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Kursi Wu Gurush

Kursi Wu Gurush
Lyrics & Music by Emmanuel Kembe.
Album: Liberate South Sudan

"This is the only song of Emmanuel Kembe, which is currently banned by the Government of Southern Sudan.."
* (x2).
envoyé par giorgio 5/12/2010 - 19:22


Lyrics and Music by Eric Greene

"..The curse of oil."
The water's black and slick for miles.
envoyé par giorgio 5/12/2010 - 18:42

French in America

French in America
French in America
Chanson de langue française – French in America – Josée Vachon

Encore une chanson qui raconte la Grande déportation des Acadiens et ce qui s'en est suivi... On verra qu'elle est bilingue, comme la chanteuse qui l'a composée, laquelle vit présentement aux Zétazunis.
Tout le long, maluron, malurette
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 5/12/2010 - 17:46
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Valley of the Low Sun

Valley of the Low Sun
Album: "Seeing Things" (2008)
We'd feel much better if we sunk this treasure
5/12/2010 - 16:32

Que linda es Cuba

Que linda es Cuba
Oye: tu que dices que mi patria
envoyé par Luca 'The River' 5/12/2010 - 16:15
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Chanson acadienne – Michel Conte – 2003

Évangéline est une chanson qui fait vibrer une corde sensible chez les Acadiens. C'est une histoire d'exil, d'espoir et d'amour reprise par les plus grandes voix d'Acadie, dont Marie-Jo Thériault, Rose-Marie Landry, Isabelle Roy et Annie Blanchard.

La chanson conte la déportation réellement vécue du peuple acadien, en 1755, de leur Acadie natale, du village de Grand-Pré (Nouvelle-Écosse), et, plus précisément,  cela conte l'histoire d'une Acadienne, Évangéline, qui a recherché toute sa vie, par la suite, son grand Amour, son fiancé, Gabriel, et ce n'est qu'à la fin, alors qu'elle soignait des malades dans un centre, elle retrouve Gabriel et le reconnaît, malade, juste avant qu'il ne meure, dans ses bras.

La chanson – un peu mélodramatique – commence avec Évangéline dans les bras de Gabriel et finit avec Gabriel mourant dans les bras d'Évangéline.
Toi dans les bras de Gabriel
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 5/12/2010 - 14:44
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Évangéline est "la" chanson de l'exil des Acadiens. elle connut plusieurs versions. Celle de Bourque est la première connue; elle remonte à 1910. Elle a marqué le coeur et même, l'âme des Acadiennes et des Acadiens et tout autant des Québecquoises et des Québecquois; elle est moins connue de ce côté-ci de l'Atlantique. Elle marque aussi la résistance des populations d'origine francophone face à l'anglicisation forcée tout autant que rampante. Dans le cas des Acadiens de Grand Pré, ce fut carrément l'invasion et ensuite, la déportation pure et simple.
"La vie alors coulait douce et paisible
Au vieux Grand-Pré, dans notre cher pays
Lorsque soudain, notre ennemi terrible
Nous abreuva de malheurs inouïs"

Il existe dans la chanson, une autre Evangéline et une chanson des Grands Prés;
Je l'avais cru, ce rêve du jeune âge
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 5/12/2010 - 14:08

Όταν μιαν άνοιξη

Όταν μιαν άνοιξη
'Otan mia ánoixi
Στίχοι: Μανώλης Αναγνωστάκης
Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης (1973-74)
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης (MC), Μαργαρίτα Ζορμπαλά (LP)
LP: "Μπαλάντες", 1975

Testo di Manolis Anagnostakis
Musica di Mikis Theodorakis. Parigi e Dubrovnik, 1973 -74
LP: "Balades", 1975

Questa canzone "postata" qui non so proprio come giustificarla. Ma sento che proprio qui ci sta benissimo. Lei (uso il personale: le canzoni prima o poi diventano individui, come la ballatetta di Cavalcante) parla di un "universale", cioè dell'amicizia. Ma ne sono padri due grandi lottatori nati lo stesso anno, il poeta Anagnostakis e il compositore Theodorakis, che furono legati da un'amicizia saldata dal medesimo amore per l'arte, per il popolo, e per ideali che diedero a entrambi molto da patire. Allora mi basta immaginare che il testo sia come un segnale mandato dal vecchio compagno di lotte, e la musica ne... (continuer)
Όταν μιαν άνοιξη χαμογελάσει
envoyé par Gian Piero Testa 5/12/2010 - 12:22

Liberate South Sudan

Liberate South Sudan
Lyrics by Emmanuel Kembe and Thomas Lado.
Music by Emmanuel Kembe.
Album: Liberate South Sudan

This song highlights the flight of Sudanese Refugees..

