records 1986
One, two, one, two, three, four
Contributed by DoNQuijote82 2012/3/19 - 20:04
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Lyrics by Duncan 'Dunst' Bruce

Non trovo questo brano in nessun album dei Chumbawamba, solo in una compilation di autori vari del 1988 intitolata "Sportchestra! ‎– 101 Songs About Sport".

Sulle Olimpiadi del 36 nella Berlino nazista, dove Jesse Owens trionfò, ma al suo ritorno in patria trovò il razzismo di sempre, incarnato addirittura in Roosevelt il quale, essendo in campagna elettorale, non volle incontrarlo per non inimicarsi l'elettorato WASP.

In '36 the world's teams
Contributed by DonQUijote82 2012/3/19 - 19:53
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(a Fabrizio De Andrè e George Brassens)
Alla fiera de S. Antogno le bestie erano tante
Contributed by DoNQuijote82 2012/3/19 - 19:27
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Fuoco ai castelli

Fuoco ai castelli
Contro questo stato di cose
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2012/3/19 - 19:23
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(Morecambe bay – England NW – 2003)
Aspettavano dalla marea il permesso di pescare
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2012/3/19 - 19:21
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Fiori di campo

Fiori di campo
Fiori di campo
Nelle canzoni c’è sempre un sogno
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2012/3/19 - 19:15
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Nella compilation “Dig This: A Tribute To The Great Strike”‎

Un’altra canzone sul grande sciopero dei minatori inglesi del 1984/85.‎
Fitzwilliam è il nome di una cittadina mineraria del West Yorkshire, "a dirty brown mining town" ‎che dopo la progressiva chiusura dei pozzi, a partire già dalla fine degli anni 60, si era piano piano ‎trasformata in una “ghost town”…‎
Smiles for the cameras as the miners return
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/19 - 11:19
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Daddy What Did You Do in the Strike?‎

Daddy What Did You Do in the Strike?‎

Daddy What Did You Do In The ‎Strike?, copertina dell’audiocassetta che circolava tra i minatori inglesi durante lo sciopero del ‎‎1984/85 che durò per più di un anno e che si concluse con la sconfitta del NUM e dei lavoratori…‎
It was in the year of '84 shit really hit the fan
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/19 - 10:13
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Birth, School, Work, Death

Birth, School, Work, Death
Album “Birth, School, Work, Death”‎

Un pezzo bellirrimo che già proposi parecchio tempo fa e che fu cassato forse perchè all’epoca le ‎‎“maglie” delle CCG erano ancora un po’ strettine… Provo a riproporlo, hai visto mai…‎

Semplicemente, le prospettive dei giovani inglesi nell’ultima fase del thatcherismo: nascere, ‎studiare (i più poveri e sfigati poco e malamente), lavorare (forse…), morire (fuckin’ surely ‎sure!)…‎
Been turned around till I'm upside down
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/19 - 09:34

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