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Before 2007-3-29

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Merck toch hoe sterck /Pavane

Merck toch hoe sterck /Pavane
Da/uit "Bar" [2002]
Trad.uit XVII. eeuw [1626], arr. Wè-nun Henk
Tekst van Adriaen (Adrianus) Valerius, uit de Nederlandtsche Gedenck-clanck
Trad., XVII secolo [1626], arr. Wè-nun Henk
Testo di Adriaen (Adrianus) Valerius, dal Nederlandtsche Gedenck-clanck

Grazie infinite al nostro vecchio, fedelissimo e prezioso amico e collaboratore Jacopo "Laverdure", che ci ha spedito il libretto completo dell'album dei Wè-nun Henk corredato di note. Ricordiamo il suo bel sito:

"Toen Adriaen Valerius in 1625 stierf had hij niet zijn magnum opus, de 'Nederlandsche Gedenck-klanck' voltooid. In het boek, dat een jaar na zijn dood door zijn zoon werd uitgegeven, geeft hij de geschiedenis van de 80-jarige oorlog weer (die toen overigens nog 'maar' 57 jaar geduurd had, ze hadden dus nog even te gaan), afgewisseld met prenten en liedjes. De teksten van de liedjes schreef hij zelf, maar... (Continues)
Merck toch, hoe sterck nu in 't werck sich al steld,
Contributed by Jacopo 2007/3/29 - 15:28

Het jong soldaatje

Het jong soldaatje
Da/uit "Bar" [2002]
Trad., arr. Wè-nun Henk

Grazie infinite al nostro vecchio, fedelissimo e prezioso amico e collaboratore Jacopo "Laverdure", che ci ha spedito il libretto completo dell'album dei Wè-nun Henk corredato di note. Ricordiamo il suo bel sito:

"Ook in onze nieuwe tijd blijkt het een actueel thema, kindsoldaten die in alle delen van de wereld in de strijd worden geworpen. Hoewel de hoofdpersoon in dit lied inmiddels de respectabele leeftijd van 22 jaren heeft bereikt – en dus oud genoeg om te sneuvelen – had hij waarschijnlijk liever nog 50 jaar doorgeleefd. 'Het Jong Soldaatje' is en lied dat Harrie Franken optekende in Bladel (Noord-Brabant), maar hij noteerde er ook bij dat het oorspronkelijk afkomstig zou zijn uit Zwitserland (en die informatie komt dan weer uit de Duitse bundel 'Der Zupfgeigenhansl', Leipzig, 1939). Met een lichte melodische afwijhet... (Continues)
Ik ben een jong soldaatje van 22 jaren
Contributed by Jacopo 2007/3/29 - 15:23
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My Neighbors In Delray

My Neighbors In Delray
Lyrics and music by Rod MacDonald
Testo e musica di Rod MacDonald
da/from "Recognition"

"A song in the aftermath of September 11" - Rod MacDonald
My neighbors in Delray ate on Federal Highway
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/29 - 15:13
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Who Built The Bomb? (That Blew Oklahoma City Down)

Who Built The Bomb? (That Blew Oklahoma City Down)
Lyrics and music by Rod MacDonald
Testo e musica di Rod MacDonald
da/from "And Then He Woke Up"

from en.wikipedia

The Oklahoma City bombing was a terrorist attack on April 19, 1995 aimed at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, a U.S. government office complex in downtown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The attack claimed 168 lives and left over 800 injured. Until September 11, 2001, it was the deadliest act of terrorism within the U.S. borders.

Within days after the bombing, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were arrested for their role in the bombing. Investigators determined that McVeigh and Nichols were sympathizers of an anti-government militia movement and that that their motive was to avenge the government's handling of the Waco and Ruby Ridge incidents. McVeigh was executed by lethal injection on June 11, 2001; Nichols was sentenced... (Continues)
Who built the bomb that blew Oklahoma City down?
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/29 - 11:30
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Lyrics and music by Rod MacDonald
Testo e musica di Rod MacDonald
da/from "A Tale Of Two Americas"
While you were outside having a smoke
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2007/3/29 - 11:13
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(The Man Who Dropped The Bomb On) Hiroshima

(The Man Who Dropped The Bomb On) Hiroshima
Lyrics and music by Rod MacDonald
Testo e musica di Rod MacDonald
da/from "Recognition"
The man who dropped the bomb on Hiroshima
Contributed by adriana 2007/3/29 - 09:54
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Lyrics and music by Rod MacDonald
Testo e musica di Rod MacDonald
da/from "A Tale Of Two Americas"

Rod MacDonald è un cantautore americano, nato in Connecticut nel 1948. Laureatosi in storia, nel 1970, all'Università della Virginia e ha frequentato la facoltà di Giurisprudenza della Columbia. Ma durante l'ultimo anno prese la decisione di vivere di musica. Ha fatto parte, nel 1980, del rinascimento folk al Greenwich Village, e del laboratorio del Cornelia Street Cafe. Le sue canzoni sono state cantate, fra l'altro, da Dave Van Ronk, Christine Lavine e Garnet Rogers. Una curiosità: ha fatto una cover americana di Auschwitz, di Guccini. - Francesco Senia
Peace now there's a concept
Contributed by adriana 2007/3/29 - 09:50
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Lyrics and music by Rod MacDonald
Testo e musica di Rod MacDonald
da/from "A Tale Of Two Americas"

"Rod MacDonald è un cantautore americano, nato in Connecticut nel 1948. Laureatosi in storia, nel 1970, all'Università della Virginia e ha frequentato la facoltà di Giurisprudenza della Columbia. Ma durante l'ultimo anno prese la decisione di vivere di musica. Ha fatto parte, nel 1980, del rinascimento folk al Greenwich Village, e del laboratorio del Cornelia Street Cafe. Le sue canzoni sono state cantate, fra l'altro, da Dave Van Ronk, Christine Lavine e Garnet Rogers. Una curiosità: ha fatto una cover americana di Auschwitz, di Guccini." - Francesco Senia
I'm just as patriotic as the next guy
Contributed by adriana 2007/3/29 - 09:48

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