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Stabat Mater

Stabat Mater
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2024/7/15 - 19:42

The Old Pack Mule

The Old Pack Mule
The Old Pack Mule
da "Ship To Shore"

È una canzone sia con reminiscenze mediorientali che spunti musicali europei del ‘600. Ci si ritrova immersi tra le scene di un naufragio nel mezzo di miserabili attualità, tra le pagine di una delle tante carestie che si sono succedute nei secoli. A osservarla da lontano col cannocchiale, parrebbe galleggiare tra le vecchie ballate folk del mondo anglosassone, ma quando raggiunge la riva ti rendi conto da vicino che la sua temporalità è confusa; che sciacallaggio, sfruttamento, ingratitudine e ingiustizia stanno sui giornali di stamattina. Come in ogni disco di Thompson, l’ambientazione gotica e arcana oscilla tra Bertolt Brecht e Charles Dickens, un po’ meno fosca delle canzoni iniziali, ma sempre tra le più affascinanti che si possano ascoltare in giro.

(estratto da Richard THOMPSON: Ship to Shore - Terre Celtiche Blog di Flavio Poltronieri)
The old pack mule,
Contributed by Flavio Poltronieri 2024/7/7 - 09:11


dal primo album eponimo della band di soul psichedelico texana.

Le canzoni più belle contro la guerra sono sempre quelle che non parlano di guerra, ma parlano di vita e celebrano la diversità e la fratellanza tra esseri umani. E questa famosissima canzone dei Black Pumas rientra sicuramente in questa categoria.

I colori di cui parla la canzone possono riferirsi al colore della pelle di tutte le sorelle e i fratelli di una sola razza, quella umana, ma possono anche rappresentare la riconquistata gioia di vivere. una volta scrollate di dosso le foglie secche di un momento di crisi o di depressione. In ogni caso una grande canzone di pace, di tolleranza e un inno alla vita.
I woke up to the morning sky first
Contributed by Lorenzo 2024/7/6 - 00:16

A Dear John Letter

A Dear John Letter

Lyrics and music /Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:
Fuzzy Owen, Billy Barton, Lewis Talley

Performed by / Interpreti / Interprétée par / Laulavat:
Jean Shepard and Ferlin Husky

Album: A Dear John Letter

Una lettera “Caro John” é un modo di dire, diffuso negli Stati Uniti nel secolo scorso, per indicare una situazione in cui una donna informa il partner che la loro relazione è finita. L’origine della locuzione risale alla seconda guerra mondiale ; fu in voga nell’ambiente militare durante la guerra di Corea e quella nel Vietnam.

Tra i guasti prodotti dalle guerre figurano anche le interruzioni del rapporto sentimentale con i militari lontani per mesi o anni al fronte da parte di donne decise a intraprendere una nuova relazione in patria. Il generale d’acciaio George S. Patton fu l’”eroe” che ordinò il massacro di Biscari in Sicilia: “Se si arrendono... (Continues)
Dear John oh how I hate to write
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2024/7/5 - 00:06

Third World Man

Third World Man
Johnny è un ragazzo, ma la guerra lo ha costretto ad essere un UOMO del Terzo Mondo; è stato arruolato in un esercito. Non potrà più avere una stanza dei giochi come un bambino, ma la sua stanza dei giochi ora sarà un bunker. È costretto a mobilitarsi all'alba, a comando, ogni volta che gli viene ordinato di farlo - si accovaccia e striscia come un soldato per evitare di essere colpito; sotto il suo travestimento, il travestimento da soldato, rimane un ragazzino. Razzi e bombe come fuochi d'artificio - purtroppo è un uomo del terzo mondo. Le strade forse torneranno sicure, e torneranno gli occhi del ragazzo - ma ora per lui è l' "era del terzo mondo".
Johnny's playroom
Contributed by Davide Miani 2024/7/4 - 17:38
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L'ultima not

L'ultima not
I'm writing you one last letter (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 + Riccardo Sgavetti 2024/7/4 - 17:24

The Ballad of John Riley

The Ballad of John Riley
Ribelli (camminando con Pino Cacucci)

Ognuno di noi ha un libro nel cuore. Il mio è “Quelli del San Patricio”. Ho letto questo libro 2 volte, la prima a San Antonio in Texas e la seconda in Irlanda, i luoghi in cui è ambientato il romanzo. Io e Pino ci siamo conosciuti così, quando timidamente gli ho mandato una foto da Clifden del monumento che il governo Messicano ha dedicato a John Riley .

