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Auteur Keith McKenry

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Which Side Are You On

Which Side Are You On
Copyright: Keith McKenry 2006
From/Da Centre For Political Song

"This song is my response to the obscenity of the so-called 'War on Terror', an obscenity compounded by the aggressive fiction peddled by the United States Government that in regard to its unprovoked invasion of Iraq, an invasion unrelated to the horrific September 11 terrorist attack on the United States but obscenely piggy-backing on it, that we are either 'for them or against them'. As every day goes on, and each side in Iraq becomes more enmeshed in perpetrating horror against innocents, we need increasingly to stand up and cry 'Not in our name!'" -Keith McKenry.
Come all you good people,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 14:16

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