Haven't We Learned
Album: Hold On To Your Dreams
"Haven't We Learned' is essentially a song about American politics and the general condition of the USA . I have long considered the parallels between the United State and its excesses and the great Roman Empire. It is Rome's crumbling from within that I refer to in "Haven't we learned from those who've come before us".
Album: Hold On To Your Dreams
"Haven't We Learned' is essentially a song about American politics and the general condition of the USA . I have long considered the parallels between the United State and its excesses and the great Roman Empire. It is Rome's crumbling from within that I refer to in "Haven't we learned from those who've come before us".
I lie awake and wonder
envoyé par giorgio 29/11/2009 - 18:38
There Goes the Neighborhood
In early 2006, after the U.S. government threatened to pass harsher immigration laws, hundreds of thousands of workers, mostly immigrants, demonstrated for legalization across the country. Many of those who rallied were workers who are fighting to build a union. One sign at the march in Los Angeles said, "If you think I'm 'illegal' because I'm a Mexican, learn the true history, because I'm in my homeland." [please italicize "I’m"]
In early 2006, after the U.S. government threatened to pass harsher immigration laws, hundreds of thousands of workers, mostly immigrants, demonstrated for legalization across the country. Many of those who rallied were workers who are fighting to build a union. One sign at the march in Los Angeles said, "If you think I'm 'illegal' because I'm a Mexican, learn the true history, because I'm in my homeland." [please italicize "I’m"]
This was our land for fifteen thousand years.
envoyé par giorgio 29/11/2009 - 13:24
Les patriotes
Au monument aux morts, chacun rêve d'avoir son nom.
da Analyse Brassens
In Francia esistono 36000 monumenti ai morti in guerra e tra questi solamente 12 sono pacifisti. Se ne trova lista sul sito della Fédération Nationale de la Libre Pensée. Ecco cosa si trova iscritto nel marmo su quello di Saint-Martin-d'Estréaux
"Si vis pacem, para bellum ! ou si tu veux la paix prépare la guerre est une devise dangereuse. Si vis pacem, para pacem ! Si tu veux la paix prépare la paix doit être la formule de l'avenir. C'est à dire: Qu'il faut améliorer l'esprit des nations en améliorant celui des individus, par une instruction assainie et largement répandue. Il faut que le peuple sache lire et surtout comprendre la valeur de ce qu'il lit"
"Si tout l'effort produit ... et tout l'argent dépensé pour la guerre
l'avaient été pour la paix... ?Pour la progrès social, industriel et économique ? Le sort... (continuer)
da Analyse Brassens
In Francia esistono 36000 monumenti ai morti in guerra e tra questi solamente 12 sono pacifisti. Se ne trova lista sul sito della Fédération Nationale de la Libre Pensée. Ecco cosa si trova iscritto nel marmo su quello di Saint-Martin-d'Estréaux
"Si vis pacem, para bellum ! ou si tu veux la paix prépare la guerre est une devise dangereuse. Si vis pacem, para pacem ! Si tu veux la paix prépare la paix doit être la formule de l'avenir. C'est à dire: Qu'il faut améliorer l'esprit des nations en améliorant celui des individus, par une instruction assainie et largement répandue. Il faut que le peuple sache lire et surtout comprendre la valeur de ce qu'il lit"
"Si tout l'effort produit ... et tout l'argent dépensé pour la guerre
l'avaient été pour la paix... ?Pour la progrès social, industriel et économique ? Le sort... (continuer)
29/11/2009 - 12:07
Dangerous Dreams
Album: Take Out
New York Times magazine couldn't understand why Palestinian children do what they do...
Well, that is not so difficult: they were being ethnically cleansed by the Zionist movement. People were force from their home, people were killed and homes were burned down, so the people fled in hope for a new and better live somewhere else (which most of them didn’t). Because of they would make it bigger it would lose it’s status as a refugee camp and would lose most of the support their getting from the UN and other organizations. If aid to the people would be stopped there would not be much hope for these people since they’re not educated, they don’t have money and don’t have any means to make a life for them selves. So the problem would only grow for these people.
The biggest ratio of martyrs in the two Intifatas came from Balats (if you count per capita), that the... (continuer)
Album: Take Out
New York Times magazine couldn't understand why Palestinian children do what they do...