E a Clifden ho scritto questo brano ispirato alle atmosfere Irish, con tanto di Bouzouky e Tin Whistle.

Grazie Pino, un saluto con la mano sul cuore

John Riley was a man
Contributed by Dq82 + Riccardo Sgavetti 2024/7/4 - 16:24

Zeven dagen lang [incl. Son ar chistr]

Zeven dagen lang [<i>incl.</i> Son ar chistr]
Blackmore's Night (2003)
Album / Albumi: Ghost of a Rose Track

All for One
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2024/7/3 - 23:06

King Snake

King Snake
Fa il paio con Gift Horse...

“King Snake” is about accepting that you’re nothing, and that being a beautiful thing. It’s almost Buddhist, like, you are objectively nothing. Right? Nothing objectively exists. Don’t suddenly carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. It’s going to be alright. There’s also that feeling after you’ve had two beers where nothing matters, you know? It’s supposed to be celebratory, whether it’s because you like getting the beers in or you like the idea of being nothing."

— Joe Talbot, Consequence Track-By-Track
I'm the duke of nothing (*)
2024/7/1 - 20:25

Gift Horse

Gift Horse

Un brano ormai famigerato, fantomatico, ferocemente antisistema e, soprattutto antimonarchico, come solo i Sex Pistols hanno saputo fare...

"The coronation was happening, and it was pissing me off. Because as an anti-monarchist, I don’t like occupying other countries, an unelected leader, the House Of Lords… As soon as you have a kid, those beliefs become amplified with a sense of severe protection. It just highlights the dangerous, apathetic stance we have on such oppressive fucking systems within our country, and I want to talk about that through love – not anger, not hate, not disdain. Just: my daughter’s my king, he’s not my king. Tell me different! Prove to me different! You can’t.”
(Joe Talbot, da un'intervista su Mojo)
Sinew exploding from chrome hooves
2024/7/1 - 20:03

I'm Scum

I'm Scum
Nell'album "Joy as an Act of Resistance", pubblicato nel 2018
I'm council housed and violent (Continues)
2024/6/30 - 14:38

Danny Nedelko

Danny Nedelko
Nell'album "Joy as an Act of Resistance", pubblicato nel 2018

“Danny Nedelko”, la lezione sempre valida degli IDLES
di Luisa Cassarà, aprile 15, 2020

“Fear leads to panic, panic leads to pain
Pain leads to anger, anger leads to hate”.
(“Danny Nedelko”)

Se fossi una persona pigra, basterebbe questa citazione per spiegare la ragione che mi spinge a parlare degli IDLES. Non ricordo né come né quando li ho scoperti, ma posso dire con certezza che, da quel momento, non ne ho più potuto fare a meno. Hanno esattamente tutto ciò che serve per affrontare la bizzarra epoca moderna: sono fortemente arrabbiati, non hanno paura di prendere una posizione e disprezzano la divisione del mondo in categorie. Tutte qualità, queste, estremamente apprezzabili già in tempi normali, figuriamoci durante una pandemia.

Questa band di Bristol si è conquistata il suo posto speciale nel panorama mondiale,... (Continues)
My blood brother is an immigrant
2024/6/30 - 14:10
Song Itineraries: Fear: mass control weapon

Black Planet

Black Planet
Album: First and Last and Always (1985)

“Black planet” I suppose, is about Cold War , fear of WW3 , industrialization and its deadly affects on environment and how those thing made our planet a chaotic and dark place since 80s.

In the western sky
2024/6/29 - 00:54

Rock 'N Roll War

Rock 'N Roll War
Album: Rise & Shine
He was barely a man that morning when he got on that plane
2024/6/29 - 00:37

The Wall

The Wall
Album: Rise & Shine

John Kay's song celebrating the fall of the Berlin Wall,
Crossing the line in the dead of night
2024/6/29 - 00:30
Song Itineraries: The Berlin Wall, 1961-1989

تلك قضية

تلك قضية
English version / Versione inglese / Version anglaise / Englanninkielinen versio: Muhannad

Tried to make rhyme, and sound like a song in English. Original Arabic poem by Mostafa Ibrahim.
That's a Cause
Contributed by Muhannad 2024/6/26 - 17:38

We Didn't Learn

We Didn't Learn

"Due to the many conflicts in the world right now, I asked myself the question: what if no one would go to war, but everyone would rather stay with their loved ones? I have processed the whole thing into a song." [Klaus Hoffmann]
It was when two brothers didn’t get along,
Contributed by Klaus Hofmann 2024/6/26 - 09:58
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
4o. Bella Ciao (per Vittorio Arrigoni) (Versione inglese di Blake)
4o. Bella Ciao (for Vittorio Arrigoni) (English version by Blake)

