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Prima del 2018-9-20

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Jäähyväiset aseille

Jäähyväiset aseille
Here's a link to a very different 1981 version of the song by Liisa Tavi:

And here another one:

As for the authors of the song, I would very much like to have the above information replaced by the following...

Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel: Kai Kivi
Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat: Jyrki Siukonen

...and Kollää Kestaa replaced by Kollaa Kestää.
Juha Rämö 20/9/2018 - 22:38
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Khorakhané (A forza di essere vento)

Khorakhané (A forza di essere vento)
Salve vorrei proporvi una canzone di un cantautore semi Abruzzese che vive a Montorio Romano. NO WAR FABIO IPPOLITI.

Cordiali saluti,
In Fede
Veronica Micciarelli.
Veronica Micciarelli 20/9/2018 - 20:09

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