Well, that is not so difficult: they were being ethnically cleansed by the Zionist movement. People were force from their home, people were killed and homes were burned down, so the people fled in hope for a new and better live somewhere else (which most of them didn’t). Because of they would make it bigger it would lose it’s status as a refugee camp and would lose most of the support their getting from the UN and other organizations. If aid to the people would be stopped there would not be much hope for these people since they’re not educated, they don’t have money and don’t have any means to make a life for them selves. So the problem would only grow for these people.
The biggest ratio of martyrs in the two Intifatas came from Balats (if you count per capita), that the... (continuer)
Ahmed is sleeping, Ahmed is dreaming,
envoyé par giorgio 29/11/2009 - 11:45
Tarantella dell'ultimo bandito
Chanson italienne – Tarantella dell'ultimo bandito – Talco
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 28/11/2009 - 19:11
Toys For Peace
Take the turnpike through New Jersey
envoyé par adriana 28/11/2009 - 16:08
Goodbye War
The government says go fight this war
envoyé par adriana 28/11/2009 - 15:10
Pane e Coraggio
La poesia di Ivano Fossati : Pane e Coraggio ci fa riflettere sulla condizione degli immigrati che , spesso clandestinamente giungono in Italia incoraggiati dalla bellezza vista per televisione ma quando i commissari li fermano alle frontiera , capiscono di dover affrontare una dura realtà che li porta da una terra che li odia a un'altra che invece , non li vuole .
Marialucia 28/11/2009 - 14:58
Physiologie de l'allergie
Physiologie de l'allergie
Canzone léviane – Physiologie de l'allergie – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2009
Cycle du Cahier ligné – 68
Physiologie de l'allergie est la soixante-huitième chanson du Cycle du Cahier ligné, constitué d'éléments tirés du Quaderno a Cancelli de Carlo Levi.
Aujourd'hui, dit Marco Valdo M.I., Lucien mon ami l'âne à la cervelle plus claire que ton poil, nous allons faire la physiologie de l'allergie.
De quoi tu causes ?, dit Lucien l'âne en agitant sa crinière d'une façon un peu sèche pour la saison. Je te rappelle que tu es censé me faire voir une canzone et pas me faire un cours de médecine.
Je ne l'ignore pas, mon ami l'âne aux si jolis sabots. Mais souviens-toi que si la physiologie relève de la science médicale ou biologique, il existe une autre acception de ce terme. Ainsi, Brillat-Savarin qui fut un grand cuisinier a publié une « Physiologie du goût » et Honoré... (continuer)
Canzone léviane – Physiologie de l'allergie – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2009
Cycle du Cahier ligné – 68
Physiologie de l'allergie est la soixante-huitième chanson du Cycle du Cahier ligné, constitué d'éléments tirés du Quaderno a Cancelli de Carlo Levi.
Aujourd'hui, dit Marco Valdo M.I., Lucien mon ami l'âne à la cervelle plus claire que ton poil, nous allons faire la physiologie de l'allergie.
De quoi tu causes ?, dit Lucien l'âne en agitant sa crinière d'une façon un peu sèche pour la saison. Je te rappelle que tu es censé me faire voir une canzone et pas me faire un cours de médecine.
Je ne l'ignore pas, mon ami l'âne aux si jolis sabots. Mais souviens-toi que si la physiologie relève de la science médicale ou biologique, il existe une autre acception de ce terme. Ainsi, Brillat-Savarin qui fut un grand cuisinier a publié une « Physiologie du goût » et Honoré... (continuer)
Physiologie de l'allergie
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 27/11/2009 - 22:14
Bombs Make Terrorists
Album: "Wars Will Cease...When We Refuse To Fight Them"
Lyrics by Dave Gwyther.
Music by Dave Gwyther & Sturt Wills.
Terrorist is such an ugly word… and such a false one. Terrorist simply means those who cause acts of terror WHO ARE NOT the governing body. Governments cause acts of terror all the time but these are not seen as being as morally wrong as those caused by terrorists. The spin on terrorism is that its this brand new thing that has only sprung up in a post 9/11 world but that couldn't be further from the truth. Terrorism has existed as long as civilisation has existed, because terrorism is conflict with the state. And terrorism will always exist. What we must fight is the causes of terrorism: poverty, oppression. religious extremists (but no where near as much as we're led to believe), to name but a few. Dropping a bombs on peoples houses, who may very well be against the so called terrorists that the bomb is aimed for, will only fuel terrorism, not vanquish it.