Bella Ciao
Contributed by Dq82 2024/6/24 - 11:10

Boots of a Soldier

Boots of a Soldier
Unprecedented Sh!t
I wear the boots of a soldier
Contributed by Dq82 2024/6/23 - 10:31

Seven Days

Seven Days
Ridiculous And Full Of Blood
There's just no man upstairs.
Contributed by Dq82 2024/6/23 - 09:32

Хотят ли русские войны?‎

Хотят ли русские войны?‎
June 22, 1941, the WWII came to the Russian land. The war financed by bank olygarchy, fulfilled by German anti-communist, mad on mysticism.
27 000 000 Soviet Russians, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Azerbaijanians, ... lost heir lives during 4 years. Many of them were victims of Nazy sadists.
That's why now Putin soldiers shout to Ukrainians: "Brother, get captured and then – towards family !" They refuse total bombing used against ISIS in Syria.
Some Russian politicians promote nuclear weapons, but Putin answers strictly: Nope.
Some promote the march to make Eastern European countries allies like in Soviet era. But the alliances should be free-will, otherwise ineffective; so, such politicians are ignored by everyone incl.Putin.
The scarecrow of 'Russian threat' is necessary for those who use war to robber their own peoples...
Question on Russians and the war – (Continues)
Contributed by V.S., 2024 2024/6/22 - 11:35

Tira a campare

Tira a campare
Richet Le Luneux, 21-6-2024 20:46
Try to Get By
2024/6/21 - 20:46
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Sono il tuo sogno eretico

Sono il tuo sogno eretico
Contributed by Luke Atreides 2024/6/15 - 18:21
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Pastime Paradise

Pastime Paradise
La parodia di Gangsta Paradise fatta da Weird Al Yankovich

Contributed by Lucone 2024/6/14 - 12:15

Primal Forces

This is poem from an upcoming book "Making Sense From Nonsense", which will be released (or has been, depending on when you read this) late summer 2024. While it is not an exclusively anti-war book, there are anti-war poems scattered throughout.
The military megadrums transform this to a primal season
Contributed by Daniel Fuller 2024/6/10 - 10:12

Money Game

Part 1
Contributed by Reinhard 2024/6/8 - 05:21


Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel

Performed by / Interpreti / Interprétée par / Laulavat:
Alessia Cara, Khalid


1-800-273-8255 era il numero dell’assistenza statunitense per la prevenzione dei suicidi. Secondo una ricerca, pubblicata sul British Medical Journal , nelle settimane in cui il rap è rimasto in classifica il numero dei suicidi è sceso dello 0,5%.
Dal 2022 il numero è stato sostituito dal numero 988. La semplificazione del numero ha portato ad un aumento delle chiamate del 30%.
Nel clip un ragazzo omosessuale chiama il numero per chiedere aiuto dopo avere concepito il suicidio a causa degli abusi subiti.
[Riccardo Gullotta]
I've been on the low
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2024/6/6 - 23:27
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Chi è più ricco

Chi è più ricco
English version / Versione inglese / Version anglaise / Englanninkielinen versio: Geany
All the Wealthy
Contributed by Geany 2024/6/1 - 21:18
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Don Chisciotte

Don Chisciotte
English version / Versione inglese / Version anglaise / Englanninkielinen versio: Geany

This translation preserves the metre and the end-of-line rhymes, at the cost of being a bit liberal in some parts.
Don Quixote
Contributed by Geany 2024/6/1 - 21:07
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Truth (Workshop)

Truth (Workshop)
Destructive Thoughts
released May 21, 2024
In my room I have a shrine to the truth. It is difficult to find things to place upon it these days, so most of the shrine consists of relics of the past. There is a stack of polaroids – a collection of memories that I have been recording since I was a child. The oldest ones tend to stay on the top because they are the ones that I want to sift through the most – the days when the truth seemed possible, achievable. Something that could actually be attained and grabbed and held on to and examined. But I often find myself looking at these images and not recognizing the people in them – I would say they were not real but the weight of them in my hand, the resistance of the paper as I try to rip them, crush them, tells me otherwise. There is also a boxtop lid on the shrine, where I keep... (Continues)
Contributed by Daniel Fuller 2024/5/31 - 15:42

I Hate This and I Hate You

I Hate This and I Hate You
Released May 26, 2024
Written, recorded and produced by Ruth Mundy

This is a song expressing my unmitigated disgust with people in power committing, enabling, and profiting from genocide. Go get it and turn it up loud! All proceeds from Bandcamp sales of this single will be going to direct mutual aid fundraisers for people trying to evacuate Gaza.

