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Auteur The Men of No Property

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The Banks Of Mulroy Bay

[Seconda metà dell’800 (dopo il 1878)]

Il testo di questa canzone è stato pubblicato nel 1962 in “The Fanad Patriots”, a cura di Patrick Doherty, e sostanzialmente coincide (ed anzi, è più esatto) con quello che compare nel libretto che accompagna il disco dei The Men of No Property “Ireland: The Final Struggle”, dove il brano è eseguito da Wylde su arrangiamento di Barney McIlvogue.

Se in Erin's Lovely Home si racconta di come, alla metà dell’800, i landlords e la peronospora della patata siano riusciti a sterminare alcune centinaia di migliaia di irlandesi, costringendone più di un milione ad emigrare, ci sono però un paio di vecchie canzoni che raccontano l’azione opposta, cioè di quando alcuni contadini irlandesi, sopravvissuti alla “Great Famine” del 1847-1850, si vendicarono con successo della fame e dei soprusi patiti per colpa dei padroni inglesi.

Uno dei landlords più odiati... (continuer)
On the second day of April, it's well I mind the date,
envoyé par Alessandro 24/2/2010 - 16:47

Up in the Armagh Prison (Bernadette Devlin)

Up in the Armagh Prison (Bernadette Devlin)
Album “This Is Free Belfast! – Irish Rebel Songs from the Six Counties”, Folkways Records
Scritta da Barney McIlvogue, sull'aria della canzone "The Auld Triangle" composta dai fratelli irlndesi Dominic e Brendan Behan.

Canzone dedicata a Bernadette Devlin, celebre attivista repubblicana e socialista nord-irlandese, protagonista negli ultimi 40 anni di tutti i momenti più drammatici e significativi del conflitto che ha sconvolto la sua terra; dalla battaglia del Bogside nel 1969 (ed al suo arresto e detenzione in quel frangente si riferisce proprio la canzone) al Bloody Sunday del 1972, all'"hunger strike" del 1980 e 1981. In quello stesso anno la Devlin ed il marito subirono un tentativo di assassinio da parte dei paramilitari protestanti, sventato (ma non prevenuto) dai paracadutisti inglesi che presidiavano strettamente la loro casa in County Tyrone.
Per il suo permanente attivismo... (continuer)
Up in the Armagh Prison,
envoyé par Alessandro 23/2/2010 - 12:18
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It's A Man's Life In The Army

It's A Man's Life In The Army
Album “This Is Free Belfast! – Irish Rebel Songs from the Six Counties”, Folkways Records
Sull’aria di “The Rocks O' Bawn”
When I was five my mother died,
envoyé par Alessandro 22/2/2010 - 15:16

Cry Murder!

Cry Murder!
Album “This Is Free Belfast! – Irish Rebel Songs from the Six Counties”, Folkways Records
Scritta da Barney McIlvogue

To the memory of Patrick Rooney, aged nine, killed by a stray bullet, Divis Street, Belfast, during the fighting on the night of 14th August, 1969.
On that night, Northern Ireland's 90% Protestant police force, the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), rioted throughout the Catholic ghettoes of Belfast. They savagely attacked innocent people and drove through the streets indiscriminately firing their weapons. One result of this demonstration of the RUC's fascist and racist interpretation of law and order was the murder of little Patrick Rooney while he lay in his bed.
One wonders if Patrick's father could view his little boy's body with part of his head blown off, the room awash with Patrick's blood, and then dismiss this horror from his mind with a "manly" shrug of... (continuer)
The street lamp light is fading now,
envoyé par Alessandro 22/2/2010 - 14:55
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The Freedom Fighter (Joe McCann)

The Freedom Fighter (Joe McCann)
Album “England's Vietnam - Irish Songs of Resistance”, Folkways Records
Scritta da Barney McIlvogue

The small back street ghettoes of Belfast have been the setting for so many of the battles in the present struggle. They have suffered most of the direct oppression of British imperialism and in return have produced many of the leaders and sadly but inevitably the martyrs who have paid with their lives to see this country free. People who will be remembered when the names of the generals and the politicians have long been forgotten, this is a song about them.
(Nota dal libretto che accompagna il disco)

Canzone – che richiama in qualche modo I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night di Alfred Hayes - dedicata al militante repubblicano nord-irlandese e membro dell’IRA Joe McCann, ucciso dagli inglesi nel 1972. Quando fu colpito – alla schiena – era disarmato.

Joe McCann era già passato... (continuer)
From the back streets of the city, from the darkness came a man
envoyé par Alessandro 22/2/2010 - 13:50
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The Falls Road Taximan

The Falls Road Taximan
Album “England's Vietnam - Irish Songs of Resistance”, Folkways Records

Scritta da Barney McIlvogue

The Peoples' Taxis first appeared on the Falls Road, Belfast, when the Corporation withdrew public transport from routes through Republican areas where a riot or a gun battle was a daily occurrence. The gap was quickly filled by a group of local taxi men. At lOp per person it must be the cheapest adventure trip in Western Europe. This song is dedicated to Tony, one of our political prisoners in Long Kesh.
(Nota dal libretto che accompagna il disco)

Falls Road è il nome di una delle strade principali di Belfast, quella che divide i quartieri cattolici da quelli protestanti di Shankill Road. Durante il conflitto contro gli occupanti inglesi e la guerra civile tra le due comunità contrapposte il servizio di trasporto pubblico fu interrotto per motivi di sicurezza in tutte le aree dove... (continuer)
As I roved out through Belfast town, around by Castle Street,
envoyé par Alessandro 22/2/2010 - 13:17
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The Internee

The Internee
Album “England's Vietnam - Irish Songs of Resistance”, Folkways Records

Scritta da Barney McIlvogue

The song tells of the anguish of the internee's wife, as she watches her husband being dragged from their bed and brought to Long Kesh, there to be held in a barbed wire cage without charge or trial for an indefinite period. As she watches the politicians selling out she comes to the conclusion that it will take more than words to end the repression of a State guilty of such inhuman behaviour. Now, in May 1975 despite Merlyn Rees' pathetic lies [Lord Merlyn-Rees, labourista, segretario di Stato per il Nord Irlanda tra il 1974 e il 1976, ndr] over 300 Republicans are in Long Kesh.
(Nota dal libretto che accompagna il disco)
It was four o'clock in the morning when they dragged him from his bed,
envoyé par Alessandro 22/2/2010 - 12:44
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England’s Vietnam

England’s Vietnam
Album “England's Vietnam - Irish Songs of Resistance”, Folkways Records
Scritta da Brian Whoriskey

“The people of Vietnam fought for 30 years before achieving their independence. The path to freedom may be long and hard but for England the simple message is that the days of the colonists are over, and, for all her military might, she cannot forever deny the Irish people their freedom”
(Nota dal libretto che accompagna il disco)
Well, good morning, friends, it's good to be back in the good old U.S.A.
envoyé par Alessandro 22/2/2010 - 11:47

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