Album: "Wars Will Cease...When We Refuse To Fight Them"
Lyrics by Dave Gwyther.
Music by Dave Gwyther & Sturt Wills.
Terrorist is such an ugly word… and such a false one. Terrorist simply means those who cause acts of terror WHO ARE NOT the governing body. Governments cause acts of terror all the time but these are not seen as being as morally wrong as those caused by terrorists. The spin on terrorism is that its this brand new thing that has only sprung up in a post 9/11 world but that couldn't be further from the truth. Terrorism has existed as long as civilisation has existed, because terrorism is conflict with the state. And terrorism will always exist. What we must fight is the causes of terrorism: poverty, oppression. religious extremists (but no where near as much as we're led to believe), to name but a few. Dropping a bombs on peoples houses, who may very well be against the so called terrorists that the bomb is aimed for, will only fuel terrorism, not vanquish it.
I killed a child the other day
envoyé par giorgio 27/11/2009 - 20:53
The Bells of War
Album: "Wars Will Cease...When We Refuse To Fight Them"
Lyrics by Dave Gwyther.
Music by Dave Gwyther & Sturt Wills.
We didn't go to Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction, that was always obvious. But the excuse convinced the masses for a time. And then when that was failing, we were told we went to war with Iraq to free their people from a brutal dictatorship (forgetting the brutality that exists in Sudan, Zimbabwe, Israel and many other countries in the world). But the cost of 'freeing' the Iraqi people was death and destruction: 'We killed the children of those who weren't free, because we believe in democracy'.
Album: "Wars Will Cease...When We Refuse To Fight Them"
Lyrics by Dave Gwyther.
Music by Dave Gwyther & Sturt Wills.
We didn't go to Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction, that was always obvious. But the excuse convinced the masses for a time. And then when that was failing, we were told we went to war with Iraq to free their people from a brutal dictatorship (forgetting the brutality that exists in Sudan, Zimbabwe, Israel and many other countries in the world). But the cost of 'freeing' the Iraqi people was death and destruction: 'We killed the children of those who weren't free, because we believe in democracy'.
The bells ring, they tell me, the dead have come home
envoyé par giorgio 27/11/2009 - 20:36
Party Member No 105
Lyrics & Music by Clockwerk
Examination of the contradiction between the presumed religious/moral motivations and economic impetus of the war on Iraq.
Lyrics & Music by Clockwerk
Examination of the contradiction between the presumed religious/moral motivations and economic impetus of the war on Iraq.
Party member number 105
envoyé par giorgio 27/11/2009 - 20:13
Foreign Fighters
Album: Better Kind of World [2008]
–…but they will have set that Iraqi oil free. –
Album: Better Kind of World [2008]
–…but they will have set that Iraqi oil free. –
Foreign fighters crossed the border from Kuwait into Iraq
envoyé par giorgio 27/11/2009 - 20:09
Ariva i barbari
D'après la version italienne d'une chanson en vénitien – Ariva i Barbari – Alberto D'Amico
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 27/11/2009 - 18:05
Concertamento: ore 14 Place Neuve (Bastions)
Du 30 novembre au 2 décembre 2009, se tient à Genève la conférence ministérielle de l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC). Cette conférence a pour but de poursuivre le cycle de Doha* qui devrait être conclu fin 2010. 80% des accords concernent l'agriculture, y compris le commerce des denrées. Ils visent à réduire « les obstacles » au libre-échange, à « aider » les producteurs de marchandises, les exportateurs et les importateurs à leurs activités.
En fait, le projet de l'OMC est un projet de marché mondial total, couvrant tous les aspects de la vie, pour une reproduction sans limites du capital. C'est un projet productiviste qui accélère l'industrialisation du monde, qui gaspille les ressources, et un outil de domination au service des plus puissant-e-s. Nous vivons sur une planète... (continuer)
Concertamento: ore 14 Place Neuve (Bastions)
Du 30 novembre au 2 décembre 2009, se tient à Genève la conférence ministérielle de l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC). Cette conférence a pour but de poursuivre le cycle de Doha* qui devrait être conclu fin 2010. 80% des accords concernent l'agriculture, y compris le commerce des denrées. Ils visent à réduire « les obstacles » au libre-échange, à « aider » les producteurs de marchandises, les exportateurs et les importateurs à leurs activités.
