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Auteur Daniel Fuller

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Primal Forces

This is poem from an upcoming book "Making Sense From Nonsense", which will be released (or has been, depending on when you read this) late summer 2024. While it is not an exclusively anti-war book, there are anti-war poems scattered throughout.
The military megadrums transform this to a primal season
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 10/6/2024 - 10:12

Adopt This Posture to Evacuate

Adopt This Posture to Evacuate
This comes from an upcoming nonsense poetry book, and it's one in a section of 14 poems that all deal with violence and war.

See the displayed video for more information.

You can also check out my Medium page to see updates about self-publishing with Friesen Press. Here's the link for the first part in the series:

Making Sense From Nonsense
For war
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 22/4/2024 - 11:34

The Haikopalypse

The Haikopalypse
Haikus are meant to be small transient moments in time. Funny how these moments can combine to produce something major.

The following is a collection of 9 haikus meant to be read as one long piece.

Here's the link to the Medium page if you want to share.
The Haikopalypse
A Dead Child in Palestine
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 21/4/2024 - 14:44

You Can Choose Your Dream, but They Will Choose Your Nightmare

You Can Choose Your Dream, but They Will Choose Your Nightmare
This poetic form is called a "villainelle"; probably one of the most famous examples is Dylan Thomas' "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night".

Here is the Medium page link if you would like to share this:
You Can Choose Your Dream, But They Will Choose Your Nightmare
You can choose your dream, but they will choose your nightmare
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 21/4/2024 - 14:39

The Beautiful Leaders WIthout Mercy

The Beautiful Leaders WIthout Mercy
We are truly living in historic times. Events since 2016 (Brexit, Trump, COVID19 policies, Ukraine war, Israeli genocide in Gaza) have completely exposed the hypocrisy of the West.

If you would like to share this, here is the link to my Medium page: The Beautiful Leaders Without Mercy
As the world watches the slaughter of innocents
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 21/4/2024 - 14:35

The Chirality of Evil

The Chirality of Evil
I was looking for a word that rhymed with "Banality", and I thought "Chirality" worked well. An example of chirality is your two hands: they are mirror images of each other, but they can't be superimposed upon each other exactly.

If you would like to share, here is the link to my Medium page: The Chirality of Evil
Put on a suit, put on a tie
envoyé par Daniel Fuller 21/4/2024 - 14:31

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