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Parcour Víctor Jara

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Canzone per Jara

Canzone per Jara
Poema 15

Testo in Napoletano di Daniele Sepe & Shaone
feat. Emilia Zamuner & Enzo Gragnaniello

Purtroppo al momento abbiamo solo la traduzione in italiano
Oggi mi sveglio e questo sole mi scalda
envoyé par Dq82 4/11/2023 - 10:44
Parcours: Víctor Jara
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Correndo verso la libertà
Ora attendi la lotta al tramonto
envoyé par Dq82 2/6/2021 - 11:36
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We Remember (Naming of Names)

We Remember (Naming of Names)

I have written political songs for half a century. I’m very proud of this one, commemorating political activists of all sorts who have given up their lives or their freedom for their beliefs. It was recorded circa 1988 and is sung here by my partner, Irene Pyper-Scott and our 1980s women’s chorus, Jade.
Name the comrades
envoyé par Dq82 10/4/2021 - 19:09


Guerra al silencio
con La Gossa Sorda
Sueño con pelis de Trueba
envoyé par Dq82 6/3/2021 - 20:02

The Fool (for Victor Jara)

The Fool (for Victor Jara)
The Fool

This song is dedicated to the life and work of Victor Jara and to all those countless others lost to Pinochet.

Víctor Lidio Jara Martínez was a Chilean teacher, theater director, poet, singer-songwriter, political activist and the voice of his country's dispossessed.
On September 11, 1973, Chilean troops under the command of General Augusto Pinochet mounted a coup against the Allende government. Among many others Jara was seized and taken to the Estadio Chile, a large sports stadium. There he was held for four days, deprived of food and sleep. He was tortured, and his hands were broken by soldiers who told him to try to keep on playing the guitar with his damaged hands. But Jara continued to sing "Venceremos" and began writing a new song describing the carnage going on in the stadium, as many of those imprisoned were killed; the words of the new song were smuggled out by a prisoner who survived. On September 15, Jara was taken to a deserted area and shot
He was 41 years old.
The fool said, I sing to the forests
envoyé par Dq82 25/3/2020 - 16:17
Parcours: Víctor Jara
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Song for Victor Jara

Song for Victor Jara

Song For Victor Jara was written out of despair for the plight of this man, who was tortured and killed by the fascists in Pinochet’s military coup that overthrew and murdered Salvador Allende, the left wing elected president of Chile in 1973. It has become to be known as the other September 11th. I was asked to perform this song on the 25th anniversary of the coup in front of an audience of Chileans at Marrickville town hall in Sydney. I had the song translated into Spanish and read it aloud before performing the song in English. Everyone in the audience knew who Victor Jara was, it was a powerful moment for me. On a trip to Chile a few years ago, I visited his grave in Santiago.
If these walls could speak
envoyé par Dq82 25/3/2020 - 16:08
Parcours: Víctor Jara
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Victor Jara vive

Victor Jara vive
Mi Secreto Chileno

Letra y Música: Nicolás Sänchez
(se musicaliza extracto del poema de Victor Jara "Estadio Chile")

"Victor Jara Vive" se explica por su propio título, es el "tiro por la culata" de la dictadura, de querer matar a quien no vivía por él, si no que vivia para su pueblo, el cual no abandonó más.
El Padre del Canto chileno no muere, vive entre todos los que creemos en el canto con sentido y razón.
Camino por los pasillos de este sucio callejón
envoyé par Dq82 25/3/2020 - 15:55
Parcours: Víctor Jara
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Victor Jara

Victor Jara
Five Miles to Vaudeville
First the wind and then the rain came
envoyé par Dq82 25/3/2020 - 15:02
Parcours: Víctor Jara

A Victor

A Victor
Moby Dick

Cercando in rete sembrerebbe che esistano due diverse edizioni dell'LP Moby Dick e la canzone sarebbe presente solo in una delle due.
Ho sempre creduto in te e perciò che ti canto
envoyé par Dq82 27/2/2019 - 15:38
Parcours: Víctor Jara

Comme un guitariste chilien

Comme un guitariste chilien
Hommage à Victor Jara par Zebda

Rielaborazione della musica de La Partida - Victor Jara (interpretata anche dagli Inti-Illimani)
Testo della seconda parte: Poussières de Juillet - poesia di Kateb Yacine, poeta algerino

La prima parte in spagnolo è trascritta all'ascolto con qualche dubbio
Mi tierra
16/9/2018 - 16:46
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Poets Fall

Poets Fall
Song honoring anti-war & human rights activists Victor Jara & John Lennon.
8 December 1980, the poet steps out from his car
envoyé par Michael Bell 15/12/2017 - 22:11
Parcours: Víctor Jara
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Ode to Victor Jara

Ode to Victor Jara
Effra Parade

Una canzone che richiama Victor Jara di Arlo Guthrie
His song it was a free song not owned by anyone,
envoyé par Dq82 4/12/2017 - 19:24
Parcours: Víctor Jara
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11 settembre '73

11 settembre '73
Non canto per cantare
Attraverso i deserti del salnitro e le miniere sottomarine di carbone
envoyé par Dq82 22/7/2017 - 16:53
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La bala

La bala
Album: La makinita (2010)
¿Quién tiró la bala para Víctor Jara?
12/10/2015 - 21:59
Parcours: Víctor Jara
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Victor - Chanson québécoise
Paroles et musique : Jean-François LESSARD – 2010
Testo e musica: Jean-François Lessard, 2010

Victor, elle s'intitule Victor, la chanson ?