En fait, le projet de l'OMC est un projet de marché mondial total, couvrant tous les aspects de la vie, pour une reproduction sans limites du capital. C'est un projet productiviste qui accélère l'industrialisation du monde, qui gaspille les ressources, et un outil de domination au service des plus puissant-e-s. Nous vivons sur une planète... (continuer)
Lorenzo 27/11/2009 - 15:14
Carselero, carselero
Nelle carceri italiane 11 morti nel solo mese di novembre, 159 nel 2009.
Dal 2000 ad oggi i morti sono stati 1.542
Associazione Ristretti Orizzonti
In carcere si muore con frequenza allarmante e spesso a morire sono persone giovani e giovanissime: delle 11 persone decedute in questo mese di novembre soltanto 3 avevano più di 50 anni, le altre 8 sono state stroncate dal "mal di carcere", che si traduce in suicidi, in overdose, ma a volte anche in morti per motivi apparentemente inspiegabili. A denunciarlo, in una nota, è l'associazione Ristretti Orizzonti, che indica in 159 i detenuti uccisi dal "mal di carcere" dall'inizio del 2009. Il caso più recente rilevato è quello di Alessio Scarano, 24 anni, ritrovato l'altra sera agonizzante nella sua cella del carcere di Cuneo. La famiglia solleva pesanti dubbi sull'accaduto: "Ci hanno detto che è morto per cause naturali ma lui stava bene, non... (continuer)
Dal 2000 ad oggi i morti sono stati 1.542
Associazione Ristretti Orizzonti
In carcere si muore con frequenza allarmante e spesso a morire sono persone giovani e giovanissime: delle 11 persone decedute in questo mese di novembre soltanto 3 avevano più di 50 anni, le altre 8 sono state stroncate dal "mal di carcere", che si traduce in suicidi, in overdose, ma a volte anche in morti per motivi apparentemente inspiegabili. A denunciarlo, in una nota, è l'associazione Ristretti Orizzonti, che indica in 159 i detenuti uccisi dal "mal di carcere" dall'inizio del 2009. Il caso più recente rilevato è quello di Alessio Scarano, 24 anni, ritrovato l'altra sera agonizzante nella sua cella del carcere di Cuneo. La famiglia solleva pesanti dubbi sull'accaduto: "Ci hanno detto che è morto per cause naturali ma lui stava bene, non... (continuer)
Alessandro 27/11/2009 - 10:36
Vue des Deux Mondes
Vue des Deux Mondes
Canzone léviane – Vue des Deux Mondes – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2009
Cycle du Cahier ligné – 67
Vue des Deux Mondes est la soixante-septième chanson du Cycle du Cahier ligné, constitué d'éléments tirés du Quaderno a Cancelli de Carlo Levi.
Comme tu le vois, Lucien l'âne mon ami aux si belles oreilles, la canzone s'intitule « Vue des Deux Mondes » et de fait, elle est composée de deux parties distinctes qui présentent chacune un monde différent et les interactions entre ces mondes. Ce qui explique partiellement son titre. Comme tu le sais aussi, il existe en langue française une revue – celle-là – assez, comment dire, prestigieuse et assez réactionnaire... intitulée quant à elle « La revue des Deux Mondes ». C'est évidemment à elle, à cette revue de l'autre monde cette fois, du monde adverse, qu'il est ici fait allusion en quelque sorte par antiphrase. Mais rassure-toi,... (continuer)
Canzone léviane – Vue des Deux Mondes – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2009
Cycle du Cahier ligné – 67
Vue des Deux Mondes est la soixante-septième chanson du Cycle du Cahier ligné, constitué d'éléments tirés du Quaderno a Cancelli de Carlo Levi.
Comme tu le vois, Lucien l'âne mon ami aux si belles oreilles, la canzone s'intitule « Vue des Deux Mondes » et de fait, elle est composée de deux parties distinctes qui présentent chacune un monde différent et les interactions entre ces mondes. Ce qui explique partiellement son titre. Comme tu le sais aussi, il existe en langue française une revue – celle-là – assez, comment dire, prestigieuse et assez réactionnaire... intitulée quant à elle « La revue des Deux Mondes ». C'est évidemment à elle, à cette revue de l'autre monde cette fois, du monde adverse, qu'il est ici fait allusion en quelque sorte par antiphrase. Mais rassure-toi,... (continuer)
Les allergiques
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 26/11/2009 - 22:06
When The Cotton Mill Women Rose
Album: The Point of Pittsburgh
The story of the Cotton Mill Women of Pittsburgh who fought to end child labor and the 10 hour work day.