You told me to be quiet
2024/5/31 - 11:52
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust

Don't Swim Between the Flags

Don't Swim Between the Flags
Ruth Mundy is a New Zealand based singer songwriter who writes about social and political issues which impact the world, including climate change.

She collaborated with Moz ( Mostafa Azimitabar), a Kurdish political prisoner who has been stuck in the limbo of offshore detention in PNG for five years due to Australian government policyon this track. My hope is to thank her in person for her beautiful vocals one day.
No one puts their children on a boat,
Contributed by Reinhard 2024/5/30 - 23:28



(featuring RMR)
I see it comin’ everywhere I look
2024/5/27 - 23:05
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Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)

La bellissima versione di Gil Scott-Heron integrata da una sua lunga poesia rappata
Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)
dall'album Reflections (1981)

2024/5/26 - 11:29

Down Rodeo

Down Rodeo
Album: Evil Empire

Rodeo Drive è la strada dello shopping di Beverly Hills,

“Down Rodeo” was a promotional single by American rock band Rage Against the Machine. The song was intended as the third single from their Evil Empire album, although a domestic single was never released.

The song addresses social inequality between the rich and poor of America, and the simmering class warfare that existed in the band’s home city of Los Angeles following the 1992 Los Angeles Riots. “Down Rodeo” was written just three years after six days of riots were sparked by police violence against minorities in the city. The full lyric must be put into context of the time period and the beating of Rodney King to be understood: “So now I’m rollin' down Rodeo with a shotgun, These people ain’t seen a brown skin man, Since their grandparents bought one”

Yeah, I'm rollin' down Rodeo with a shotgun
Contributed by lucone 2024/5/25 - 23:29



Carlotta Sarina, in arte Lotta, è una giovane artista poliedrica e un’attivista per il clima.
Originaria delle colline di Salsomaggiore Terme, si è trasferita a Milano dopo il liceo per studiare musica. Qui, fuori dal Conservatorio, e mossa da una crescente preoccupazione per lo stato del pianeta, ha conosciuto il mondo dell’attivismo ambientale.

POWER sarà lanciata su tutte le piattaforme il 27 maggio notte, dopo il release party organizzato insieme a @planetboumboum e @lamagma_ a Parigi:
fateci video stupidi,
utilizzatela durante le occupazioni,
le azioni, i cortei.
Saremo a Parigi ma vi sentiremo vicin*.

Facciamo sapere al mondo che la giustizia climatica valica ogni confine geografico, culturale, linguistico: dove non arrivano i governi, arriviamo noi a indicare l’unica strada possibile per costruire il nostro futuro, quella della contaminazione... (Continues)
Power to the people
2024/5/25 - 17:18
Song Itineraries: War on Earth

Hind's Hall

Hind's Hall
Lyrics and music / النص والموسيقى /Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / מילים ולחן / Sanat ja sävel:

A proposito di antisemitismo

L’antisemitismo é manifestazione di, pregiudizio, rancore o di odio verso gli ebrei, espresso anche attraverso teorie cospirative e attribuzione di colpe senza fondamento. Purtroppo di recente l’epiteto antisemita viene usato troppo e a sproposito per respingere qualunque rilievo critico sulla politica dello stato israeliano, anche se lieve e supportato da evidenze indiscutibili. Schematizzando, il corto circuito è il seguente: l’analisi critica verso aspetti della politica e società israeliana viene classificata come antisionismo. A sua volta l’antisionismo viene equiparato tout court all’antisemitismo. Scatta a questo punto il senso di colpa e l’autocensura della comunità o del singolo malcapitato raggiunti dall’epiteto antisemita:... (Continues)
The people they won’t leave
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2024/5/25 - 13:12
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust

Der Arbeitsmann

Der Arbeitsmann
We have a bed, we have a child, (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/5/25 - 12:15

Bed on the Floor

Bed on the Floor
Available on:
Muleskinner Blues - Asch Recordings, Vol. 2
Woody Guthrie 1944
Make me a bed right down on your floor,
Contributed by Pluck 2024/5/21 - 01:17
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Lamento per la morte di Pasolini

Lamento per la morte di Pasolini
Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo, 14-5-2024 11:17
Complaint on Pasolini’s Death
2024/5/14 - 11:18

Digwell Carol

Digwell Carol
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: Leslie Fish
Album / Albumi: Firestorm - Songs of the Third World War

The song is a small piece of science fiction masquerading as a traditional song about what initially sounds like a pagan festival. Imagining a kind of peasantry that's survived the nuclear holocaust, the song is a "carol" for a holiday in which all of the corpses and dead crops from radiation sickness are piled in a ceremonial mound to "keep the devil down."

