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Before 2005-11-22

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Nella mia ora di libertà

Nella mia ora di libertà
Testo e musica di Fabrizio De André e Giuseppe Bentivoglio
Collaborazione musicale di Nicola Piovani
Lyrics and music by Fabrizio De André and Giuseppe Bentivoglio
Musical collaboration by Nicola Piovani
Album: "Storia di un impiegato"

"Nel carcere, in una realtà non più individualista, ma forse il massimo dell'essere uguali, l'impiegato non più impiegato scopre un nuovo modo di capire la vita e le cose che lo circondano. Scopre la realtà della parola «collettivo» e della parola «potere»." - Fabrizio De André

Di respirare la stessa aria
Contributed by Fabio 2005/11/22 - 21:52
Song Itineraries: From World Jails
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Signor Comandante

Signor  Comandante
Ho fatto tutto per voi
Contributed by adriana 2005/11/22 - 20:37
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I Remember Warsaw

I Remember Warsaw
[February 2001]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Living In These Times]]
David Rovics' Official Website
First they occupied our country
Contributed by adriana 2005/11/22 - 17:16
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Letra e música de José Mário Branco
Testo e musica di José Mário Branco
Album: Resistir é vencer
Per l'ascolto: Link
Um herói
Contributed by adriana 2005/11/22 - 16:17
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Operation Iraqi Liberation

Operation Iraqi Liberation
Album : Songs For Mahmud
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
David Rovics' Official Website

"Proof that there are some brilliant satirists who have infiltrated the government at it's highest levels, "OIL" is, in fact, the acronym first (briefly) used to name the invasion of Iraq, which was later changed to Operation Iraqi Freedom." -David Rovics.
We’ve got a situation and it calls for a solution
Contributed by adriana 2005/11/22 - 14:01


It's September 11th
Contributed by adriana 2005/11/22 - 13:55

Letter To A Soldier

Contributed by adriana 2005/11/21 - 22:00

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