In the 1840’s cotton mills were the primary employers of Pittsburgh’s young women and children. Allegheny City, now the North side, was the location of seven cotton mills employing thousands of women and children. They toiled 12 hours a day 6 days a week repetitiously feeding the relentless and unforgiving spinning and weaving machines. Getting home from work at 10 at night their long days were endless toil for little pay. Women cotton mill workers were paid a mere $2.50 per week for 72 hours of work, while male laborers in other trades earned $1.00 per day. In response to pay cuts in 1843 the female cotton workers marched through the streets of Pittsburgh parading with a banner proclaiming “Two dollars a day and a plate of roast beef”. Their outspoken... (continuer)
Album: The Point of Pittsburgh
The story of the Cotton Mill Women of Pittsburgh who fought to end child labor and the 10 hour work day.
In the 1840’s cotton mills were the primary employers of Pittsburgh’s young women and children. Allegheny City, now the North side, was the location of seven cotton mills employing thousands of women and children. They toiled 12 hours a day 6 days a week repetitiously feeding the relentless and unforgiving spinning and weaving machines. Getting home from work at 10 at night their long days were endless toil for little pay. Women cotton mill workers were paid a mere $2.50 per week for 72 hours of work, while male laborers in other trades earned $1.00 per day. In response to pay cuts in 1843 the female cotton workers marched through the streets of Pittsburgh parading with a banner proclaiming “Two dollars a day and a plate of roast beef”. Their outspoken... (continuer)
In the cotton mills of Pittsburgh, PA,
envoyé par giorgio 26/11/2009 - 08:37
Martin Delaney
Lyrics & Music by: C. Michael Stout
Album: The Point of Pittsburgh
The story of abolitionist leader and renaissance man Martin Delaney
Lyrics & Music by: C. Michael Stout
Album: The Point of Pittsburgh
The story of abolitionist leader and renaissance man Martin Delaney
Martin Delaney was a knight for human rights,
envoyé par giorgio 26/11/2009 - 08:14
Il testamento di Tito
ciao, la canzone il testamento di Tito, l'avevo inserita il qualche anno fa, e lavevo fatto perchè se la guerra è la fine della speranza, mentre Tito riesce, vedendo Cristo che muore senza aver fatto niente per meritarlo (come se ci fosse un motivo solo al mondo per uccidere) se non invocare l'amore tra gli uomini, a non perdere la speranza nella Vita, sta per morire e vedendo "quest'uomo che muore, Madre (la Vita) ho imparato l'Amore'. Pur nella sconfitta di una vita sbagliata la Speranza non lo lascia, la Speranza non di un paradiso effimero ma di un 'sentire' di pace che lo riconcilia (lui in punto di morte, giustiziato) con il mondo e con sè stesso.
Ho voluto dire la mia, forse buona, forse no, ma in una raccolta di canzoni contro la guerra la inserii per ricordarMi che la vera morte è la morte della Fede nella Vita, della Speranza.
Ho voluto dire la mia, forse buona, forse no, ma in una raccolta di canzoni contro la guerra la inserii per ricordarMi che la vera morte è la morte della Fede nella Vita, della Speranza.
