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Before 2011-2-5

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Si, sembra che la canzone repubblichina che non conoscevo, cada perfettamente come metrica su Englandlied. Ma l'aderenza con quest'ultima è totale, l'inno falangista mi sembra del tutto estraneo. Tra l'altro, avevo anche saputo che esistevano versioni parodiate degli inni del nazismo, in tutta Europa ed in tutte le lingue.

Probabilmente anch'io me la sarei data a gambe piuttosto che lasciarci la pelle. Ma le cose vanno sempre chiarite... anche il motto triestino "soldà scampà xe bòn per un'altra volta" ha la doppia interpretazione. La seconda ricade sull'abitudine austro-ungarica di favorire le ritirate piuttosto che perdere inutilmente degli uomini. Non se lo potevano permettere, erano numericamente inferiori rispetto a tutti gli eserciti nemici e ci sono molte testimonianze storiche di clamorose assoluzioni, prima tra tutte quella del Capitano Nebesàr, assolto nonostante avesse alzato... (Continues)
Sandi 2011/2/5 - 15:34
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Father Abraham

Father Abraham
It is true the Proclamation was limited and the official reasoning behind it was cold and pragmatic. Yet as a result of his actions, thousands of slaves were really set free despite it not technically being under his jurisdiction according to the Confederacy. Unlike Washington, Jefferson or any other president before him (except JQA post presidency) he actually took on the issue of slavery. That is why the African Americans of that time often referred to him as Father Abraham. While freeing the slaves also met his political and military objectives, and it's true he gave that as the reason for his actions, and yes he clearly was not as progressive as others in his party, he still genuinely considered ending slavery his greatest achievement. And he knew the war was really about slavery, form the time of his "House Divided" speech, to his very last speech. His final words on the subject are... (Continues)
Rob Lincoln 2011/2/5 - 15:17
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The Village Where Nothing Happened

The Village Where Nothing Happened
2011/2/5 - 14:48

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