"This song is title song of my second album upon arriving in the USA. This song calls out to the global human family of Africans living at home and abroad to rally behind the freedom cause of the Southern Sudanese People".
We the people of Southern Sudan – the humiliated the exploited.
envoyé par giorgio 5/12/2010 - 10:29
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Waiting for Peace

Waiting for Peace
Lyrics by Laurence Dahners
Music by Emmanuel Kembe
Album: Waiting for Peace

This song draws attention to the fact that Sudan is without just and lasting peace..
Here I'm -waitin' for peace, brother
envoyé par giorgio 5/12/2010 - 10:14

The Holy Land Lies Within

The Holy Land Lies Within
Lyrics & Music by Eric Greene
Another bomb goes off.. Soldiers are moving in..
envoyé par giorgio 5/12/2010 - 09:37

Business as Usual

Business as Usual
Lyrics & Music by Eric Greene
Landmines and cluster bombs... The Iraq war and Vietnam.
envoyé par giorgio 5/12/2010 - 08:43
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Les Acadiens

Les Acadiens

Chanson française – LES ACADIENS – Michel Fugain – 1975
Paroles de Claude Lemesle – Musique : Michel Fugain

Chanson sur un peuple de langue française malmené depuis des temps et des temps, allant d'exil en exil. Abandonné au sud des Zétazunis... Vendu avec le territoire sur lequel il vivait. À sa manière un épisode de la Guerre de Cent Mille Ans...
Il y a dans le sud de la Louisiane
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 4/12/2010 - 22:59

Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler

Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler
Chanson étazunienne de langue anglaise – Laissez les bon temps rouler – David Rovics – 2010

[Cette chanson a été faite en ]« Entendant les histoires des communautés de pêcheurs désœuvrées de Louisiane, en pensant à l'histoire du peuple Cajun et comment les réfugiés du Canada sont à nouveau devenus des réfugiés. Cette fois, la raison n'est plus l'Empire britannique, mais une société transnationale avec une histoire très très British et impériale... »

Tu vois, Lucien l'âne mon ami aux oreilles si brillantes et si douces, il y a des gens et des peuples que le malheur suit à la trace. Parmi tous ceux là, il y a notamment le peuple Cajun, un peuple d'origine française, que la misère poussa en Amérique et tout d'abord au Canada – aux temps où le Canada était encore en balance entre l'Angleterre et la France. Finalement, ces gens-là furent chassés par le Grand Dérangement – on était dans les... (continuer)
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 4/12/2010 - 22:45
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Barcarola albanese

Barcarola albanese
Stupenda canzone sull'emigrazione
da "Freak" (1995)
Vado veloce sopra questa noce
envoyé par Luca 'The River' 4/12/2010 - 16:31

Chant Down Babylon (Feb. 15th)

Lyrics & Music by Ken Tancrus
Album: Youth Reference

February 15th 2003 was the biggest simultaneous human action ever, when over 5 million people in 150 cities demonstrated the world's desire for peace, not war. The biggest event in the world happening this Feb 15 will be the Peace Not War Festival in London: four nights of live music, films and art to educate and inspire the peace movement. Staged by the producers of the Peace Not War CD and the Festival of Flight crew, the Peace Not War Festival was intended to reawaken 2003's vibe in preparation for the following global protest day, March 20, 2004…
The February 15, 2003 anti-war protest was a coordinated day of Protests across the world expressing opposition to the, then imminent, Iraq War. It was part of a series of protests and political events that had begun in 2002 and continued as the war took place.
Sources vary... (continuer)
Hold me tight while I Chant Down Babylon
envoyé par giorgio 4/12/2010 - 15:10

We Told You So

We Told You So
Lyrics & Music by Ken Tancrus
Album: Youth Reference

Watching your country march to war is the most frustrating thing to watch. Exceeded only by seeing it turn out so badly.
You're not a rocket scientist
envoyé par giorgio 4/12/2010 - 08:50
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Inno alla pace

Inno alla pace
parole che mancano:
l'ostie abbrucia votive e n'ascende
3/12/2010 - 17:39
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Nobody's Fault

Nobody's Fault
Lord I must be dreamin'
envoyé par Mirko 3/12/2010 - 12:14
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Somebody's Darling

Somebody's Darling
Lyrics by Marie Ravenel de LaCoste
Music by John Hill Hewitt.

Somebody’s Darling, was originally a poem written by Marie Ravenel de LaCoste, a nurse (and a poet) of Savannah, Georgia. The poem first appeared in print in 1864. Miss de LaCoste took her poem to Hermann L Schreiner of J. C. Schreiner & Son music firm of Savannah requesting that it be turned into a song. Schreiner forwarded the piece and the request to John Hill Hewitt.

The southern sheet music edition was published in 1864 by J. C. Schreiner & Son of Macon and Savannah, Georgia, and Schreiner & Hewitt of Augusta, Georgia. It was also popular in the North. The number of northerners who provided music for this song included Mrs E K Crawford, Leon C Weld, A J Abbott, William Cumming and C. Everest.

