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Author NoWhiteRag

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I lavoratori della notte

I lavoratori della notte

Alexandre Marius Jacob (1879-1954), was a French anarchist illegalist. A clever burglar equipped with a sharp sense of humour, capable of great generosity towards his victims, he became one of the models for Maurice Leblanc’s character Arsene Lupin.

In 1900 he organized a band of men, calling them “Le travailleur de la nuit” (“The workers of the night”). The principles were simple: one does not kill, except to protect his life and his freedom from the police; one steals only from those considered to be social parasites like bosses, judges, soldiers, and the clergy, but never from the professions considered useful like architects, doctors and artists. Finally, a percentage of the stolen money was to be invested into the anarchist cause and to finance the workers circles, the unemployed and the marginalized. Between 1900 and 1903 The workers of the night made over 150 burglaries... (Continues)
Dritto avanti tutta che indietro non si torna
Contributed by Dq82 2021/6/23 - 16:24
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Amica Libertà

Amica Libertà
Nothing left
Bendato, Legato, Il Buio Di Una Cella
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2013/8/21 - 20:51
Song Itineraries: From World Jails
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Nothing left
Parlano Di Pace Ma Il Coltello L'hanno Loro
Contributed by DoNQuijote82 2013/8/21 - 20:48
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Album: Silence is Violence
ONE: feed people with greed and hate – and make them proud of the State.
Contributed by giorgio 2013/3/14 - 17:05
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Album: Silence is Violence
Riempiti il bicchiere fino all'orlo
Contributed by giorgio 2013/2/21 - 14:50

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