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Where Is The Future

Where Is The Future
E' il brano che apre l'ultimo album della band di Seattle, "Under A Billion Suns" (2006).
I was born on an Air Force Base
envoyé par Alessandro 12/10/2006 - 15:33
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Hard-On For War

Hard-On For War
Dall'album "Under A Billion Suns" (2006)

Un'originale, interessante e per nulla campata in aria teoria sulle ragioni della guerra... Vi siete mai chiesti perchè le gerontocrazie di ogni angolo del mondo (trovatemi un governo o un parlamento dove la media d'età sia inferiore ai 60 anni!) mandano i giovani uomini a fare la guerra?
Can you hear the little girls asking,
envoyé par Alessandro 12/10/2006 - 10:55
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Bush War Blues

Bush War Blues
Lyrics: Billy Bragg
Testo: Billy Bragg
Music: "Bourgeois Blues" by Leadbelly
Musica: "Bourgeois Blues" di Leadbelly

Proposta da Bragg sotto lo pseudonimo di "Johnny Clash", questa canzone è in realtà un adattamento di un vecchio blues del grande William Huddie Ledbetter, più noto come Leadbelly, il Bourgeois Blues.

Billy recorded this at a radio interview in Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the suggestion of his new American record label, ANTI, who really liked it when he played it at the South By South West hootenanny.
'Bush War Blues' was recorded at Big Sky Recording in Ann Arbor by Geoff Michael, Gregg Leonard and Chris Duross on 22 March 2006, so it's about as fresh as it could be.
from official website
The troops in Iraq want to know what they're fighting for
envoyé par Alessandro 12/10/2006 - 10:27
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Everybody's Gone To War

Everybody's Gone To War
[2003] Composition
[2005] Download
Lyrics and Music by Nerina Pallot
Testo e musica di Nerina Pallot

"Everybody's Gone to War" is a Pop rock song written and recorded by the London-born and Jersey-raised singer-songwriter Nerina Pallot.

The song, an anti-war protest, was written during the early stages of the Iraq War in 2003, and was composed on bass guitar by Pallot. The song was issued on downloads only in March 2005, and the following month saw a commercial release on Pallot's album Fires. The single was also accompanied by the popular music video which features Pallot and other shoppers engaging in a 'food fight' in a busy supermarket. It received heavy rotation on British music channels with many people praising the humorous setting, however depicting a darker message within. It was directed by Marc Klasfeld. - en.wikipedia
I've got a friend, he's a pure-bred killing machine,
envoyé par Alessandro 12/10/2006 - 08:25
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Nicaragua Nicaragüita

Nicaragua Nicaragüita
Canzone composta, come molte altre famose di Mejía Godoy, durante i primi anni del governo sandinista, per la "Crociata nazionale di alfabetizzazione"
Ay Nicaragua, Nicaragüita
envoyé par Alessandro 11/10/2006 - 14:06
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Certo che se non fosse

Certo che se non fosse
Testo e musica di Fausto Amodei
Certo che se non fosse per i marines
envoyé par adriana 10/10/2006 - 19:59
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Eppure soffia

Eppure soffia
Testo di Pierangelo Bertoli
Musica di Alfonso Borghi
Alla chitarra Alberto Radius
La canzone riprende il ritornello da Mario Lupo

Rimedio subito ad una - secondo me - grave mancanza!

Un immortale brano del '76 dall'album omonimo.
Interpretata anche da Luciano Ligabue e Luca Carboni
E l'acqua si riempie di schiuma il cielo di fumi
envoyé par Alessandro 10/10/2006 - 14:14
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I Don't Want to Be a Soldier

I Don't Want to Be a Soldier
Composta con Julius Margolin nel 2003.

"Julius dedicates this to all the victims of Bush’s illegal invasion and especially to the young men and women who might be considering joining the Bush’s armed forces. War is ugly and evil, and this one is especially so."
from the official website
I don’t want to be a soldier
envoyé par Alessandro 10/10/2006 - 11:01

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