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Song Itinerary

Author Frida och Mariam

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Folket i Gaza

Folket i Gaza

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Frida och Mariam

Gör något För folket i Gaza è il ritornello della canzone: Fai qualcosa per la gente di Gaza.
Commento delle autrici Frida e Mariam

We have written this song to express our deep frustration and sorrow over what is happening in Gaza, as well as the ignorant attitude of those in power towards it. However, we also feel that there is a great fighting spirit among the people, and we want to contribute even more to that fight through this song. Our hearts beat for freedom and justice, and the most important thing we can do in this fight today is to stand up for the Palestinian people. There is no one stronger than them, and one of us is Palestinian with family in Gaza.
We do not want the world to ignore what is happening there. Political leaders and society must act to stop the... (Continues)
Det brinner i Gaza, ingen slipper undan (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2025/1/12 - 15:39
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust

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