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TEDESCO 2 [Christoph Scheffler, 2018]
GERMAN 2 [Christoph Scheffler, 2018]

Christoph Scheffler plays "Der Pfahl" ("L'Estaca" by Lluís Llach) in the version he has translated into German.
He plays the piece on the guitar, which goes from hand to hand and ends up in prison at Nudem Durak. The guitar shall be the replacement for Nudem's original guitar, which the prison staff has destroyed last year.

Christoph Scheffler spielt "Der Pfahl" ("L’Estaca" von Lluís Llach) in der von ihm in's Deutsche gebrachten Fassung.
Er spielt das Stück auf der Gitarre, die von Hand zu Hand gehen und am Ende bei Nudem Durak im Gefängnis landen soll. Die Gitarre soll der Ersatz für Nudems ursprüngliche Gitarre sein, die das Gefängnispersonal im vorigen Jahr zerstört hat.

Der Pfahl
5/3/2024 - 23:38

The Little Bird and the Tyrant

The Little Bird and the Tyrant
5/3/2024 - 22:57

صبرى و شتيلة

صبرى و شتيلة
The Accused

Nearly 40 years ago the man who after was Israel's Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, sent Lebanese militiamen into the Palestine refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla. When they left 36 hours later at least 800 people lay dead after a rampage of murder, torture and rape. Panorama asks whether new evidence that has come to light should lead to indictments for what happened in the camps.

Panorama · Season 2001 Episode 15 · The Accused

Nearly 20 years ago the man who is now Israel's Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, sent Lebanese militiamen into the Palestine refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla. When they left 36 hours later at least 800 people lay dead after a rampage of murder, torture and rape. Panorama asks whether new evidence that has come to light should lead to indictments for what happened in the camps
5/3/2024 - 21:46

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