jil 25/11/2009 - 23:25
È notte
envoyé par Daniel Bellucci Nizza 25 novembre 2009 25/11/2009 - 22:34
Rachel Corrie
Album: War and Resistance
Lyrics & music by: C. Michael Stout
Rachel Corrie a 23 year old college student from Olympia Washington, was murdered by a bulldozer driver on March 16, 2003 in Rafah Palestine. She stood in the path of an Israeli army bulldozer trying to prevent it from destroying a Palestinian home. Other non-violent international activists who witnessed the murder said the bulldozer driver was aware Rachel was there and intentionally destroyed the house and her. He dropped sand and heavy debris on her, then pushed her to the ground and drove over her. Rachel was in Gaza opposing the bulldozing of Palestinian homes as a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement. In her emails to her parents before the incident she described the plight of hundreds of innocent families who homes and businesses have been bulldozed. Rachel's death, made the U.S. papers for... (continuer)
Album: War and Resistance
Lyrics & music by: C. Michael Stout
Rachel Corrie a 23 year old college student from Olympia Washington, was murdered by a bulldozer driver on March 16, 2003 in Rafah Palestine. She stood in the path of an Israeli army bulldozer trying to prevent it from destroying a Palestinian home. Other non-violent international activists who witnessed the murder said the bulldozer driver was aware Rachel was there and intentionally destroyed the house and her. He dropped sand and heavy debris on her, then pushed her to the ground and drove over her. Rachel was in Gaza opposing the bulldozing of Palestinian homes as a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement. In her emails to her parents before the incident she described the plight of hundreds of innocent families who homes and businesses have been bulldozed. Rachel's death, made the U.S. papers for... (continuer)
Rachel Corrie was a warrior for peace,
envoyé par giorgio 25/11/2009 - 18:03
Rachel Corrie
Field Of Poppies
Album: "Wars Will Cease...When We Refuse To Fight Them"
Lyrics by Dave Gwyther
Music by Dave Gwyther & Sturt Wills
On one Christmas day during World War 1 both sides put down their guns and met in No-Mans land. They shook hands and shared cigarettes and stories and played a game of football… The WW1 was a brutal bloody battle of dying empires that saw millions perish. And yet on one historic day two sides who had been locked in desperate fighting ceased their guns and met in no-mans land where they realised that they weren't German, or English, or anything like that. They realised that they were just men. All the same. And the war, and perhaps all wars could have ceased on that day with this monumental realisation, if the commanders had not ordered the men back into the trenches, threatening that if they did not go back to shooting each other, they would be shot themselves.... (continuer)
Album: "Wars Will Cease...When We Refuse To Fight Them"
Lyrics by Dave Gwyther
Music by Dave Gwyther & Sturt Wills
On one Christmas day during World War 1 both sides put down their guns and met in No-Mans land. They shook hands and shared cigarettes and stories and played a game of football… The WW1 was a brutal bloody battle of dying empires that saw millions perish. And yet on one historic day two sides who had been locked in desperate fighting ceased their guns and met in no-mans land where they realised that they weren't German, or English, or anything like that. They realised that they were just men. All the same. And the war, and perhaps all wars could have ceased on that day with this monumental realisation, if the commanders had not ordered the men back into the trenches, threatening that if they did not go back to shooting each other, they would be shot themselves.... (continuer)
I lay in the poppies in the field of death
envoyé par giorgio 25/11/2009 - 15:14
I Don't Want To Be A Soldier
Testo trovato sull'articolo di Les Cleveland "Soldiers' Songs: The Folklore of the Powerless" pubblicato sulla rivista "New York Folklore" n.11 nel 1985.
envoyé par Alessandro 25/11/2009 - 12:58
Album: Wars Will Cease...When We Refuse To Fight Them
Lyrics by Dave Gwyther
Music by Dave Gwyther & Sturt Wills
The land of Israel, being the ancient land of Canaan before being conquered by Moses, and arguably being a Jewish territory before that, was promised by a withdrawing British Empire to be given to the native Arabs for their assistance in World War 2. However, the devastating holocaust lingering anti-Jewish resentment in Europe resulted in millions of displace Jews. The Allies needed to resettle them. Several places were suggested, including Africa, but the Jewish people were adamant that only the land of Israel would do. And thus in 1948, to the dismay of the local Arabs, the state of Israel was born. Today it remains a state of turmoil, where the Arab population is arguably treated as second class citizens. Their freedom of movement is restricted and what little land they have is taken away. This song is about the Apartheid here.
Album: Wars Will Cease...When We Refuse To Fight Them
Lyrics by Dave Gwyther
Music by Dave Gwyther & Sturt Wills
The land of Israel, being the ancient land of Canaan before being conquered by Moses, and arguably being a Jewish territory before that, was promised by a withdrawing British Empire to be given to the native Arabs for their assistance in World War 2. However, the devastating holocaust lingering anti-Jewish resentment in Europe resulted in millions of displace Jews. The Allies needed to resettle them. Several places were suggested, including Africa, but the Jewish people were adamant that only the land of Israel would do. And thus in 1948, to the dismay of the local Arabs, the state of Israel was born. Today it remains a state of turmoil, where the Arab population is arguably treated as second class citizens. Their freedom of movement is restricted and what little land they have is taken away. This song is about the Apartheid here.
