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Tekst i muzika: RamboAmadeus
Album: Oprem Dobro
envoyé par giorgio 8/1/2011 - 18:00


Album: Modern Child of Abraham

On October 2, 2000, Asel Asleh (pronounced As SEAL /asiːl/), a 17-year-old Arab youth and Seeds for Peace
activist, was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers during a rock-throwing protest in northern Israel. This song was written from the voice of one of his many Jewish friends.
Now a strange wind blew out from the east and it's heat filled the air
envoyé par giorgio 8/1/2011 - 16:33

¡Sì, se puede!

¡Sì, se puede!
Musica di Renato Ventura
Testo: strumentale

Music by Renato Ventura
Lyrics: no lyrics, instrumental

Aprile 1993, muore Cesar Chavez, leader sindacalista impegnato per i diritti dei lavoratori immigrati dal Centro e Sud America negli Stati Uniti. Uno dei suoi motti maggiormente conosciuti e significativi è stato "¡Sì, se puede!", una frase usata in opposizione a quegli ostacoli disseminati sul cammino delle riforme e della giustizia e giustificati da ottuse impossibilità o dai timori di toccare qualcosa ritenuta intoccabile fino a quel momento, magari proprio da chi stava lottando per i propri diritti.
1 Maggio 2006, "A Day Without Immigrants", centinaia di migliaia di lavoratori fantasma scendono in piazza per protestare contro l'inasprimento delle leggi sull'immigrazione clandestina (HR4337) decise dall'amministrazione Bush. Uno degli slogan più usati nei cortei delle tante... (continuer)
envoyé par giorgio 8/1/2011 - 14:44

L'últimu prexubiláu

L'últimu prexubiláu
dall'album FOLK & ROLL CIRCUS
----Ye mineru, nun trabaya
envoyé par DonQuijote82 8/1/2011 - 09:15
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'O sfruttamento

'O sfruttamento
La bomba intelligente

Testo di Dario Jacobelli

Originariamente attribuita ai Bisca 99 Posse, la canzone è dei soli Bisca, dal disco "La bomba intelligente", poi reinterpretata insieme ai 99 Posse nell'album "Incredibile Opposizione Tour" del 1994
Si 'nce stess' 'o sfruttament', stu sistema fosse bell'
envoyé par DonQuijote82 8/1/2011 - 08:55

Boy in the Hell

Are you ready for the D-day?
envoyé par J 7/1/2011 - 23:28

Une Grande Grève

Une Grande Grève
Une Grande Grève

Canzone française – Une Grande Grève – 1904 – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Histoires d'Allemagne 5
Au travers du kaléidoscope de Günter Grass. : « Mon Siècle » (Mein Jahrhundert, publié à Gottingen en 1999 – l'édition française au Seuil à Paris en 1999 également)et de ses traducteurs français : Claude Porcell et Bernard Lortholary.

Voilà une chanson qui raconte la grève des mineurs de la Ruhr de la fin 1904 – début 1905 – 200.000 mineurs en grève, le poumon ou le moteur industriel de l'Allemagne à l'arrêt... Comment faire de l'acier sans charbon ? Cette grève a lieu au même moment où en Russie, une grève générale vient, elle aussi, bousculer l'Empire du tsar, alors en guerre contre le Japon. Juste un détail, cette grève des mineurs de la Ruhr est généralement située en 1905... Mais on voit dans la canzone qu'elle commence juste en fin d'année – à Noël. Cela dit, ce n'est pas... (continuer)
Tout a commencé avec les wagonnets refusés
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 7/1/2011 - 18:03
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All Over the World

All Over the World
Lyrics & Music by Val Davis
Album: Immortal

After 9/11 there was a lot of outrage over the loss of life.

In the early hours of Dec. 3, 1984, gas leaked from a plant in Bhopal, India, owned and operated by Union Carbide. The state government reported that approximately 3,800 persons died, 40 persons experienced permanent total disability, and 2,680 persons experienced permanent partial disability.

There were no wars initiated after this incident, in fact few Americans knew or cared.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has warned that his country faces a famine worse than that of 1984 which killed nearly one million people and sparked a big international relief effort.

Americans are so fortunate and could show much more compassion for other countries pain. Our suffering just doesn't compare to what the rest of the world experiences.
Standing at Ground Zero is more than one can bear
envoyé par giorgio 7/1/2011 - 08:09


Lyrics & Music by Alan Gardiner and Roger Peatman
Album: TBA

As 2011 begins this song celebrates the fact that life still exists on earth, October 1962 a crisis almost reached the point of no return, a stand off between Kennedy and Khrushchev introduced a new phrase "Three minutes to worlds end"
At the end of World War 2 "Little Boy", the first atomic bomb had been unleashed on Japan, and so began the start of the Cold War, by the sixties people started to build underground shelters in the futile hope that after a couple of weeks the radiation that would settle on the land and kill all life forms would somehow become tolerable, thank God that no one pushed the button that October in 1962 !
Build a shelter - gonna build a tomb
envoyé par giorgio 6/1/2011 - 20:31
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This Letter

This Letter
Album: Tell It Like It Is

Another song about the war suffered by those who are at home..
In the headlines and the TV news
envoyé par giorgio 6/1/2011 - 12:55

The Earnest Soldier

Lyrics & Music by Jackson and John Kirk

Written days before the war in Iraq began, the song is a reflection of a struggle.
"If I supports this war I must fight in it and expect my son would also. What would I think if I fought and was mortally wounded? We chose to protest because we did not trust our country's leadership. We did not believe in the war. This song was our first attempt to honor the soldiers who die in our name by opposing the people who sent them to fight".
envoyé par giorgio 6/1/2011 - 09:12

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