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La Pierina voleva pisciare

La Pierina voleva pisciare
Testo e musica di Lello Vitello
Lyrics and music by Lello Vitello
Ispirata da "Effetto Domino" di Riccardo Venturi
Inspired by "Effetto Domino" by Riccardo Venturi

"Non fatevi ingannare dal titolo apparentemente faceto: questa canzone parla nientemeno che della fine del mondo!

Tanto per ricordare l'esilità della nostra esistenza, e che possiamo sparire all'istante solo per una pisciata, l'ispirazione per questa storia viene da un'avventura vissuta in prima persona dal mio amico fraterno Riccardo Venturi.

Quando me la raccontò, ne elaborammo una drammatizzazione estrema, che lui trascrisse nel post "Effetto Domino" , mentre io promisi di tirarci fuori una canzone. Eccola qua, mi sono permesso di inserirci due citazioni, facilmente riconoscibili, di persone che scrivevano molto meglio di me." (Lello Vitello, dal suo sito ufficiale)

Aggiunta di R.V.: I fatti narrati nella canzone... (continua)
La Pierina voleva pisciare,
inviata da Il Venturi, Lello e la Pierina 3/2/2010 - 15:50
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G.I. Blues

G.I. Blues
Album "The Drum Machine Years" (live recordings)
Both my arms and legs
inviata da Alessandro 3/2/2010 - 15:17
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Bloodsport For All

Bloodsport For All
Album "Straw Donkey... The Singles 1988 - 1995"

"A.W.O.L." è l'acronimo che sta per l'espressione militare "Absent WithOut Leave", cioè "diserzione".
Bloodsport for all said Corporal Flash
inviata da Alessandro 3/2/2010 - 15:11
Percorsi: Disertori
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The Undertaker And The Hippy Protest Singer

The Undertaker And The Hippy Protest Singer
Album "I Blame the Government"
Peace keeping forces
inviata da Alessandro 3/2/2010 - 15:04
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Friendly Fascism

Friendly Fascism
Album "Friendly Fa$cism"

Una canzone ispirata al libro dello statunitense Bertram Gross, intitolato "Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power in America" ed edito nel 1980.
Traggo da quel libro la citazione che segue:

"Don't think that modern fascists are like Hitler or Mussolini. Today's Big Government-Big Business tyrants are just as willing to use violence. But they do it more efficiently than the old-time fascists-- with higher tech and lower costs to them. They have the best looks, politicians, celebrities, and control mechanisms that money can buy. Yes, their own conscience tells them that true democracy would be nice. But suppressing their conscience, they undermine the rights of the working and middle classes. Their operating principle is "Might, Money, Male, Murder-- and also White--Make Right." They wreck the environment. They fool you, rule you, use you, abuse you--and... (continua)
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the end of the twentieth century and the arrival of friendly fascism. Regrettably, millions will die as before. But just think of the tremendous selection and savings you’ll gain. Of course the loss of freedom and democracy are tragedies, I know, but consider the entertainment value contained within. And to remind you, it is you, the people, who have mandated this course of our fate so please come with me….
inviata da Alessandro 3/2/2010 - 13:54
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Free Satpal Ram

Free Satpal Ram

Satpal Ram è un cittadino britannico di origine bengalese che nel 1987 fu condannato per l'omicidio di tal Clarke Pearce, britannico di origine britannica, avvenuto l'anno precedente a Birmingham, quando una discussione fra due gruppi, asiatici da una parte e bianchi dall'altra, era degenerata in una rissa.
Dettaglio non irrilevante; il ristorante dove avvenne lo scontro si chiamava Sky Blue Indian e furono gli avventori bianchi a provocare Satpal e i suoi amici perchè, a detta loro, la musica proposta, giustamente indiana, faceva schifo (e allora andate a sentire Samantha Fox al pub, stronzi! ndr)

L'arresto ed il processo a Satpal Ram furono da più parti considerati brutali, razzisti ed iniqui. Satpal Ram fu picchiato, affamato, privato del sonno, subì continue perquisizioni corporali e le testimonianze a suo carico furono contraddittorie, condotte in modo non esauriente e gli... (continua)
And we say back way to all the trouble makers
inviata da Alessandro 3/2/2010 - 13:20
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Song Against Robots

Song Against Robots
Album "Cold Water Songs"
There is no food I can't eat
inviata da Alessandro 3/2/2010 - 11:56
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Let Robeson Sing

Let Robeson Sing
Album "Know Your Enemy"
Scritta da James Dean Bradfield, Sean Moore e Nicky Wire.

Brano dedicato a Paul Robeson, il grande baritono-basso, attore ed attivista per i diritti civili afromaericano.
Where are you now
inviata da Alessandro 3/2/2010 - 11:36
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No Clause 28

No Clause 28

Protest song against the governing UK Conservative Party's legal restrictions on anyone working for a local authority "promoting" homosexuality,

Section 28 (commonly "Clause 28") of the Local Government Act 1988 was a controversial amendment to the United Kingdom's Local Government Act 1986, enacted on 24 May 1988 and repealed on 21 June 2000 in Scotland, and on 18 November 2003 in the rest of the UK by section 122 of the Local Government Act 2003. The amendment stated that a local authority "shall not intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality" or "promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship".

Some people believed that Section 28 prohibited local councils from distributing any material, whether plays, leaflets, books, etc, that portrayed gay relationships... (continua)
"The aim of this government is to make every one as miserable as possible!"
inviata da Alessandro 3/2/2010 - 11:21
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Exhuming McCarthy

Exhuming McCarthy
Album "Document"
Scritta da Bill Berry, Peter Buck, Mike Mills e Michael Stipe.

"Exhuming McCarthy" makes an explicit parallel between the red-baiting of Joe McCarthy's time and the strengthening of the sense of American exceptionalism during the Reagan era, especially the Iran-Contra affair. Starting with the click-clack of a typewriter, it also includes a sound clip of Joseph Welch's rebuke of McCarthy from the Army-McCarthy Hearings: "Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator.... You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"
You're beautiful more beautiful than me
inviata da Alessandro 3/2/2010 - 10:55
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Phil Ochs

Phil Ochs
Album "Long Pig"
Scritta da Steve Skaith e Mike Jones

A look at the death of a protest singer of the 1960's and of that which died with him.

Phil Ochs was a talented singer-songwriter of the 1960s who addressed all manner of anti-war, civil rights, labour, and social justice issues in America. To Ochs, music was a means to carry a message and with unending optimism claimed young men and women could change the world for the better if only they were willing. By the late 60s, increasing weariness and disenchantment with idealism began to seep into both his compositions and his singing. Phil Ochs took his own life in 1976.
Here comes Phil Ochs shovel on his shoulder
inviata da Alessandro 3/2/2010 - 10:31

King For A Day

King For A Day
Album "Long Pig"
Scritta da Steve Skaith e Mike Jones

"The gulf war from the perspective of an ordinary soldier, who was first used and then discarded."
The cross of St. George
inviata da Alessandro 3/2/2010 - 10:24

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