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Бухенвальдский набат

Бухенвальдский набат
We've forgotten these aware words

What's common between this quinquagenarian song and Bundestag speech of Daniel Granin ?
Both awed the audience, both were unheard by the rulers. Litterateur Granin described his childhood in the city blocked by nazy troops during WWII. 20 months of courage and high moral in the siege. Russian historian received a standing ovation from the German Parliament, tears in their eyes. Because they learned the truth from the other side for the first time.
Although the song about their fathers was translatеd into many languages for its sincerity.
Now it should be re-sung
Bert Mariёn 9/5/2024 - 23:39
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I dispiasì d'noi autri povri alpin [Sei nen perché]

Perché mancano le fonti, o la bibliografia di riferimento? Non mi sembra serio...
9/5/2024 - 14:19

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