The moving scene: Women around a dying young soldier (no matter if he's a Federal or Confederate). They... (continuer)
Into the ward of the clean white-washed halls,
envoyé par giorgio 3/12/2010 - 08:32
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Vediamo se riesco a rispondere a tutto! Inanzitutto voglio rassicurare che no, non sono una di quei "pacifisti" a favore delle bombe NATO o dell'invasione dell'Iraq (anzi, la mia prima manifestazione è stata proprio contro quella guerra) è solo che credo che la violenza non sia MAI la soluzione. Possiamo non essere d'accordo, però per me "la pace ok, ma se non ci riusciamo facciamo la guerra" fa tanto "bombardiamo l'Iraq per portargli la democrazia" e sappiamo tutti come sta andando... L'esempio di Che Guevara e Gandhi mi è è piaciuto moltissimo perché è proprio così che la vedo; per me il fine non giustifica i mezzi, il Che per quanto nobile possa essere stato d'animo per me è un militare e quindi non potrà mai il mio "idolo" Lo rispetto e rispetto soprattutto i valori che difendeva, ma io sono il "tipo Gandhi". Poi certo, anche io ho i miei scatti "adesso lo faccio fuori" (sono un essere... (continuer)
Azzurra 2/12/2010 - 21:18
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Il giorno dei giorni

Il giorno dei giorni
Il Millennio

(testo e musica di Fabrizio Varchetta)

Robby - voce
Agu - basso
Dema - batteria
Manu - violino e piano
Biccio - sax contralto
Luigi Felici - chitarra
Eusebio Martinelli - tromba
Donald Castagnetti - trombone
L’ultima notte che ho sognato gettavo grano dalle mani
envoyé par DonQuijote82 2/12/2010 - 18:25
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Two Brothers

Two Brothers

Two Brothers (One Wore Blue And One Wore Gray)
Arr. Gordon P. Maurice, Ron Jeffers

Civil War 'classic' about two brothers, one fighting for the Union and the other fighting for the Confederacy, families cut in half, was a lot more common than you think.
Two Brothers or One Wore Blue And One Wore Gray by unknown
Two brothers on their way,
envoyé par giorgio 2/12/2010 - 16:05
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Album “Wake Up!”, con il gruppo The Roots

Bellissima canzone, l’unica dell’album scritta proprio da lui, John Stephens, in arte John Legend, grande voce, grande musicista nero che sta contribuendo, soprattutto accompagnandosi alla hip hop band dei The Roots, alla rinascita della migliore black soul music.
Una canzone dedicata ai bambini d’America, moltissimi dei quali – soprattutto neri - sono in condizioni di povertà estrema, di abbandono, senza istruzione, “prigionieri della storia” e di un sistema che si disinteressa di loro, salvo poi riempirne le carceri quando sono adulti.

“I was writing this song particularly in the context of what is going on in our schools. The fact that for too long, we have decided as a society that kids who grow up poor, kids who grow up in tough neighborhoods, don’t deserve the best education. We have decided that we will just give them the leftovers.... (continuer)
They wait to plead their case, unknown cast aside
envoyé par Bartleby 2/12/2010 - 14:10
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Humanity (Love the Way It Should Be)

Humanity (Love the Way It Should Be)
Album “Wake Up!”, con il gruppo The Roots

Canzone scritta da Lincoln Thompson, in arte “Prince Lincoln”, musicista reggae giamaicano fra i più noti, prematuramente scomparso per un cancro nel 1999. L’autore la interpretò nel 1974 con il suo gruppo, “The Royal Rasses”, nell’album d’esordio intitolato “Humanity”. Il titolo originale della canzone era “Love (The Way It Should Be)”. Siccome però non sono riuscito a reperirne il testo originale, allora ho preferito attribuire il brano a John Legend & The Roots.
Whoa, oh, yeah
envoyé par Bartleby 2/12/2010 - 14:07
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Back to the World

Back to the World
Album “Back To The World”

Una canzone, piuttosto misconosciuta, contro la guerra in Vietnam, scritta quando ormai era evidente a tutti che la guerra era stata perduta e quando tutti potevano finalmente apprezzare quali ne fossero gli effetti collaterali in patria, con un’intera generazione di giovani ridotta a pezzi ed abbandonata a sé stessa.
“The World” era ovviamente l’America, casa, per i GI che combattevano in Vietnam.
Back in the world, back in the world,
envoyé par Bartleby 2/12/2010 - 13:27

Who Will Care for Mother Now?

Charles C. Sawyer
Who Will Care for Mother Now?
Lyrics & Music by Charles Carroll Sawyer

"During one of our late battles, among many other noble fellows that fell, was a young man who had been the only support of an aged and sick mother for years. Hearing the surgeon tell those who were near him that he could not live, he placed his hand across his forehead, and with a trembling voice said, while burning tears ran down his fevered cheeks: Who will care for mother now?"
envoyé par giorgio 2/12/2010 - 12:09
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Little Ghetto Boy

Little Ghetto Boy
Album “Live”
Scritta da Donny Hathaway con Earl DeRouen.
Recentemente riproposta da John Legend con The Roots nell’album intitolato “Wake Up!”
Little ghetto boy, playing in the ghetto street
envoyé par Bartleby 2/12/2010 - 10:38
Parcours: Ghettos

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