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Auteur Brian McNeill

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Steady As She Goes

Steady As She Goes
Album “No Gods”

Una canzone sulla quotidiana e feroce guerra che gli uomini fanno alle donne…
And it's steady as she goes
envoyé par The Lone Ranger 13/5/2010 - 11:23
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No Gods And Precious Few Heroes

No Gods And Precious Few Heroes
Album “No Gods”
Il titolo fa riferimento alla poesia di Hamish Handerson “End of a Campaign” – dalla raccolta “Elegies for the Dead of Cyrenaika” – in cui già ci siamo imbattuti a proposito di Farewell To Sicily.

“L’orgoglio e la gloria sono soltanto un’altra sanguinosa menzogna che loro [the fat politicians] usano per tenerci tutti sull’attenti”… “Perché è chiaro che loro preferiscono le pecore agli uomini che pensano, ma uomini che pensano come pecore sono ancora meglio”
'Cause there's no gods and there's precious few heroes
envoyé par Alessandro 21/4/2010 - 09:41
Parcours: Héros
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Any Mick'll Do

Any Mick'll Do
Album “No Gods”

Il titolo fa riferimento all’appellativo “Mick” (ma anche “Paddy”) con cui un inglese è solito chiamare un irlandese.

“This is the most controversial of Brian's songs, but he makes no apology for that, and the response of audiences around the world to its powerful and uncompromising lyrics show a huge and growing swell of support for the stance he's taken. Brian wrote the song after seeing, on a trip between Spain and his home in the North of England, the way that Irish musicians were treated at London's Heathrow Airport. He was part of a mixed party of Scots, English, Irish, Breton and Galician musician bands on their way between the usual hectic run of summer folk festivals.
As a Scot with a British passport, Brian had no problems with either the customs or the immigration officers, nor had the English or the Bretons, or the Galicians, but the minute one of the... (continuer)
'Cause any Mick'll do, any black, any Jew
envoyé par Alessandro 21/4/2010 - 08:53

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