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Auteur Anne Hills

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Album: Bittersweet Street

Words and music by Anne Hills
I have no voice but this
17/7/2018 - 23:29
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Under American Skies

Under American Skies
Words and music by Anne Hills and Tom Paxton

L'unico inedito dell' omonimo album del 2001 dove Anne Hills reinterpreta insieme a Tom Paxton vari classici della musica folk. La title track è un'amara riflessione sulla pena di morte e sul destino di chi vive ai margini della società negli Stati Uniti.
She was born dirt poor, grew up gangly and tall
17/7/2018 - 23:11
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That Kind of Grace

That Kind of Grace
by Anne Hills & David Roth
Album: Rising in Love - 1993

This song was originally inspired by people who have faced civil rights violations within their communities and families. The forgiveness they displayed goes beyond what would seem humanly possible.
Specifically, Mrs. Alpha Robertson whose daughter Carole was killed in the Birmingham church bombing, Beulah Mae Donald whose son was lynched in 1981 by the KKK, and Rodney King, whose violent beating by LA police officers (and their
subsequent acquittal in the first trial) provided painful examples of the continuing racial injustice within the U.S. legal system
Sunday morning, Birmingham, quiet in the church
17/7/2018 - 23:03
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Album: Rhubarb Trees (2011)

Anne Hills · David Roth
With no one to hold back the night
17/7/2018 - 22:53
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Army of Children

Army of Children
Album: The Perfect High
Words & music by Bob Gibson and Irma Brown
A song for Phil Ochs

Dark protest theme written from the viewpoint of children afraid for the their future. Although this song was written long ago, it resonates today. It’s performed here by Bob Gibson and Anne Hills.

Bob Gibson Folk
There’s an army of children who gathered in the night
16/7/2018 - 23:34


Album "Box of Visions"
Il brano è stato anche proposto da Tom Paxton, in coppia con Anne Hills, nell'album del 2001 "Under American Skies".

Una delle pagine meno note e più tristi della seconda guerra mondiale, una storia che ci ricorda come l'ossessione per la sicurezza nazionale degli USA - ossessione accompagnata dalla sistematica violazione dei diritti umani e del diritto internazionale - non sia nata con l'11 settembre e Guantanamo...

In California, ai piedi della Sierra Nevada c’era un bel posto chiamato Manzanar, Owens Valley. C’erano corsi d’acqua e terre fertili e i nativi Paiute ci vivevano cacciando, pescando e raccogliendo i pinoli nelle estese foreste di conifere. Poi, a metà del XIX secolo, sulla Sierra Nevada furono scoperti giacimenti d’oro e di argento e per i Paiute fu la fine: quelli che non furono uccisi vennero deportati nella riserva di Fort Tejon.
I ranchers... (continuer)
He said, My name is Nakashimau
envoyé par Alessandro 27/5/2009 - 08:19

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