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Auteur Jonathan Edwards

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"It was just at the time of the Vietnam War and Nixon. It was looking bad out there. That song meant a lot to a lot of people during that time--especially me."
(Jonathan Edwards)

I wrote ‘Sunshine’ in 1970 in probably less time than it takes to sing it. It was the height of the Vietnam-Cambodia adventure there in Southeast Asia. I was really saddened by that and really angry… It’s an angry young man’s complaint about what was going on politically and militarily in our name. I was knowing people that were coming back from the war and they were never the same – if they came back at all.

I had just undergone a really violent draft board pre-induction physical, where I ended up in an emergency room and ended up in a sanitarium I guess you’d call it. It was all in the interest of not going to Vietnam, but it left an indelible mark on me for life.

We were in Ohio and I moved my band... (continuer)
Sunshine go away today, I don't feel much like dancing
16/9/2017 - 00:23

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