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Patriots Act

Lyrics and Music by Rev1
Testo e musica dei Rev1

"One of the most frightening prospects of life in a post-9/11 world (Americans firmly believe that the terrorist attacks of September 11th changed everything) is that Americans are now willing to sacrifice basic freedoms in order to feel safer. Safe from what, I wonder? The "enemies" we're told to fear, "hate freedom" and want to "destroy our way of life". The USA Patriot Act, a much contested piece of legislation passed soon after 9/11, grants the government sweeping new powers to invade the privacy of US citizens, to detain citizens without charge, to operate in secrecy without accountability. In short, the Patriot Act opens the door for the United States government to behave like the totalitarian dictatorships and ruthless, lawless terrorists we're attempting to defend ourselves from. What sort of freedom is it when one can be... (continuer)
Light skinned black man, look like an Afghan
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 5/11/2005 - 18:10

How Many


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"Before America declared war on Iraq in 2003, I began writing a poem about my feeling. We were still at war in Afghanistan, and it was a little over a decade ago that we have been fighting Iraq before. I felt disgusted that within the first few years of the new millennium, America would set a tone of aggression, violence, revenge, and selfishness for the 'new American century'. How dumb are we? What did we learn during the bloody 20th century? Two world wars? Atomic weapons? How could we possibly start off the next 100 years by fighting TWO wars? A war in a country that had done nothing to us? 'How many more gotta die?' I asked. How many more mothers gotta cry? It was a protest of war. Well, of course we DID go to war in Iraq. And the song changed scope, and as no longer simply about war, and became a protest song. When history begins repeating itself, one has to ask oneself, 'How Many More?'"
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 6/9/2005 - 09:59



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"After the WMD claim fizzled and evaporated as a justification for the Iraq war, America's leadership began trumpeting the case for spreading democracy throughout the world. Billions are spent rebuilding the cities and infrastructure we destroyed in Iraq. Meanwhile, American schools are crumbling, our roads are filled with holes, our urban centers are decaying, and millions and millions of American children are uninsured and cannot afford health care. Our own election process (in 2000) was marred by more inconsistencies and dubious dealing that one can count. And we are planning on spreading this democracy across the globe. Two of my fellow artists and I decided to collaborate to question this. What sort of democracy do we have here? Do we really have a say in our government? Or is this a plutocracy, an aristocracy? This song wouldn't have been possible without great verses from E. Rich and J-High, also emcees from upstate New York." -Rev1.
Do as we say, not as we do
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 4/7/2005 - 19:12

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