La storia del cane Fido

Sarò felicissimo di comunicarvi la data del giorno dell'inaugurazione del parco Lorenzo De Antiquis a Forlì nel Quartiere dei musicisti in zona Ronco della quale il nonno era molto affezionato in quanto produttrice di un ottimo vino Sangiovese. A parte gli scherzi, La Famiglia De Antiquis vi ringrazia con tutto il cuore per l' interessamento e l'amicizia dimostrataci e questo momento lo condividiamo con voi.
(cresti fabrizio)
(cresti fabrizio)
Aspettiamo ovviamente con gioia di conoscere la data dell'inaugurazione del Parco Lorenzo De Antiquis, e non è improbabile che almeno uno dello staff del sito non faccia una graditissima scappata a Forlì.... Grazie davvero di cuore a tutti voi nel ricordo del grande cantastorie! [RV]
18/9/2007 - 22:13

Το τραγούδι της γκιλοτίνας

To tragoúdi tis ghilotínas
Στίχοι: Ιάκωβος Καμπανέλλης
Μουσική: Σταύρος Ξαρχάκος
Ερμηνεία: Νίκος Ξυλούρης
Από Το μεγάλο μας τσίρκο
Testo di Iakovos Kambanellis
Musica di Stavros Xarchakos
Interpreti: Nikos Xylouris
Dal musical "Il nostro grande circo"
Στο «Μεγάλο μας τσίρκο» ο συγγραφέας Ιάκωβος Καμπανέλλης κατέγραψε όλη την ιστορία της νεότερης Ελλάδας, ενώ ο Σταύρος Ξαρχάκος προσέθεσε τη μελοποίηση και ο Νίκος Ξυλούρης συνέβαλε με τη μοναδική ερμηνεία του.
Το έργο ανέβηκε το 1973 από το θίασο της Τζένης Καρέζη και του Κώστα Καζάκου στο θέατρο «Αθήναιον». Εκτός από τον Νίκο Ξυλούρη, τα τραγούδια του Σταύρου Ξαρχάκου απέδιδαν και τα μέλη του θιάσου.
Πρωταγωνιστικούς ρόλους είχαν οι Διονύσης Παπαγιαννόπουλος, Στέλιος Κωνσταντόπουλος, Νίκος Κούρος, Τίμος Περλέγκας.
Μαζί τους τραγουδούσαν και όλοι οι θεατές: «Φίλοι και αδέρφια» (Ν. Ξυλούρης, Τ. Περλέγκας), «Καλήν εσπέραν»,... (continua)
Στίχοι: Ιάκωβος Καμπανέλλης
Μουσική: Σταύρος Ξαρχάκος
Ερμηνεία: Νίκος Ξυλούρης
Από Το μεγάλο μας τσίρκο
Testo di Iakovos Kambanellis
Musica di Stavros Xarchakos
Interpreti: Nikos Xylouris
Dal musical "Il nostro grande circo"
Στο «Μεγάλο μας τσίρκο» ο συγγραφέας Ιάκωβος Καμπανέλλης κατέγραψε όλη την ιστορία της νεότερης Ελλάδας, ενώ ο Σταύρος Ξαρχάκος προσέθεσε τη μελοποίηση και ο Νίκος Ξυλούρης συνέβαλε με τη μοναδική ερμηνεία του.
Το έργο ανέβηκε το 1973 από το θίασο της Τζένης Καρέζη και του Κώστα Καζάκου στο θέατρο «Αθήναιον». Εκτός από τον Νίκο Ξυλούρη, τα τραγούδια του Σταύρου Ξαρχάκου απέδιδαν και τα μέλη του θιάσου.
Πρωταγωνιστικούς ρόλους είχαν οι Διονύσης Παπαγιαννόπουλος, Στέλιος Κωνσταντόπουλος, Νίκος Κούρος, Τίμος Περλέγκας.
Μαζί τους τραγουδούσαν και όλοι οι θεατές: «Φίλοι και αδέρφια» (Ν. Ξυλούρης, Τ. Περλέγκας), «Καλήν εσπέραν»,... (continua)
Μας την στείλανε οι ξένοι φίλοι που μας αγαπούν
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 18/9/2007 - 20:11
Pena di morte: omicidio del potere


