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Talking Ole Miss

Gene Greenblath
Talking Ole Miss
Broadside #16, november 1962

"A Louisiana legislator has predicted that Negro stUdent James Mere-dith will be killed if he remains at the University of Mississippi. State Rep. Wellborn Jack of Shreveport told a White Citizens Council rally, .that he had met persons in Mississippi who will kill Meredith as soon as there is a chance. Meredith himself shrugged off the warning~ "Negroes have been getting threats as long as there have been Negroes in Mississippi and one more. doesn't make any difference" he said. N.Y. POST, Tuesday, November 13, 1962....

Il 29 settembre 1962, James Howard Meredith dichiarò la sua intenzione di iscriversi all'Università del Mississippi e il giorno seguente divenne il primo studente afro-americano ad essere iscritto presso tale istituto.[1] Il suo ingresso era già stato ostacolato dal governatore segregazionista Ross Barnett, sebbene precedentemente si era pronunciato... (continuer)
Well, if you wanna go to college down in Mississippi,
envoyé par Dq82 24/10/2016 - 21:45

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