
We Came to Sunny Spain

Lingua: Inglese

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Inno del “British Batallion” in cui erano inquadrati i volontari antifascisti inglesi.
Testo trovato su Mudcat Café

We came to sunny Spain,
To make the people smile again,
And to drive the fascist bastards,
From the hill and from the plain,
[or And to show the fascist bastards,
That their fight was all in vain,]
Oh the Ri, Oh the Ri
Oh the Rio, Rio, Rio, Ha, Ha, Ha!

Mussolini had some tanks,
And Franco taught 'em swell,
But our anti-tankers showed 'em,
When they blew them all to hell.
Oh the Ri, oh the Ro,
Oh the Rio, Rio, Rio, Ha, Ha, Ha.

inviata da Bartleby - 23/3/2011 - 15:35

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