'Cross the Green Mountain (Bob Dylan) |
A Good Man Is Hard to Find (Pittsburgh) (Bruce Springsteen) |
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (Bob Dylan) |
A Song For David (Joan Baez) |
Across the Border (Bruce Springsteen) |
Adam The Inventor (Pete Seeger) |
Alma llanera (Pedro Elías Gutiérrez) |
American Land (Bruce Springsteen) |
Another Day in Paradise (Phil Collins) |
Ballad Of Donald White (Bob Dylan) |
Ballade des gens qui sont nés quelque part (Georges Brassens) |
Beautiful That Way (Noa / נוה) |
Blowin' in the Wind (Bob Dylan) |
Born In The U.S.A. (Bruce Springsteen) |
Bring Them Home (If You Love Your Uncle Sam) (Pete Seeger) |
Canción de soldados (o Dicen que la patria es) (Chicho Sánchez Ferlosio) |
Cancionero de Durruti: 1. Durruti, Ascaso y García Oliver (Chicho Sánchez Ferlosio) |
Celui qui a mal tourné (Georges Brassens) |
Chanson pour l'auvergnat (Georges Brassens) |
Chansons de La bande à Bonnot: 02. Les joyeux bouchers (Boris Vian) |
Chimes Of Freedom (Bob Dylan) |
Cinco siglos igual (León Gieco) |
Civil War (Guns N' Roses) |
Daughters and Sons (Tommy Sands) |
Day After Tomorrow (Tom Waits) |
De igual a igual (León Gieco) |
Deportees (Woody Guthrie) |
Devils & Dust (Bruce Springsteen) |
Dieu s'il existe (Jean Bertola) |
Dime donde vas morena (anonimo) |
Don't Give Up (Peter Gabriel) |
El frente de Gandesa (Si me quieres escribir) (anonimo) |
En el país de la libertad (León Gieco) |
Eve Of Destruction (Barry McGuire) |
Farewell Angelina (Joan Baez) |
Further On (Up The Road) (Bruce Springsteen) |
Gam Gam (Elie Botbol) |
Games Without Frontiers (Peter Gabriel) |
Gelem, gelem (Žarko Jovanović ) |
Georges Brassens: Supplique pour être enterré à la plage de Sète (GLI EXTRA DELLE CCG / AWS EXTRAS / LES EXTRAS DES CCG) |
Gracias a la vida (Violeta Parra) |
Happy Xmas (War is Over) (John Lennon) |
Hombres de hierro (León Gieco) |
I Pity The Poor Immigrant (Bob Dylan) |
If I Had A Hammer (Pete Seeger) |
Imagine (John Lennon) |
Jacob's Ladder (Not In My Name) (Chumbawamba) |
John Brown (Bob Dylan) |
La ballade nord-irlandaise (Renaud) |
La chanson de Craonne (anonimo) |
La conduite (Malicorne) |
La guerre de '14-'18 (Georges Brassens) |
La java des bombes atomiques (Boris Vian) |
La libertat (Còr dau Lamparo) |
La mauvaise herbe (Georges Brassens) |
La médaille (Renaud) |
La memoria (León Gieco) |
La presó de Lleida (Josep Maria Espinàs) |
La prière [including Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux and Preghiera in gennaio] (Georges Brassens) |
Le déserteur (Boris Vian) |
Lenny Bruce (Bob Dylan) |
Les deux oncles (Georges Brassens) |
Les enfants de la guerre (Charles Aznavour) |
Les quatre bacheliers (Georges Brassens) |
Let Me Die In My Footsteps (Bob Dylan) |
License To Kill (Bob Dylan) |
Little Boy Soldiers (The Jam) |
Long Ago, Far Away (Bob Dylan) |
Man Of Peace (Bob Dylan) |
Mary Hamilton (anonimo) |
Masters Of War (Bob Dylan) |
Milonga de aquí (Sés) |
Milonga del moro judío (Jorge Drexler) |
Mr. Bojangles (Jerry Jeff Walker) |
One Day (Matthew Paul Miller (Matisyahu)) |
Papá cuéntame otra vez (Ismael Serrano) |
Para la vida (León Gieco) |
Peace Train (Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam) |
Redemption Song (Bob Marley) |
Rin del angelito (Violeta Parra) |
Scarborough Fair/Canticle, provided with The Elfin Knight, Whittingham Fair and Rosemary Lane, and with an Appendix on Riddles Wisely Expounded (Simon & Garfunkel) |
Sciuur capitan (Davide Van De Sfroos) |
Se chanta (anonimo) |
Seven Curses (Bob Dylan) |
Shaking the Tree (Peter Gabriel) |
Silvestrig (anonimo) |
Simple Song Of Freedom (Bobby Darin) |
Soldier's Eyes (Jack Savoretti) |
Soldiers (James Taylor) |
Sólo le pido a Dios (León Gieco) |
Song of the Coffle Gang (anonimo) |
Stay in the Light (Roger Lucey) |
The Captain (Leonard Cohen) |
The Drums Of War (Jackson Browne) |
The Fields of Athenry (Pete St. John) |
The Green Fields Of France (No Man's Land) (Eric Bogle) |
The Partisan (Leonard Cohen) |
The Price Of Oil (Billy Bragg) |
The Rising of the Moon (John Keegan 'Leo' Casey) |
The Times They Are A-Changin' (Bob Dylan) |
There But For Fortune (Phil Ochs) |
There Were Roses (Tommy Sands) |
Todo cambia (Julio Numhauser) |
Un capretto [Dona, dona] (Herbert Pagani) |
Universal Soldier (Buffy Sainte-Marie) |
Vamos a la playa (Righeira) |
Vladslo (Willem Vermandere) |
Waist Deep In The Big Muddy (Pete Seeger) |
War (Bob Marley) |
We Shall Overcome (Pete Seeger) |
What Did You Learn In School Today? (Pete Seeger) |
Where Have all the Flowers Gone (Pete Seeger) |
Wiegala (Ilse Weber) |
With God On Our Side (Bob Dylan) |
You Only Need Say Nothing (Roger Lucey) |
Zombie (Cranberries) |
Άρνηση [Στο περιγιάλι το κρυφό] (Mikis Theodorakis / Mίκης Θεοδωράκης) |
Ο καημός (Mikis Theodorakis / Mίκης Θεοδωράκης) |
Ах, Одесса (Modest Efimovič Tabačnikov / Моде́ст Ефи́мович Таба́чников) |
אַלע ברידער (Moris Vintshevski [Morris Winchevsky] / מאָריס װינטשעװסקי) |
אונטער דײַנע ווײַסע שטערן (Avrom Sutskever [Abraham Sutzkever] / אברהם סוצקעװער) |
געװען אַמאָל איז אַ שטעטל (Beyle Shekhter-Gotesman [Bella Schaechter-Gottesman] / בײלע שעכטער - גאָטעסמאַן) |
דעם מילנערס טרערן (Mark Varshavski [Mark Warshawsky] / Марк Маркович Варшавский / מאַרק וואַרשאַווסקי) |
ווילנע (Chava Alberstein / חוה אלברשטיין) |
טום־באַלאַלײַקע (anonimo) |
פּאַרטיזאַנער־ליד: שטיל, די נאַכט איז אױסגעשטערנט (Hirsh Glik / הירש גליק) |
שטילער, שטילער (Shmerke Katsherginski [Shmerke Kaczerginski] / שמערקע קאַטשערגינסקי) |
ارسم لي بلاد حد - Dessine-moi un pays (Souad Massi / سعاد ماسي) |
بلادي - Bladi [Mon Pays] (Souad Massi / سعاد ماسي) |