Salam Ala Khum to the people out there
envoyé par giorgio 25/11/2009 - 12:31
Album: Upcoming Sixth Album
Album: Upcoming Sixth Album
When you get angry, when you get mad
envoyé par giorgio 25/11/2009 - 08:51
Ariva i barbari
complimenti per il sito, davvero straordinario!
Volevo segnalare, nella traduzione in italiano, che "peoci" non va tradotto con "pidocchi" ma con "cozze", un "piatto tipico" della laguna veneziana. Inoltre, visto che il video della canzone è stato rimosso dall'utente, mi permetto di segnalarvi una mia personale versione a questo indirizzo:
Continuate così!!!
complimenti per il sito, davvero straordinario!
Volevo segnalare, nella traduzione in italiano, che "peoci" non va tradotto con "pidocchi" ma con "cozze", un "piatto tipico" della laguna veneziana. Inoltre, visto che il video della canzone è stato rimosso dall'utente, mi permetto di segnalarvi una mia personale versione a questo indirizzo:
Continuate così!!!
Betto Balon 25/11/2009 - 00:29
Tired Of You
Album: TruthSeeker
Living in post colonial southern African economy. An illustration on the injustices of globalization and colonization.
Album: TruthSeeker
Living in post colonial southern African economy. An illustration on the injustices of globalization and colonization.
From centuries of royalty, ruling kingdoms
envoyé par giorgio 24/11/2009 - 20:01
Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye
Come detto nell'introduzione, la melodia di "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye" è stata poi utilizzata durante la guerra civile americana per la canzone patriottica "When Johnny Comes Marching Home"...
Molto meno patriottica la versione "natalizia" che circolava tra le truppe in Vietnam, della quale però ho trovato solo un frammento su Mudcat:
"When Johnny comes home in a plastic bag, Hurrah, Hurrah.
When Johnny comes home in a plastic bag, Hurrah, Hurrah.
When Johnny comes home in a plastic bag, We'll all turn out in the streets and gag
And we'll all be dead by Christmas time next year."
Molto meno patriottica la versione "natalizia" che circolava tra le truppe in Vietnam, della quale però ho trovato solo un frammento su Mudcat:
"When Johnny comes home in a plastic bag, Hurrah, Hurrah.
When Johnny comes home in a plastic bag, Hurrah, Hurrah.
When Johnny comes home in a plastic bag, We'll all turn out in the streets and gag
And we'll all be dead by Christmas time next year."
Alessandro 24/11/2009 - 15:55
Kissinger et son prix Nobel de la paix
Bella vignetta a firma di Tinta Cruel.
Alessandro 24/11/2009 - 14:53
Chanson italienne – 7 – Casa del Vento - 2009
« L'Italie est une République démocratique fondée sur le travail »
Ainsi commence notre Constitution. Si on pense à ce qui se passe dans nos vies et dans la société, nous voyons tant de contradictions.
Cet album parle du travail, des conquêtes et des défaites du passé, des droits obtenus, mais aussi d'une régression de ces derniers dans l'actualité que nous vivons. On parle de sueur et d'exploitation des ouvrières, des ouvriers, des mineurs et des paysans, on y parle des migrants d'hier (les Italiens) et des migrants d'aujourd'hui, on y parle du manque de mémoire et de conscience endormie.
On y parle de jeunes chômeurs sans certitudes et sans espérances. De la honte des morts au travail, par milliers dans ce pays.
Avec force et tendresse, des histoires de notre terre, de celles d'Italie et du monde.
Car le monde entier est notre maison.
De... (continuer)
« L'Italie est une République démocratique fondée sur le travail »
Ainsi commence notre Constitution. Si on pense à ce qui se passe dans nos vies et dans la société, nous voyons tant de contradictions.
Cet album parle du travail, des conquêtes et des défaites du passé, des droits obtenus, mais aussi d'une régression de ces derniers dans l'actualité que nous vivons. On parle de sueur et d'exploitation des ouvrières, des ouvriers, des mineurs et des paysans, on y parle des migrants d'hier (les Italiens) et des migrants d'aujourd'hui, on y parle du manque de mémoire et de conscience endormie.
