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Auteur Mike Stout

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The M.S.T.

The M.S.T.
Lyrics & music by C. Michael Stout
Album: Americana Dreams

Noted activist, Noam Chomsky, calls the MST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra) the world's most important social movement. Southern Brazil's rural workers are striving to improve the economic plight of the dispossessed and poor..
There's a movement in the south of Brazil called the MST;
envoyé par giorgio 22/9/2020 - 09:27
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The Immigration Song (Tear Down the Walls)

The Immigration Song (Tear Down the Walls)
Lyrics by Mike Stout
Music: sung in part to the tune of "Universal Soldier by Buffy Sainte-Marie

Mike Stout

Mike Stout performed his song "Immigration Song - Tear Down the Walls" on May 4, 2019 at the Pumphouse, Munhall, PA. Mike wrote the lyrics and text for this immigration song and performed it as part of the Battle of Homestead 2019 event series. The event titled: Family Separation at the Border: Its Impact on Pittsburgh, a 'Welcoming City' included Monica Ruiz and Guillermo Perez, Pittsburgh activists supporting immigrants in Pittsburg. They spoke about the programs available for immigrants in Pittsburgh.
Caravans of migrants, in nomadic chains,
envoyé par giorgio 20/9/2020 - 09:37

Vietnam Will Win!

Vietnam Will Win!
Album: The Force Of Life

Words and Music by Mike Stout
Additional Words by Red Star Singers - 1974

We heard "Vietnam Will Win!" on a tape from New York made by Mike Stout.

We liked it but we wanted to rework parts of it. Gary rewrote some of the words and added a verse and Michael made some changes in the music. All this was done without Mike Stout ever hearing it. When we finally contacted him to let him know we changed the song and wanted to use it be was (fortunately) very pleased.
They came for the pride and glory of the western man
7/6/2020 - 22:26
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Calling Steeler Nation

Calling Steeler Nation
Lyrics & Music by C. Michael Stout
Album: Steeler Nation
"Calling Steeler, –Steeler Nation"
envoyé par giorgio 30/9/2012 - 13:37

Global Warning Is Real

Global Warning Is Real
Lyrics & Music by C. Michael Stout
Album: Break the Chains [2007]
Hurricanes come one after another,
envoyé par giorgio 30/9/2012 - 09:56
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We Are the Working Class

We Are the Working Class
Lyrics & Music by C. Michael Stout
Album: Soldiers of Solidarity [2006]
Inside the factories, out in the streets,
envoyé par giorgio 27/9/2012 - 08:22

Frankie Domagala

Frankie Domagala
Lyrics & Music by C. Michael Stout
Album: A Call To Action

Frank Domagala was a union activist at the Homestead Steel Mill and Local 1397 during the heyday of the plant shutdown struggle in the 1970's and 80's…
Frankie was a leader of the rank and file
envoyé par giorgio 26/9/2012 - 16:01
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Hard Times Are Fightin' Times

Hard Times Are Fightin' Times
[1974 – original version by Prairie Fire]
[reworked in 1988] by C. Michael Stout
Album: Break the Chains [2007]

If there can be such a thing as an apocalyptic love song, Mike Stout's album Break the Chains is it. His latest offering is a mix of a few earlier songs with new arrangements, and new songs that mix expressions of love and pleas for solidarity with dire warnings of coming disaster without humanity's awakening to revolutionary change. The philosophical vision is best captured in the title Break the Chains.
We'll never stop all the violence with more violence. Never break the code of silence with more silence. As long as we keep playing the game, the game will go on. As long as we keep staying the same, the same'll come along. We'll never stop all the war, with more war and hate. Never stop all the terror with the terror of the state. After laying the groundwork, the record... (continuer)
White collar, blue collar, pink collar mass,
envoyé par giorgio 26/9/2012 - 08:25
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We Are the Cops of the World

We Are the Cops of the World
Lyrics & Music by C. Michael Stout
Album: Americana Dreams: Keeping The Promise

The U.S. spends billion policing the world with a global empire of hundreds of bases, thousands of our finest young men and women, and a military budget equal to the next 22 countries combined. We should be building schools and a clean energy.
Seven-hundred some bases all over the globe
envoyé par giorgio 9/2/2011 - 08:45

Twenty-Nine More Miners Buried and Gone

Twenty-Nine More Miners Buried and Gone
Lyrics & Music by C. Michael Stout
Album: Americana Dreams: Keeping The Promise

The story of the 29 miners killed on April 5, 2010 about 1,000 feet (300 m) underground at Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch coal mine at Montcoal in Raleigh County, West Virginia should be kept alive so that mine safety laws are strengthen and enforced.
Twenty-nine more miners buried and gone
envoyé par giorgio 25/12/2010 - 12:34
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The End Of Petroleum Man

The End Of Petroleum Man
Lyrics & Music by C. Michael Stout
Album: Soldiers of Solidarity
Rusted heaps, abandoned on the streets,
envoyé par giorgio 18/12/2009 - 12:25
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Rock The Big Boat

Rock The Big Boat
Lyrics & Music by C Michael Stout
Album: Heroes of History
Look what we face, there's no time to waste
envoyé par giorgio 18/12/2009 - 12:23

Crystal Eastman

Crystal Eastman
Words & Music by Mike Stout
Album: Break the Chains [2007]