By the end of the song, it is revealed that the "devil" is the word for the powerful people who've retreated to underground bunkers, and that by heaping the dead on top of the doors to the bunkers, they'll be kept in "hell."
It is the time of Digwell, now Summer's gone away
Contributed by Michael Bacon 2024/5/14 - 04:41
Song Itineraries: No Nukes

Forever Chemical

Forever Chemical
Parole e musica di Simon Roberts

"Forever Chemicals (more accurately known as PFAS, per-and polyfluorinated alkyl substances) are everywhere. In your blood, in your water, in your pets, and in your taco wrappers.

We need to work together to find and correct the sources of PFAS contamination around the world. This will take years of research with support from our federal government in the US and governments around the world. You can educate yourself on PFAS, contact your local, state, and federal governments and express your concern and your support for researching, regulating, and cleaning up these "forever chemicals". (Simon Roberts)

Le sostanze per- e polifluoroalchiliche (PFAS, o PFOA, o PFOS) sono composti chimici con forti proprietà tensioattive. Introdotti in ambito militare negli anni 40, per la loro capacità di fornire alle superfici idro e oleorepellenza, negli anni '70... (Continues)
I’ll be your forever chemical
2024/5/12 - 17:44

African American Work Songs in a Texas Prison

Buongiorno AWS.
In allegato vi invio la intera trascrizione del documentario : " African American Work Songs in a Texas Prison " di TOSHI, DANIEL, and PETER SEEGER del 1966, con i relativi testi delle canzoni registrate, ricevuta da : American Folklife Center .
Buon lavoro

African American Work Songs. Transcription. The numbered explanatory notes are entered as a group between the body of the film and its closing credits.
(Opening sequence, convicts led by Chinaman singing “Let your Hammer Ring” [1] while cross-cutting trees)
Contributed by Pluck 2024/5/10 - 17:13
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Le vent nous portera

Le vent nous portera
I'm not afraid of the journey,
Contributed by Dq82 2024/5/8 - 19:44

Angola Penitentiary Blues

Angola Penitentiary Blues
THE MUDCAT CAFE' : Angola Penitentiary Blues
From: cnd
Date: 07 May 24
Here's my transcription from the recording on Spotify from the 1973 album "The Sonet Blues Story".
Lord, I had a fall
Contributed by Pluck 2024/5/8 - 17:32
Song Itineraries: From World Jails

Justice for the Craigavon 2

Pól MacAdaim

Justice for Brendan McConville and John Paul Wootton, who were unjustly convicted of the murder of PSNI constable Stephen Carroll and sentenced to life imprisonment.
We believe the case was corrupt and the 'evidence' inconclusive, contradictory and discredited. Both men find themselves victims of a system that sought to find suitable scapegoats in the wake of the political and media backlash following the killing.
Craigavon 9th March the news man read, (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/5/4 - 10:42
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Oh Dolours

Oh Dolours

"Oh Dolours" is an ode to Dolours Price, a radical feminist and volunteer in the Irish Republican Army. It's an exploration of the sacrifices people make in the name of liberation, and what kinds of compromises are actually worth the cost — particularly for women, who face sexist double standards even in militant resistance. We recruited the singers from Indoor Friends to join us in the third verse, to make sure that women's voices were actually heard.

Ní saoirse go saoirse na mBan.
(There is no freedom until the freedom of women)
Oh, Dolours
Contributed by Dq82 2024/5/4 - 09:52
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If a Song Could Raise an Army

If a Song Could Raise an Army
Notes From A Holocaust
If a song could bring us together (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/5/4 - 09:31
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Baby Jesus Lying in the Rubble

Baby Jesus Lying in the Rubble
Notes From A Holocaust
She was looking for a place to have a baby (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/5/4 - 09:27
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust
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The Apocalypse Will Be Televised

The Apocalypse Will Be Televised
Notes From A Holocaust
Such a carpet-bombing nowhere has ever borne (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/5/4 - 09:26
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust
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Pogroms of Judea and Samaria

Pogroms of Judea and Samaria
Notes From A Holocaust
As the IOF is bombing Gaza into dust (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/5/4 - 09:24
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust
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Famine and Disease

Famine and Disease
Notes From A Holocaust
In the places they report it, if you listen to the news (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/5/4 - 09:23
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust

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