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Auteur The Fall

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Last Orders

Last Orders
Scritta da Tony Friel
Outtake dell’album d’esordio della celebre band post punk inglese, intitolato “Live at the Witch Trials”, 1979
Testo e nota tratti da The Annotated Fall

“Apparently the most straightforward lyrics Mark E. Smith ever wrote, which may be explained by the fact that Tony Friel wrote them. it could easily be by any punk band of the time. Nevertheless, it's a fun little song.”
Everybody's telling me to listen up
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 10/8/2015 - 14:13
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Industrial Estate

Industrial Estate
Scritta da Mark E. Smith, Tony Friel e Martin Bramah
Nel disco d’esordio della celebre band post punk inglese, intitolato “Live at the Witch Trials”
Testo tratto da The Annotated Fall
Get off the Ind. Est.
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 10/8/2015 - 13:39

Race Hatred

Race Hatred
Canzone inedita, eseguita soltanto in alcuni concerti, della celebre band post punk inglese
Il testo comparve per la prima volta nel 1977 su di una fanzine intitolata “Jolt”
Si tratta di un outtake del primo disco dei The Fall, “Live at the Witch Trials” del 1979
Testo tratto da The Annotated Fall
What yer gonna do when the blacks get you
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 10/8/2015 - 13:27

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