Catherine Crystal Eastman – pacifist, socialist, suffragist and feminist. She had been active as a supporter of the radical International Workers of the World (I.W.W.). A brilliant, dynamic, indefatigable activist: She believed military establishments and wars defended business interests and threatened the values she most cherished. She came to Pittsburgh at the age of 26 in 1907. Graduate of Vassar with a Masters from Columbia University, she graduated second in her class at NYU Law School. Hired initially for two months by Paul Kellogg of the Pittsburgh Survey, she stayed more than a year investigating in depth and in detail the industrial accidents that occurred in Allegheny County during 1906-07. Her study of the county’s 526 workplace deaths in a single year analyzed the specific hazards of various occupations including... (continuer)
Crystal Eastman was a warrior of yore,
17/12/2009 - 08:14

Blood On The Rocks

Blood On The Rocks
Lyrics & Music by C. Michael Stout
Album: The Point of Pittsburgh

The story of the 1909 McKees Rock strike and the bloody battle. On July 14, unskilled immigrant workers led a strike against the Pressed Steel Car Company. Strain among the strikers, replacement laborers, and state police erupted into a riot on August 22. Eleven men were killed near this footbridge. Strikers were aided by the Industrial Workers of the World.
Down in Mckees Rocks back in 1909,
envoyé par giorgio 16/12/2009 - 12:32

We're All Just Sisters and Brothers

We're All Just Sisters and Brothers
Lyrics & Music by C. Michael Stout
Album: The Human Spirit Will Prevail
Past the flags and the tags and the labels and signs.
envoyé par giorgio 16/12/2009 - 12:27

Depleted Uranium Is Nuclear War

Depleted Uranium Is Nuclear War
Words & Music by: C. Michael Stout
Album: Soldiers of Solidarity [2006]
Depleted Uranium is nuclear waste.
envoyé par giorgio 30/11/2009 - 08:23

When The Cotton Mill Women Rose

When The Cotton Mill Women Rose
Album: The Point of Pittsburgh

The story of the Cotton Mill Women of Pittsburgh who fought to end child labor and the 10 hour work day.

In the 1840’s cotton mills were the primary employers of Pittsburgh’s young women and children. Allegheny City, now the North side, was the location of seven cotton mills employing thousands of women and children. They toiled 12 hours a day 6 days a week repetitiously feeding the relentless and unforgiving spinning and weaving machines. Getting home from work at 10 at night their long days were endless toil for little pay. Women cotton mill workers were paid a mere $2.50 per week for 72 hours of work, while male laborers in other trades earned $1.00 per day. In response to pay cuts in 1843 the female cotton workers marched through the streets of Pittsburgh parading with a banner proclaiming “Two dollars a day and a plate of roast beef”. Their outspoken... (continuer)
In the cotton mills of Pittsburgh, PA,
envoyé par giorgio 26/11/2009 - 08:37

Martin Delaney

Martin Delaney
Lyrics & Music by: C. Michael Stout
Album: The Point of Pittsburgh

The story of abolitionist leader and renaissance man Martin Delaney
Martin Delaney was a knight for human rights,
envoyé par giorgio 26/11/2009 - 08:14

Rachel Corrie

Rachel Corrie
Album: War and Resistance
Lyrics & music by: C. Michael Stout

Rachel Corrie a 23 year old college student from Olympia Washington, was murdered by a bulldozer driver on March 16, 2003 in Rafah Palestine. She stood in the path of an Israeli army bulldozer trying to prevent it from destroying a Palestinian home. Other non-violent international activists who witnessed the murder said the bulldozer driver was aware Rachel was there and intentionally destroyed the house and her. He dropped sand and heavy debris on her, then pushed her to the ground and drove over her. Rachel was in Gaza opposing the bulldozing of Palestinian homes as a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement. In her emails to her parents before the incident she described the plight of hundreds of innocent families who homes and businesses have been bulldozed. Rachel's death, made the U.S. papers for... (continuer)
Rachel Corrie was a warrior for peace,
envoyé par giorgio 25/11/2009 - 18:03
Parcours: Rachel Corrie

There Are No Real Winners in War

There Are No Real Winners in War
Album: The Human Spirit Will Prevail [2003]
Lyrics and Music by C. Michael Stout

"When it's an 'eye for an eye,' both sides are blind...There are no real winners in war.
Violence strikes with a hideous crash
envoyé par giorgio 22/11/2009 - 21:45

Big Time Corporate Blues

Album: The Human Spirit Will Prevail [2003]
Lyrics by C. Michael Stout

Corporate greed that robs the public.
War-mongers gettin' crazy, the economy's goin' to trashs
envoyé par giorgio 22/11/2009 - 21:39

Not In Our Name

Album: The Human Spirit Will Prevail [2003]
Lyrics & Music by C. Michael Stout

Bombs and stray bullets fly. So many innocent civilians die. Stand up with me and claim - Not in our Name, Not in God's Name
Not In Our Name – In our names governments wage wars that maim and kill thousands of innocent civilians. If a child looses their life, it’s called collateral damage. Not in our name is a movement to halt the use of violence by governments. War brings more violence, not peace.
Not In Our Name Organization
A child steps on a land mine
envoyé par giorgio 22/11/2009 - 21:31

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