Mi pare che una versione bellissima di Biko l'abbia incisa Robert Wyatt ex batterista dei Soft Machine, fondatore dei Matching Mole e tanto altro.
claudio 18/9/2007 - 18:30
Ed eccoci a 6000. Come sempre in occasione delle "CCG delle migliaia", abbiamo costruito una pagina speciale: stavolta è una serie di vignette satiriche contro la guerra e antimilitariste italiane e di altri paesi. Ma questa pagina è preceduta da un'importante iniziativa: l'inserimento completo del Rwandan Song Cycle di Lorne Clarke e Tom Flannery. L'intero genocidio del 1994 raccontato in una serie di 17 terribili e belle canzoni.
Riccardo Venturi 17/9/2007 - 23:17

E così eccoci giunti anche alla CCG n° 6000; ci abbiamo messo un po' più tempo del solito, stavolta, dato che la n° 5000 risale al gennaio scorso. Però queste ultime mille CCG sono state tra le più importanti mai inserite, oltre ad aver visto una progressiva trasformazione del nostro sito in spazio esclusivamente dedicato ai testi, alle traduzioni e ai commenti in vero spazio interattivo, con la possibilità di scaricare mp3 (tramite links) e video. Questo per quanto riguarda l'aspetto "tecnico" del sito; per l'altro aspetto, quello che più conta, forse l'unico commento da fare sarebbe quello espresso da Brett Dennen nella sua bella canzone: The Holidays Are Here (And We're Still At War). Perché in guerra ci siamo sempre tutti quanti. Allora, per questa 6000esima Canzone Contro la Guerra, abbiamo pensato di proporre una serie di vignette satiriche,... (continua)
(Vauro, Italy)
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 23:06
Le CCG delle migliaia

How Do We Sleep At Night?

© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
Sometimes I wonder how we sleep at night
inviata da CCG Staff 17/9/2007 - 23:01
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda

Lake Victoria

© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
I once thought sins were washed away
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 17/9/2007 - 22:59
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda

Do You Ever Wonder?

© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
Do you ever wonder about the Lord above
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 22:53
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda

Tell Me How

© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
You say "we remember"
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 22:50
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Christmas In Kigali

© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
It's Christmas in Kigali
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 22:48
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda

Talkin' First Day Working At The UN Blues

© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
Got a job at the UN the pay's pretty good
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 22:46
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda

Requiem For Butare

© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
First among the tell-tale signs of madness
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 22:32
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda


© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
She was 17 years
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 22:27
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda

Madame Agathe

© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
Hercules is racing for the border
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 21:59
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda


© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
What if I used this song to hate
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 21:54
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda

I'm Coming Home

© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
It's been 9 long years
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 21:34
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda

Isn't That A Shame?

© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
Weatherman's callin' for rain tonight
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 21:31
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda

Romeo Dallaire

© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
When I lay down I can hear the guns
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 21:23
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Paul Kagame Blues

© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
They say the love of one's country
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 21:16
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda

Rwandan Eyes

© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
I'd like to look through his eyes
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 21:09
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Rwanda - The Rise And Fall

© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
Crouching in a muddy pool in a ditch beside the road
inviata da CCG Staff 17/9/2007 - 20:51
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda

My son is fighting in Iraq
inviata da daniela -k.d- 17/9/2007 - 19:52
La tragedia del Darfur