Exactement. Et comme tu le vois à son auteur et son interprète – Jean-François Lessard, c'est une chanson québécoise. Avant d'aller plus avant en ce qui concerne la chanson elle-même, deux mots de la chanson québécoise en général et pour en dire ce que tu devines, à savoir qu'on n'en connaît pas grand chose de ce côté de la mer océane. Pour ajouter que ce n'est pas qu'on n'aimerait pas la connaître... Surtout celle d'aujourd'hui. Car pour celle d'hier ou d'avant-hier, elle a su trouver son chemin. Mais comment faire ?

Le mieux serait sans doute que l'un ou l’autre habitant du Québec fasse le relais auprès des CCG.

Bon... En attendant, je reviens à la chanson intitulée Victor et à ce qu'elle raconte. Elle raconte... (continuer)
Depuis qu'on laisse tomber la nuit
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 25/10/2013 - 14:36
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Änglarna Kalla

Änglarna Kalla

Änglarna Kalla (Till minne av Victor Jara).
A tribute song to our beloved friend Víctor Jara R.I.P brother from your crew Dana Hawleri, Rx2 Mr.Q Skoob (the English stanza), Speedy ShipShap. Rest in peace !
envoyé par giorgio 14/5/2013 - 08:39
Parcours: Víctor Jara
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Canción de muerte y esperanza por Víctor Jara

Canción de muerte y esperanza por Víctor Jara
Album “Les oiseaux sans mer”, edito in Francia nel 1976‎
Più tardi ristampato con il titolo “Los pájaros sin mar”‎

Canzone dedicata a Víctor Jara, assassinato dai fascisti nel settembre del 1973 nell’Estadio Chile…‎
Composta da Osvaldo Rodríguez, meglio noto come Gitano Rodríguez, anch’egli cileno, che nel ‎‎1973 ebbe miglior fortuna, riuscendo durante il golpe a rifugiarsi nell’ambasciata argentina a ‎Santiago per poi vivere da esule tra Praga e Parigi e facendo ritorno in Cile solo nel 1989.
La Muerte te tocó con su campana,
envoyé par Dead End 8/10/2012 - 10:32
Parcours: Víctor Jara
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El nombre de Víctor Jara

El nombre de  Víctor Jara
Vengo a inclinar mi bandera
6/10/2012 - 15:34
Parcours: Víctor Jara
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Undici settembre millenovecentosettantatre

Undici settembre millenovecentosettantatre
Io ricordo con rabbia
I piccoli Maya, comandati dal Subcomnadante Marcos
envoyé par DonQuijote82 30/3/2012 - 13:24
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Víctor Jara no murió

Se cierran las manos y es tarde para abrir
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 11/3/2012 - 20:39
Parcours: Víctor Jara


Album: A mi ciudad - 1981
A Víctor Jara
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 11/3/2012 - 20:32
Parcours: Víctor Jara
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Su voz no será callada

Su voz no será callada
Caiste Por Inocente
En el estadio de Chile
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 11/3/2012 - 20:21
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dedicata a Victor Jara
No puedo olvidar
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 11/3/2012 - 20:09
Parcours: Víctor Jara

Street Fighting Years

Street Fighting Years
Dall'omonimo album del 1989 dedicata a Victor Jara
Chased you out of this world, didn't mean to stop
envoyé par DonQuijote82 11/3/2012 - 18:05
Parcours: Víctor Jara
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Victor Jara's Hands

Victor Jara's Hands
Album: "Carried to Dust" (2008)
Wire fences still coiled with flowers of the night
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 11/3/2012 - 17:56

Las manos de Víctor

Letra y música: Lizímako
Álbum: Ángeles y Demonios

"A Víctor Jara en su ser lo que tenía que ser"
Las manos de Víctor
envoyé par giorgio 28/9/2010 - 12:23
Parcours: Víctor Jara
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The Weapon They Fear

The Weapon They Fear
DA Antigone (2004)
Words - these words of freedom
envoyé par Donquijote82 2/1/2010 - 23:27
Parcours: Víctor Jara
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Homenaje a Víctor Jara

Homenaje a Víctor Jara
Album "Tiempo de Espera" (1975)

Trovata sul blog di Gustavo Sierra Fernández
Repito estas palabras
envoyé par Alessandro 28/10/2009 - 08:13
Parcours: Víctor Jara
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Los chacareros de Dragones

Los chacareros de Dragones
El fantasma de Canterville - 1976

Canzone dedicata a Victor Jara
Allá donde todo aquel septiembre
envoyé par Marcia Rosati 28/9/2007 - 11:50
Parcours: Víctor Jara
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The Death Of Victor Jara

The Death Of Victor Jara
Lyrics and music by Rod MacDonald
Testo e musica di Rod MacDonald
da/from "And Then He Woke Up"
In a gunboat outside Santiago
envoyé par adriana 29/3/2007 - 09:44
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Dalla compilation "Vasos Vacíos" (1993)
Una canzone dedicata esplicitamente a Victor Jara e a tutti "los que hicieros callar sin razon por el solo hecho de pensar distinto"
Me dicen el matador, nací en barracas
envoyé par Alessandro 29/12/2006 - 15:08
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Plegaria Por Víctor Jara

Plegaria Por Víctor Jara
Testo e musica di Tony Osanah ed Enrique Bergen.
Firme como el ande,
envoyé par Alessandro 4/10/2006 - 13:26
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Canción para los valientes

Canción para los valientes
Ya no sopla el viento arriba
envoyé par adriana 19/11/2005 - 15:36
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The Hands Of Victor Jara

The Hands Of Victor Jara
Letters in the dirt

Lyrics and Music by Chuck Brodsky
Testo e musica di Chuck Brodsky
The hands of Victor Jara
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 16/11/2005 - 00:59

Victor Jara

Victor  Jara
J'achèterai mille guitares
envoyé par adriana 22/10/2005 - 19:44

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