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Song Itinerary

Author Charlie O'Brien

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The Famine Queen

The Famine Queen

I wrote this song in 2010 when I heard that the town council of Killarney were inviting Queen Elizabeth to celebrate and commemorate the visit of Queen Victoria 150 odd years earlier. Firstly, though I wouldn't be for her visiting, I wouldn't be against it either, under different circumstances. But to have Queen Elizabeth come to celebrate the visit of a monarch who presided over the death of a people, I can not countenance. No matter that Victoria was a figure head, she was a figure head and symbol of a whole era. At any-rate the visit to Killarney never came to pass, though Elizabeth was paraded around Dublin and Cork.
Come gather round people what ‘er your persuasion,
Contributed by Dq82 2018/6/12 - 10:25
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Pa’ Los Del San Patricio 

Pa’ Los Del San Patricio 
Songs From An Outpost

47 too long a year, men died in chains men died in fear
Contributed by Dq82 2018/6/12 - 10:16

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