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Album: Coincidence and Likely Stories [1992]

..In the 1990s, Buffy created the Cradleboard Teaching Project to link American Indian students with other students online around the world. Traveling now to Indian communities and colleges, the project debunks stereotypes and shares history and culture by way of CD-ROM.

Sharing the concert stage at Dine' College with Trudell, Buffy said she and Trudell were "just puppies," during the takeover of Alcatraz in the 1960s. Yet, they kept struggling; kept surviving.

"We just kept chugging on. We kept coming to Indian country. We didn't worry about the fortune and fame because we went with our sincerity, our hearts, and with our friends."

There was the pain of seeing people hurt, but the movers of the '60s and '70s survived, developed, taught, and shared with old friends the joys of watching children and Indian country grow.

"It was hard... (Continues)
Ay hey way hey way heyah
Contributed by giorgio 2010/11/27 - 10:38
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Task Force

Task Force

Still about the present situation.
Send the Task Force down from Washington
Contributed by giorgio 2010/11/27 - 10:20
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Eros y la civilización

Eros y la civilización

Album:Cinturon negro de Karaoke
Aunque he sentido al verte
Contributed by adriana 2010/11/27 - 08:57
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The Lynching

The Lynching
Dalla raccolta poetica “Harlem Shadows”
Poesia dedicata alle vittime, molto spesso innocenti, il più delle volte persone di colore, delle migliaia di esecuzioni extragiudiziali avvenute negli States per secoli. Anche se i dati non sono concordanti, e si tratta comunque sempre di sottostime, solo tra il 1882 e il 1968 si verificarono circa 5000 linciaggi, 3500 dei quali ai danni di neri (fonte: Lynching in America: Statistics, Information, Images)

Il testo di McKay fu messo in musica da di Robert Owens, compositore californiano che dal 1959 vive e lavora in Germania, nell’opera “3 Songs for Baritone and Piano, op. 41” scritta – credo – nel 1971 perchè dedicata alla memoria di George Jackson, leader delle Black Panthers e autore del celebre pamphlet “Col sangue agli occhi”. George Jackson fu ucciso da un secondino mentre era detenuto nel carcere di San Quentin. In realtà - anche per... (Continues)
His spirit is smoke ascended to high heaven.
Contributed by Bartleby 2010/11/26 - 13:24

Soldier Side

Soldier Side
Soldier Side (Intro) - La parte del soldato (Introduzione)
Contributed by Andrea 2010/11/26 - 11:43

Holy Mountains

Holy Mountains
Le montagne sacre
Contributed by Andrea 2010/11/26 - 11:39
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Tra lupi

Tra lupi
Album “Dentro e fuori”
Scritta da Piero Ciampi e Gianni Marchetti.

“Marocchino condannato a un anno. Aveva rubato pochi euro di frutta.

Condanna a un anno. È questa la pena che il Tribunale di Bergamo ha inflitto oggi, 24 settembre, a un marocchino di 52 anni per aver rubato pochi euro di frutta e verdura al Pam di via Camozzi. Il fatto era accaduto mercoledì 28 luglio intorno alle 20, protagonista della vicenda A. A. I., residente in città.
Secondo l'accusa l'uomo era entrato nel supermercato insieme a un'amica polacca, e insieme i due hanno preso della frutta e della verdura, quindi sono usciti senza però pagare il corrispettivo. Una commessa, accortasi del furto, ha avvertito il responsabile che a sua volta, dopo aver allertato le guardie giurate del Corpo Vigilanza Città di Bergamo e i carabinieri del radiomobile di Bergamo, ha cercato di fermare i due.
Il marocchino, per... (Continues)
Le mani convulse coglievano tremanti
Contributed by Bartleby 2010/11/26 - 10:49
Song Itineraries: AWV (AntiWar Wolves)
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The Talking Leaves

The Talking Leaves
Lyrics & Music by Johnny Cash
Album: Bitter Tears: Ballads of the American Indian

With "The Talking Leaves" Johnny Cash enlightens the listener by portraying the story of "Sequoia", the Cherokee Indian who is accountable for a lifetime of hard work and commitment in bringing the Cherokee alphabet to his people.

Contributed by giorgio 2010/11/26 - 08:11
Song Itineraries: Native American Genocide
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Chanson italienne – Mastrogiovanni – Alessio Lega – 2010


Francesco Mastrogiovanni est mort lié à son lit dans le département psychiatrique de l'hôpital San Luca di Vallo della Lucania à 7.20 le mardi 4 août 2009. Cinquante-huit ans, instituteur originaire de Castelnuovo Cilento, il était pour tous ses élèves simplement « Le maître le plus haut du monde ». Son mètre-nonante ne passait pas inaperçu. Inhabituel parmi la population de Cilento. Son comportement était « doux, gentil, attentionné, surtout envers les enfants », nous raconte Madame Licia, propriétaire du camping Club Costa Cilento. C'est là que le 31 juillet au matin, des dizaines de carabiniers et de policiers, « certains en civil, d'autres armés jusqu'aux dents, ont entouré... (Continues)
I. Mastro Giovanni

Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/11/25 - 16:57

My Name Is Sylvio

My Name Is Sylvio
Non è Petrus ma è Giuliani l'amarissimo che fa benissimo.
Gian Piero Testa 2010/11/25 - 14:51
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Album: Custer Died For Your Sins

"Still Ongoing Cultural Genocide by Christian Missionaries"
"Christian missionaries have destroyed our culture".
"Missionaries, missionaries save the souls of all your white men, we have a way of our own".
Spread the word of your religions
Contributed by giorgio 2010/11/25 - 13:36



Ne prendiamo atto. E quali sono, allora, queste parole?...
2010/11/25 - 10:29

You've Got to Be Carefully Taught

You've Got to Be Carefully Taught

from the musical South Pacific
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
book by Hammerstein and Joshua Logan.
You've got to be carefully taught
Contributed by Alan Smithee 2010/11/25 - 02:47
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Wounded Knee

Wounded Knee
Album: American Roots Music (disc 4) [2001]

Floyd "Red Crow" Westerman was a part of the popular protest that culminated at Wounded Knee in 1973. He says that there were so many others that were a part of it and that the protest wasn’t really aimed at making the country aware of Indian rights in general, but toward justice and responsibility for the Lakota at Pine Ridge, South Dakota.

“I don’t know if we (AIM) set any goals,” said Westerman, “we went there (to Wounded Knee) as a protest against the Chairman of the Pine Ridge reservation which was Dick Wilson.” Westerman isn’t reserve when expressing his opinion about the controversial leader of the day, “There has always been a gap between the traditionalists and the half-breed Christians, the traditionalists were always left out, why did the half-breed get all the money, they were selling off the land, you don’t sell the land!”... (Continues)
Hey yo hi yo, ho hey hi yah
Contributed by giorgio 2010/11/24 - 21:25
Song Itineraries: Native American Genocide
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They Didn’t Listen

They Didn’t Listen

Lyrics concluding Floyd Westerman’s testimony in 1992 at the World Uranium Hearings in Salzburg, Austria.
And I told them not to dig for gold
Contributed by giorgio 2010/11/24 - 13:32
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The Fall of Saigon

Miss Saigon
[An officer]
Contributed by Jason Voorhes 2010/11/24 - 05:57
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Sinàn Capudàn Pascià

Sinàn Capudàn Pascià
Chanson italienne (en génois) – Sinàn Capudàn Pascià – Fabrizio De André – 1984, d'après la version italienne.

Scipion Cicala, en génois Scipion Çigä (Genova, 1552 – 1605), connu aussi sous le nom de Cığalazade Yusuf Sinan Paşa ou Cağaloğlu Yusuf Sinan Kapudan Paşa était un marin génois d'origine noble qui assuma d'importantes charges militaires et politiques dans l'Empire Ottoman, œuvrant aussi comme corsaire. Pendant quarante jours , du 27 octobre 1596 au 5 décembre 1596, il fut aussi Grand Vizir sous le règne de Mahomet III.

Scipion Cicala était né à Gênes dans une ancienne famille noble en 1552. Selon d'autres sources, il serait né à Messine ou en Calabre toujours d'une famille génoise et son année de naissance devrait se situer en 1545. La Calabre le retrouvera à la tête d'une de ses aventures corsaires. Son père, le vicomte Cicala (ou Cigala) avait été un corsaire au service de l'Espagne,... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/11/23 - 20:19
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Der Revoluzzer

Der Revoluzzer
Testo / Worte / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat: Erich Mühsam
Musica / Musik / Music / Musique / Sävel: Béla Reinitz [1929]
Interpretata da / Performed by / Interprétée par / Laulaa : Ernst Busch

Introduzione visiva, non legalitaria, dal valore generale nonostante le diversità ideologiche e storiche, e che precisa (forse) una certa cosa necessaria.
Exergo del film Giù la testa di Sergio Leone.

Propriamente: [Da Citazioni dalle opere del Presidente Mao-Tse-Tung (meglio nota come Libretto rosso), pp. 12-13; citato in Saverio Di Bella, Caino Barocco. Messina e la Spagna 1672-1678, p. 56]

„La rivoluzione non è un pranzo di gala; non è un'opera letteraria, un disegno, un ricamo; non la si può fare con altrettanta eleganza, tranquillità e delicatezza, o con altrettanta dolcezza, gentilezza, cortesia, riguardo e magnanimità. La rivoluzione è un'insurrezione, un atto di violenza con il... (Continues)
Gewidmet der deutschen Sozialdemokratie.

Contributed by Ahmed il Lavavetri 2010/11/23 - 19:37
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The Beer Drinking Song

The Beer Drinking Song
Why don't we all just get stoned,
Contributed by Anonymous 2010/11/23 - 19:14

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