Face To Face

1-28-05 & 4-13-05:
Interview of Vietnam War veteran Rich Latrelle by Jane Pauley (NBC-TV).
Rich Latrelle was deeply affected by his 1st kill:
a Viet Cong soldier, whose photo of the man & his daughter Rich kept in his wallet for the next 30 years.
He left the photo at the Vietnam War Memorial Wall in Washington, DC, thinking he had achieved completion.
Among the thousands of mementos left at the Wall each year, the curator of the museum chose that photo for the cover of a book written about those objects.
Vet friends brought the book to Rich's attention.
Other acquaintences arranged for his meeting the daughter in her village in Vietnam.
Not knowing what to expect, he hesitantly approached her home, only to be greeted warmly with acceptance, honor, forgiveness & compassion.
Interview of Vietnam War veteran Rich Latrelle by Jane Pauley (NBC-TV).
Rich Latrelle was deeply affected by his 1st kill:
a Viet Cong soldier, whose photo of the man & his daughter Rich kept in his wallet for the next 30 years.
He left the photo at the Vietnam War Memorial Wall in Washington, DC, thinking he had achieved completion.
Among the thousands of mementos left at the Wall each year, the curator of the museum chose that photo for the cover of a book written about those objects.
Vet friends brought the book to Rich's attention.
Other acquaintences arranged for his meeting the daughter in her village in Vietnam.
Not knowing what to expect, he hesitantly approached her home, only to be greeted warmly with acceptance, honor, forgiveness & compassion.
1: We had been in country nearly three days.
inviata da daniela -k.d.- 17/9/2007 - 19:28
Guerra in Vietnam: reduci e conseguenze
Oops, We Bombed The Wrong Country
(Iraq, Iran: one little letter spelling mistake)
(Iraq, Iran: one little letter spelling mistake)
1: Just one little letter. That's all that it was.
inviata da daniela -k.d.- 17/9/2007 - 19:24
C. O.
(Conscientious Objector)
(Conscientious Objector)
1: I don't think that I could kill another,
inviata da daniela -k.d.- 17/9/2007 - 19:19
Hey, It's Not Me
1: Mikhail Kalashnikov is one of my heroes
inviata da daniela -k.d.- 17/9/2007 - 19:11
I Want Him Back From Iraq
1: Yeah, it was me who was all rah-rah when he signed up.
inviata da daniela -k.d.- 17/9/2007 - 19:05

Night Of Dying Moon
(9 year-old girl in Darfur, Sudan)
inviata da daniela -k.d.- 17/9/2007 - 19:00
La tragedia del Darfur

Song Of Darfurian Rape Victims
Attenzione: questa è la traduzione inglese del testo originale. Non conosciamo l'autore della canzone
Informazioni tratte da questo articolo
Lo stupro come arma di guerra contro le donne
La guerra è un crimine. Lo stupro è il peggior crimine dei crimini.
"Lo stupro è il processo consapevole di intimidazione grazie al quale tutti gli uomini tengono tutte le donne in stato di paura"
Susan Brownmiller.
Non si tratta di un atto incontrollato. Lo stupro viene commesso dopo essere stato vagheggiato, pianificato, vagliato, preparato ed è un atto che cerca simbolicamente la morte della propria vittima, ovvero che essa desideri essere morta. Lo stupro in guerra è anche uno strumento di esilio forzato, di distruzione di una comunità, di un gruppo o di un popolo. Lo stupro è infine spettacolo: qualcosa che deve essere visto e sentito e raccontato agli altri.
L'orrore palese del conflitto armato... (continua)
Informazioni tratte da questo articolo
Lo stupro come arma di guerra contro le donne
La guerra è un crimine. Lo stupro è il peggior crimine dei crimini.
"Lo stupro è il processo consapevole di intimidazione grazie al quale tutti gli uomini tengono tutte le donne in stato di paura"
Susan Brownmiller.
Non si tratta di un atto incontrollato. Lo stupro viene commesso dopo essere stato vagheggiato, pianificato, vagliato, preparato ed è un atto che cerca simbolicamente la morte della propria vittima, ovvero che essa desideri essere morta. Lo stupro in guerra è anche uno strumento di esilio forzato, di distruzione di una comunità, di un gruppo o di un popolo. Lo stupro è infine spettacolo: qualcosa che deve essere visto e sentito e raccontato agli altri.
L'orrore palese del conflitto armato... (continua)
This is our country,
inviata da Marcia Rosati 17/9/2007 - 16:27

Il mercenario di Lucera

Al signor Venturi andrebbe passata la sveglia perchè evidentemente dorme, come la stragrande maggioranza dei suoi "correligionari". Parlare di un presunto coinvolgimento di Morsello nella strage di Bologna, stanti gli atti processuali, è lesivo della sua dignità ancor più delle parole da trivio usate dal Venturi, che manifesta (su un sito peraltro "pacifista") ben scarsa considerazione per la vita ed altrettanto scarso rispetto per la morte.
Le auguro che i suoi figli non si imbattano un domani (come potrebbero fare i figli di Massimo Morsello oggi) nel web in un altro Venturi aduso a sputare fiele sulla sua memoria.
Ma come, sig. AF (Anonimo Fascista), mi vuole passare soltanto la sveglia e non un po' di olio di ricino o di manganello? Ach so, non ci sono più i fascisti di una volta... Ad ogni modo, come dirle, io di tutta questa discussione decisamente imbecille mi sarei anche vagamente... (continua)
Le auguro che i suoi figli non si imbattano un domani (come potrebbero fare i figli di Massimo Morsello oggi) nel web in un altro Venturi aduso a sputare fiele sulla sua memoria.
Ma come, sig. AF (Anonimo Fascista), mi vuole passare soltanto la sveglia e non un po' di olio di ricino o di manganello? Ach so, non ci sono più i fascisti di una volta... Ad ogni modo, come dirle, io di tutta questa discussione decisamente imbecille mi sarei anche vagamente... (continua)
17/9/2007 - 15:37

