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In mezzo al mare

In mezzo al mare
Testo di Marco Vichi
Musica di Nicola Pecci, Francesco Sighieri e Marco Vichi

Grandi fosse per migliaia di occhiali
11/10/2009 - 16:56
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La vostra guerra

La vostra guerra
Testo di Marco Vichi
Musica di Nicola Pecci e Francesco Sighieri

Il dramma dei Desaparecidos visto dal singolare punto di vista di un torturatore. Sullo sfondo l'Argentina dei mondiali di calcio del '78 con il frastuono della finale che copriva ogni altra cosa.

Sapete anche voi di avere perso
11/10/2009 - 16:26

Popolo sovrano

Popolo sovrano
Testo di Marco Vichi
Musica di Nicola Pecci e A. Luchi

Popolo oppresso, servi della gleba
11/10/2009 - 16:15
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White Lies

White Lies
Lyrics and music by Ethan Miller
Album: If All The Land Would Rise

It is all-too-easy for white folks to see racism as simply a white-supremacist attitude (that we, of course, don’t have) or a set of overtly discriminatory actions (that we, of course, don’t do). What more difficult to see—and to acknowledge—is the racism that is built into the very structure of our "whiteness": racism as a historically-constructed system of power which benefits some people (those marked as "white") at the expense of others (those marked as "black", “non-white", or simply "other”).
Those of us marked as “white,” no matter how well-intentioned our anti-racist attitude, benefit in various ways (differently, of course, depending on gender, sexuality, age, class, and ethnicity) from "white skin privilege". By our very birth into a racist system, we exercise this privilege. And we internalize this privilege,... (continuer)
White is a tool that was made by a nation
envoyé par giorgio 11/10/2009 - 13:08

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