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Auteur Jack Chernos

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Walk Out Of Jerusalem

Jack Chernos
Testo e musica di Jack Chernos
Lyrics and music by Jack Chernos

"This is a song of peace and reconciliation. This is not a song about which party is the oppressor or the oppressed, who is more virtuous, or who has been more wronged - but that does not imply that gross imbalances and injustices do not exist, for they most certainly do (and so the forms and extents of "walking out" must also differ significantly). Jerusalem is not simply a place. It is also a metaphor for histories, cultures, values and ideals. May it soon become the international city of peace its name portends." -Jack Chernos
Two women claim one infant child
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 15/11/2005 - 20:41

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