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From A Distance

From A Distance
Written by Julie Gold [1985]
Recorded by Nancy Griffith [1987]
Album: "Some People's Lives"

This [song] was written by singer/songwriter Julie Gold, who was working odd jobs in New York to make ends meet when she received a very special 30th birthday gift from her parents back home in Philadelphia: the piano she had played as a child. The men who delivered her piano told her that it had gotten pretty cold in the truck on its way to her, and that she shouldn't play it for a day to give it time to adjust to its new surroundings in her apartment. Gold wanted to play it very badly, but, not wanting to cause damage, resisted the urge. Instead, she just "hugged it and polished it." The next day, she sat down at that piano and wrote this song in about 2 hours.

Gold: "I only set out to write a decent song about the difference between the way things seem and the way things are. It has... (continuer)
From distance the world look round and real
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 17/4/2005 - 23:10

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