Estadio Chile

Victor Jara, 28 Septiembre 1932 - 16 Septiembre 1973
de Nano Acevedo
No hace mucho en Chile el latifundista no sólo era dueño de la tierra sino de sus peones a los cuales trataba a patadas y arrastraba a su cama a las hijas de estos, -muchachas dulces que se casaban mañana-, cobrando el asqueroso “derecho a pernada”.El cobre, el “Sueldo de Chile” como lo llamaba el presidente Allende, era robado por el gringo corsario, pero llegó el Doctor y “mandó a parar”, aunque todavía hacen nata los escamoteadores que se resisten a pagar royalties.
Bajo dictadura, la brutalidad milica no sólo destrozaba los pocos enseres del obrero, sino violaba a sus hijas y asesinaba a diestra y siniestra por el gusto de hacerlo ¡No me vengan a mí ahora a cantar villancicos!; lo de Antuco fue mandar a la muerte a los hijos del pobre, así inermes y ateridos de frío. Esa sangre... (continua)
de Nano Acevedo
No hace mucho en Chile el latifundista no sólo era dueño de la tierra sino de sus peones a los cuales trataba a patadas y arrastraba a su cama a las hijas de estos, -muchachas dulces que se casaban mañana-, cobrando el asqueroso “derecho a pernada”.El cobre, el “Sueldo de Chile” como lo llamaba el presidente Allende, era robado por el gringo corsario, pero llegó el Doctor y “mandó a parar”, aunque todavía hacen nata los escamoteadores que se resisten a pagar royalties.
Bajo dictadura, la brutalidad milica no sólo destrozaba los pocos enseres del obrero, sino violaba a sus hijas y asesinaba a diestra y siniestra por el gusto de hacerlo ¡No me vengan a mí ahora a cantar villancicos!; lo de Antuco fue mandar a la muerte a los hijos del pobre, así inermes y ateridos de frío. Esa sangre... (continua)
Alessandro 17/9/2007 - 15:14

La madre del soldato

Da/From: "Male di amare"
Da/From: "Male di amare"
Per il mondo era un soldato
inviata da Silva 17/9/2007 - 11:56

Povera mamma

Ho scaricato questa canzone da internet, ma non completa. Ve la invio ugualmente, nella speranza che voi sappiate completarne il testo (quello che vi mando l'ho trascritto all'ascolto e non giuro che sia esatto, essendo in romanesco)
Il testo completo è stato poi inviato da Simone Valentini
Il testo completo è stato poi inviato da Simone Valentini
Brano contenuto nell'album "Gabriella Ferri" del 1966.
Si parla di Napoleone e della meglio gioventù, questo a me fa pensare a Pier Paolo Pasolini, che ha così intitolato una raccolta di poesie, di cui Gabriella ha interpretato altre canzoni come "Il valzer della toppa" e "Cristo al mandrione" e che ha scritto anche altri testi, poi musicati, sulla guerra, come "Il soldato di Napoleone" interpretata da Sergio Endrigo.
(Simone Valentini)
Si parla di Napoleone e della meglio gioventù, questo a me fa pensare a Pier Paolo Pasolini, che ha così intitolato una raccolta di poesie, di cui Gabriella ha interpretato altre canzoni come "Il valzer della toppa" e "Cristo al mandrione" e che ha scritto anche altri testi, poi musicati, sulla guerra, come "Il soldato di Napoleone" interpretata da Sergio Endrigo.
(Simone Valentini)
Amore amore parto e te saluto
inviata da Renato Stecca 16/9/2007 - 22:42

