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Song Itinerary

Author Cher

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Scritta da Al Capps e Mary Dean
La canzone che dà il titolo all’album del 1973

Una delle canzoni più celebri di Cherilyn Sarkisian, in arte Cher, figlia di camionista di origine armena e di una attrice di second’ordine nelle cui vene scorreva anche sangue Cherokee.
My father married a pure Cherokee
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2015/8/6 - 10:58
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Classified 1A

Classified 1A
(Sonny Bono)

Album: Gypsys, Tramps & Thieves (1971)

According to US Code of Federal Regulations Title 32, Chapter XVI, Sec. 1630.2, 1-A means "Available for unrestricted military service"
I know now how much I love you
2013/9/24 - 13:17
Song Itineraries: Anti War Love Songs

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