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Auteur Ken Pinkstaff, Chuck Blaser & James Salazar

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Evil Minds

Ken Pinkstaff, Chuck Blaser & James Salazar
Testo di Ken Pinkstaff e Chuck Blaser
Lyrics by Ken Pinkstaff and Chuck Blaser

Musica di James Salazar e Ken Pinkstaff
Music by James Salazar and Ken Pinkstaff

Da / From :

"I think that everyone has their own thoughts about what happened on September 11 2001. When I woke up that morning my wife came in to wake me up and told me that a plane had crashed into one of the towers. I didn't believe it at first but turned on the television to see what was happening. My first thought was that I was still dreaming a bad dream. But when the second tower was hit I knew then that this was real and it was no accident. After about an hour my friend called and said can you believe this? I said, "no" The tower had just fallen.

Within a few days we were contacted by our music publisher who asked us if we had a song about the World Trade Center tragedy.... (continuer)
When I look at the sky
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2005 - 21:15

911 Fools

Ken Pinkstaff, Chuck Blaser & James Salazar

Da/From: Centre For Political Song
Authors/Autori: Ken Pinkstaff, Chuck Blaser, James Salazar.
I remember that morning when
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 18/6/2005 - 21:34

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