Otep wrote “Shelter In Place” about her strong opinion of the modern NRA, believing it has “regressed into something akin to a homegrown terrorist organization that benefits from mass murders both financially and as a political power.”
The official video includes a quote from the NRA at the beginning :
the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun
- NRA : American Terrorist Organization
Se a cavallo del nuovo millennio la politica è stata spesso al centro della musica, dal crossover al punk, l’era Trump sembra aver nuovamente risvegliato la coscienza critica di molti artisti, a partire dai redivivi Otep, tornati in attività due anni fa con “Generation Doom” dopo un temporaneo scioglimento di tre anni. A partire dalla copertina, raffigurante la statua della Libertà insanguinata e armata, “Kult 45” si propone come un grido di protesta verso la politica USA e si accoda al movimento #metoo, esprimendosi musicalmente con quel linguaggio rap-metal portato alla ribalta negli anni ’90 dai Rage Against The Machine. Se dalle note biografiche apprendiamo che l’ottavo album degli Otep si propone di rinverdire i fasti dell’indimenticato debutto “Sevas Tra”, al punto che gli strumenti usati per registrarlo sono gli stessi dell’epoca, alla prova dei fatti pezzi... (Continues)
“Art is resistance. Art allows us to fightback without violence. This song, “To the Gallows”, is meant to shine a light on Traitor Trump’s attacks on the Constitution, on Healthcare, on the LGBTQ+, the African American, Hispanic and Muslim communities, DREAMERS, and women’s reproductive rights. Not to mention that this spurious President might have committed just a little bit of light treason, but this is why we rally, this is why we march, and this is why I write. Because when I look back someday I want to know that I did everything in my power as an artist, activist and citizen, to stop him and his bigoted embryonic autocracy.”
'Lords Of War' is a cry of defiance against the ever-encroaching military industrial complex, against police brutality, against tyranny in politics, against CAFOs, against the injustices our people face on a daily basis. Revolution is the opiate of the artist. We'd rather be in battle than at peace. We'd rather be a wolf than a sheep. They've had their chance to reign. But this is our time, our moment. We are generation doom."
Album: Kult 45
Otep wrote “Shelter In Place” about her strong opinion of the modern NRA, believing it has “regressed into something akin to a homegrown terrorist organization that benefits from mass murders both financially and as a political power.”
The official video includes a quote from the NRA at the beginning :
- NRA : American Terrorist Organization