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Auteur Hozier

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Nobody’s Soldier

Nobody’s Soldier
EP: Unaired

“Nobody’s Soldier” focuses on the experience of witnessing war and violence worldwide in the digital age, including the mental health strain of being exposed to others’ suffering and the frustration of feeling helpless or complicit. Hozier reacts to these feelings by rejecting the pressure to tacitly support war and expressing uncertainty over his own position and impact.


The civil rights movement that took place here in the United States directly inspired the civil rights movement in Northern Ireland, very shortly afterwards in a time and place where not every single person was guaranteed the right to vote.

We’ve been singing this song in solidarity with anybody who has contacted their representatives or put their feet on the street in honest goodwill and human witness of the lived experience of other people on the other side of the world that say... (continuer)
Running with bulls
23/8/2024 - 13:02

Work Song

Work Song

Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:

Album: Hozier

13 Aprile 2023: 10 morti sul lavoro in Italia

Seguono i nomi delle vittime , raramente specificati dagli organi di informazione

Dino Viscardi , 45 anni, precipitato con il camion da 50 metri mentre scaricava in una cava a Brienza, in Basilicata.
Angelo Zanin e Dario Beria morti a seguito del crollo di una piattaforma con cestello in un golf club a Noverasco di Opera, Milano.
F.L., 33 anni, e Giuseppe Ieni, 72, sono morti sul furgone adibito al trasporto del pesce schiacciati dal rimorchio sganciatosi da un Tir.
Muca Detar Tali, 26 anni, è rimasto schiacciato a bordo del suo furgone nello scontro con un Tir sull’autostrada nei pressi di Parma.
Arben Salliu , operaio di 57 anni, è morto per ustioni mentre eseguiva saldature nell’ azienda Fer Service di Campagna Lupia , Venezia.... (continuer)
Boys, workin' on empty (continuer)
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 17/4/2023 - 08:18
Downloadable! Video!

Nina Cried Power

Nina Cried Power
Album Nina Cried Power - EP
Featuring Mavis Staples

Un tributo alla canzone di protesta e ai grandi artisti che hanno influenzato Hozier, tra i quali Mavis Staples che partecipa come ospite in questa canzone trascinante.

“I’m thrilled to share the Nina Cried Power – EP with you all. The title track was written sometime last year, and my aim was to credit the actuality of hope, solidarity and love found in the human spirit at a time when their opposites were being given a mainstream platform 24/7. The song started as a tongue-in-cheek inquiry into modern popular language regarding political awareness and grew from there.

In many ways the song is a thank you note to the legacy of artists from the 20th Century whose work still inspires us, and whose well we draw from in times of uncertainty. Mavis Staples is one such artist. Getting to work with her on this song was a joy, and... (continuer)
It's not the waking, it's the rising
21/11/2018 - 23:43

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