On y parle de jeunes chômeurs sans certitudes et sans espérances. De la honte des morts au travail, par milliers dans ce pays.
Avec force et tendresse, des histoires de notre terre, de celles d'Italie et du monde.
Car le monde entier est notre maison.
De... (continuer)
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 24/11/2009 - 10:33
Blowin' in the Wind
Dal bel blog Any Major Dude, alcune versioni della canzone, compresa la Gerde’s version e quella che Dylan eseguiva al Greenwich con il gruppo dei New World Singers, e pure "No More Auction Block", la slave-song da cui Dylan trasse ispirazione...
C'è pure la versione in tedesco della Dietrich...
New World Singers – Blowing In The Wind
Bob Dylan – Blowin’ In The Wind (Gerde’s version, 1962)
Bob Dylan – No More Auction Block (1962)
Marlene Dietrich – Die Antwort weiß ganz allein der Wind
C'è pure la versione in tedesco della Dietrich...
New World Singers – Blowing In The Wind
Bob Dylan – Blowin’ In The Wind (Gerde’s version, 1962)
Bob Dylan – No More Auction Block (1962)
Marlene Dietrich – Die Antwort weiß ganz allein der Wind
Alessandro 24/11/2009 - 08:24
El me gatt
Mè gata: La versione in dialetto Galliatese
Mè gata: A version into Galliate Milanese dialect
Mè gata: Version en dialecte milanais de Galliate
Mè gata: Käännös Milanon Galliaten murreeseen
Mè gata: A version into Galliate Milanese dialect
Mè gata: Version en dialecte milanais de Galliate
Mè gata: Käännös Milanon Galliaten murreeseen
"Notare le molte affinità col dialetto di Milano, città "dalà dal Lavagiu", ossia aldilà del fiume, da sempre un po' rivale di Galliate. Non è una traduzione letterale poichè ho tentato di mantenere la metrica originale." - Così l'autore della versione, che non si è indicato ed è rimasto anonimo. Il galliatese, come si può vedere, è un dialetto lombardo affine al milanese, nonostante Galliate sia in provincia di Novara (e quindi in Piemonte). Tanto per sottolineare le affinità con Milano, a Galliate c'è persino un Castello Sforzesco.
Mè gata
23/11/2009 - 16:38
Smisurata preghiera
Versione inglese di Teresa Atzeni
envoyé par Teresa Atzeni 23/11/2009 - 11:47
Cruzar los brazos
a)"meses" (no "peces"... ¡los del servicio militar obligatorio!)
b) Concordar el verbo llamar a la tercera persona del plural: Ellos (te*) "llamen", y no "llame": Pues ellos son "los que siempre hacen las cosas por pelotas"
c) En varias versiones se encuentra "caldo" y no "jarro" espeso.
*O "me" pues después dice: Aquí estoy cautivo solo y desarmado (yo), pero VM lo canta también en "te" dirigiéndose a los jóvenes que tienen que hacer el servicio militar obligatorio.
a)"meses" (no "peces"... ¡los del servicio militar obligatorio!)
b) Concordar el verbo llamar a la tercera persona del plural: Ellos (te*) "llamen", y no "llame": Pues ellos son "los que siempre hacen las cosas por pelotas"
c) En varias versiones se encuentra "caldo" y no "jarro" espeso.
*O "me" pues después dice: Aquí estoy cautivo solo y desarmado (yo), pero VM lo canta también en "te" dirigiéndose a los jóvenes que tienen que hacer el servicio militar obligatorio.
Susana 23/11/2009 - 10:39
Η λιόστρα
Versione italiana di Gian Piero Testa
A lungo è stata "Il crogiolo", con un'ipotesi di cui è stato dato conto anche nei commenti greci al video YouTube; i medesimi commenti, però, forniscono altre chiavi di lettura che abbiamo ritenuto più convincenti. Ad una di esse ci siamo adattati. [CCG/AWS Staff]
envoyé par Gian Piero Testa 22/11/2009 - 22:57
Νῦν καὶ ἀεί
Versione italiana di Gian Piero Testa
envoyé par Gian Piero Testa 22/11/2009 - 22:53
Album : Motel Singapore