En tu silencio

Estimado señor Ventury:
La tomo su deferencia y atencion a mi humilde comunicado y mensaje que tube a bien señalarle con anterioridad, su agradecimiento me engrandece y me hace sentirme muy grato, por su educacion y fineza de considerarme parte de su movimiento pacifista y tan respetado en todo el orbe, si bien es un esfuerzo humanista, es tambien un gran papel el que usted desarrolla junto con su equipo de trabajo, y aqui en estas latitudes del globo terraque existimos gentes que le respetamos y le estimamos,y tambien existen causa que estamos respaldando de personas que tambien estan comprometidas con las ideas de justicia de libertad y de paz.
anexo un link al respecto y pido que su noble movimiento ayude a trascender a estas causas...lo que usted pueda hacer y sus compañeros de equipo , pues se los agradecemos de antemano...atte. lic, Jaime Arizaga Sanchez.
La tomo su deferencia y atencion a mi humilde comunicado y mensaje que tube a bien señalarle con anterioridad, su agradecimiento me engrandece y me hace sentirme muy grato, por su educacion y fineza de considerarme parte de su movimiento pacifista y tan respetado en todo el orbe, si bien es un esfuerzo humanista, es tambien un gran papel el que usted desarrolla junto con su equipo de trabajo, y aqui en estas latitudes del globo terraque existimos gentes que le respetamos y le estimamos,y tambien existen causa que estamos respaldando de personas que tambien estan comprometidas con las ideas de justicia de libertad y de paz.
anexo un link al respecto y pido que su noble movimiento ayude a trascender a estas causas...lo que usted pueda hacer y sus compañeros de equipo , pues se los agradecemos de antemano...atte. lic, Jaime Arizaga Sanchez.
16/9/2007 - 05:51

Cima Vallona

Le informazioni sull'attentato di Cima Vallona sono tremendamente errate.
Provveda lei allora a mettere quelle giuste, e si firmi con nome e cognome. Saluti. [CCG Staff]
16/9/2007 - 00:05


Excusez-moi mais vous avez une erreur à votre page. La photo qui dit Christos Thivaios n'est pas la photo de l'artiste mais d'un autre, qui s'appelle Lavrentis Machairitsas. Changez-la !
Merci Rania
Merci Rania
Merci à toi Rania pour nous avois signalé cette erreur. Nous avons déjà corrigé la page en mettant une photo du vrai Christos Thivaios. [CCG Staff]
Rania Moussouli 15/9/2007 - 22:13

Les cerises de Monsieur Clément

inviata da Daniel Bellucci Nizza Sab.15 settembre 2007 . il sabato mattina ci ammazza la scuola 15/9/2007 - 18:23

Brigante se more

erano anni che mi interrogavo su quella frase "nun ce ne fotte d'o rre burbone" che mi aveva sempre insospettito, poi ho sentito la versione alternativa e mi è venuto il dubbio che potesse esistere una controversia..
dapprima ho pensato a un bennato mistificatore, poi ho letto le risposte e a questo punto si pone un problema di filoborbonici che hanno modificato la canzone...
a chi credere? boh! la cosa però è appassionante e secondo me merita maggior rilievo filologico. speriamo che il tema venga discusso piu profondamente con contributo dello stesso bennato (il quale però va detto, e stato sgamato da subito da me per una frase mal riuscita, sia che l'abbia inventata lui sia che l'abbia modificata... peccato)
erano anni che mi interrogavo su quella frase "nun ce ne fotte d'o rre burbone" che mi aveva sempre insospettito, poi ho sentito la versione alternativa e mi è venuto il dubbio che potesse esistere una controversia..
dapprima ho pensato a un bennato mistificatore, poi ho letto le risposte e a questo punto si pone un problema di filoborbonici che hanno modificato la canzone...
a chi credere? boh! la cosa però è appassionante e secondo me merita maggior rilievo filologico. speriamo che il tema venga discusso piu profondamente con contributo dello stesso bennato (il quale però va detto, e stato sgamato da subito da me per una frase mal riuscita, sia che l'abbia inventata lui sia che l'abbia modificata... peccato)
fabrizio 15/9/2007 - 02:00

Song For Ye, Jacobites [Ye Jacobites By Name]
![Song For Ye, Jacobites [Ye Jacobites By Name]](img/thumb/c51_130x140.jpeg?1328302723)
The original, "very anti-Jacobite" version of 1740, from Cantaria.
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 15/9/2007 - 00:42

Black Rain

Da "Both Sides of the Gun" del 2006.
Un'invettiva contro l'amministrazione Bush, a partire dalla gestione della tragedia di New Orleans, su cui nel 2005 si è abbattuto l'uragano Katrina.
Un'invettiva contro l'amministrazione Bush, a partire dalla gestione della tragedia di New Orleans, su cui nel 2005 si è abbattuto l'uragano Katrina.
You left them swimming for their lives
inviata da Alessandro 14/9/2007 - 23:22

Better Way

E' il brano che apre la seconda parte dell'album "Both Sides of the Gun" (2006).
One, two, one, two, three
inviata da Alessandro 14/9/2007 - 23:09

Un río de sangre corre (Rodríguez y Recabarren)

inviata da Maria Cristina 14/9/2007 - 15:43
Muerte y resurrección de Víctor Jara (o Despedida y resurrección de Víctor Jara)

inviata da Maria Cristina 14/9/2007 - 15:40

Memorial de Tlatelolco

inviata da Maria Cristina 14/9/2007 - 15:03

Mio padre ha un buco in gola

Antonello ha dedicato al padre diverse canzoni: "Mio padre ha un buco in gola"(dall'album "le cose della vita", 1973) , che prende il titolo dalla ferita subita da Vincenzo Italo Venditti nella seconda guerra mondiale. La "leggenda" racconta che un proiettile rimbalzò sulla fibbia della cinta e si conficcò in gola.
La canzone, dai toni molti aspri, è un atto di accusa verso i genitori giudicati dal giovane Venditti estremamente "chiusi" e simboli di un'Italia che non gli piace. La madre è "professoressa" di latino e greco, il papà proprio negli anni della contestazione è vice prefetto di Roma. Da notare il "simpatico" aneddoto secondo cui durante l'occupazione della facoltà di Architettura (Valle Giulia, vedi la canzone "Qui", "Cuore", 1984), il vice-prefetto chiamò con il megafono suo figlio dicendo "Antonello non fare il cretino, vai a casa"; Tornando alla canzone "Mio padre ha un buco... (continua)
La canzone, dai toni molti aspri, è un atto di accusa verso i genitori giudicati dal giovane Venditti estremamente "chiusi" e simboli di un'Italia che non gli piace. La madre è "professoressa" di latino e greco, il papà proprio negli anni della contestazione è vice prefetto di Roma. Da notare il "simpatico" aneddoto secondo cui durante l'occupazione della facoltà di Architettura (Valle Giulia, vedi la canzone "Qui", "Cuore", 1984), il vice-prefetto chiamò con il megafono suo figlio dicendo "Antonello non fare il cretino, vai a casa"; Tornando alla canzone "Mio padre ha un buco... (continua)
Mio padre ha un buco in gola
inviata da Silva 14/9/2007 - 10:13

Born In The U.S.A.

Viva Springsteen un Dio del Rock.
Il Boss Rappresenta l'America Intera cn i suoi Pregi e i suoi Difetti.Springsteen e geniale.La canzone "Born in the USA" da una carica Incredibile e ogni volta che la Sento impazzisco.
Vorrei essere Americano solo per La Canzone "Born in the USA".
Bruce Springsteen Orgoglio Statunitense.
Il Boss Rappresenta l'America Intera cn i suoi Pregi e i suoi Difetti.Springsteen e geniale.La canzone "Born in the USA" da una carica Incredibile e ogni volta che la Sento impazzisco.
Vorrei essere Americano solo per La Canzone "Born in the USA".
Bruce Springsteen Orgoglio Statunitense.
Manu Rock 14/9/2007 - 00:10

Running The World

Dal primo solo album, intitolato semplicemente "Jarvis" (2006)... e non si può che essere d'accordo con Jarvis: sono le teste di cazzo a fare ancora il bello e il cattivo tempo in giro per il mondo. Dedicato a Bush e Blair, in particolare.
Well did you hear, there’s a natural order.
inviata da Alessandro 13/9/2007 - 23:48

Hey Dick!
This song is for Dick Cheney
What if we had a chance to inerrogate Cheney? How would we approach it? What Would Cheney Do?
This song is for Dick Cheney
What if we had a chance to inerrogate Cheney? How would we approach it? What Would Cheney Do?
Hey Dick
inviata da John 13/9/2007 - 17:34

Mi sembra che nella versione delle Mondine manchi questa strofa (doppo quella di :o mamma mia ...)
o forse mi sbaglio
Ed ogni ora, che qui passiamo
O bella ciao o bella ciao o bella ciao ciao ciao
Ed ogni ora, che qui passiamo
Noi perdiam' la gioventù
(Jacky Fluttaz)