Yellow Rain

Tears in his eyes
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 23:50
Guerra in Vietnam: vista dagli USA

The Hero And The Madman

From the album Vagabonds Of The Western World
Dall'album Vagabonds Of The Western World
(Decca SKL 5170)
Lyrics available at/Testo ripreso da
This page/questa pagina
From the album Vagabonds Of The Western World
Dall'album Vagabonds Of The Western World
(Decca SKL 5170)
Lyrics available at/Testo ripreso da
This page/questa pagina
The hero
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 23:38

Soldier Without A Faith

From the album Marching Out
Dall'album Marching Out
(Polydor 825 733-1)
Lyrics available at
Testo ripreso da
this page/questa pagina
From the album Marching Out
Dall'album Marching Out
(Polydor 825 733-1)
Lyrics available at
Testo ripreso da
this page/questa pagina
Now the battle is over
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 23:29

Bella Ciao

8a. Bella Ciao (Versione francese di Minga)
8a. Bella Ciao (Version française de Minga)
Di Minga, da révoltes.free.fr
Par Minga, d'après révoltes.free.fr
Adaptation française par Minga © 2003
Copyleft : cette adaptation est libre, vous pouvez la redistribuer et/ou la modifier selon les termes de la licence Art libre.
NOTA: Sono stati corretti alcuni errori d'ortografia.
NOTE: Nous avons corrigé quelques fautes d'ortographe.
Bella ciao est un chant de révolte italien qui célèbre l'engagement dans le combat mené par les partisans, résistants pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale opposés aux troupes allemandes alliées de la République sociale italienne fasciste, dans le cadre de la guerre civile italienne. Les paroles ont été écrites fin 1944 sur la musique d'une chanson populaire que chantaient au début du xxe siècle les mondine, ces saisonnières qui désherbaient les rizières de la plaine... (continua)
8a. Bella Ciao (Version française de Minga)
Di Minga, da révoltes.free.fr
Par Minga, d'après révoltes.free.fr
Adaptation française par Minga © 2003
Copyleft : cette adaptation est libre, vous pouvez la redistribuer et/ou la modifier selon les termes de la licence Art libre.
NOTA: Sono stati corretti alcuni errori d'ortografia.
NOTE: Nous avons corrigé quelques fautes d'ortographe.
Bella ciao est un chant de révolte italien qui célèbre l'engagement dans le combat mené par les partisans, résistants pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale opposés aux troupes allemandes alliées de la République sociale italienne fasciste, dans le cadre de la guerre civile italienne. Les paroles ont été écrites fin 1944 sur la musique d'une chanson populaire que chantaient au début du xxe siècle les mondine, ces saisonnières qui désherbaient les rizières de la plaine... (continua)
Une matinée, je me suis levé
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 18:24
Les vrais racistes

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Parceque vous êtes bien nés
inviata da adriana 19/8/2006 - 18:16
Images chocs

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Images chocs
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 18:00
Racisme primaire

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Folie meurtrière
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 17:54

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Est-ce utopie de rêver ?
inviata da adriana 19/8/2006 - 17:53
Il est revenu, ne viendra plus

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Il est revenu
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 17:44
Comment ne pas se révolter ?

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Comment ne pas se révolter ?
inviata da adriana 19/8/2006 - 17:42
Violences urbaines

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Violences urbaines
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 17:39
Sous l'étoile de David

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Danger pour ceux qui naissent
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 17:36
Nous les soldats d'hier

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Nous les soldats pour vous morts
inviata da adriana 19/8/2006 - 17:35
Actes de barbarie

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Actes de barbarie
inviata da adriana 19/8/2006 - 17:29
Flashs Infos

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 17:29
La sentence tombe

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Sur la ville
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 17:26
France des Partisans

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
France des partisans
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 17:21
Ceux qui font les guerres

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Depuis la nuit des temps
inviata da adriana 19/8/2006 - 17:13
Ecoute le silence

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Ecoute. Ecoute le silence
inviata da adriana 19/8/2006 - 16:56
Comment? Comment?

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Comment décrire
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 16:52
Elle frappe encore la guerre

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Elle frappe, frappe, frappe encore
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 16:50
Petite cithare du Liban

Chant de révolte et d'espoir d'Ariel Boucher
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Canto di rivolta e di speranza di Ariel Boucher
d'après/da révoltes.free.fr
Petite cithare du Liban
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 16:35

Storia di un cane

Deutsche Fassung von Riccardo Venturi
19. August 2006
19. August 2006
19/8/2006 - 16:22
Were You There

Were you there in Washington
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 14:39
Which Side Are You On

Copyright: Keith McKenry 2006
From/Da Centre For Political Song
"This song is my response to the obscenity of the so-called 'War on Terror', an obscenity compounded by the aggressive fiction peddled by the United States Government that in regard to its unprovoked invasion of Iraq, an invasion unrelated to the horrific September 11 terrorist attack on the United States but obscenely piggy-backing on it, that we are either 'for them or against them'. As every day goes on, and each side in Iraq becomes more enmeshed in perpetrating horror against innocents, we need increasingly to stand up and cry 'Not in our name!'" -Keith McKenry.
From/Da Centre For Political Song
"This song is my response to the obscenity of the so-called 'War on Terror', an obscenity compounded by the aggressive fiction peddled by the United States Government that in regard to its unprovoked invasion of Iraq, an invasion unrelated to the horrific September 11 terrorist attack on the United States but obscenely piggy-backing on it, that we are either 'for them or against them'. As every day goes on, and each side in Iraq becomes more enmeshed in perpetrating horror against innocents, we need increasingly to stand up and cry 'Not in our name!'" -Keith McKenry.
Come all you good people,
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 14:16

Who Rules The World?

Copyright 2004 by Nathan Sloniowski
From/Da Centre For Political Song
"This song is a very Canadian one - somebody watching television at dinnertime as planes crash into buildings, people starve in different parts of the world, and digesting the evening meal of mayhem with a very cynical, passive and I think Canadian 'gosh, shucks, glad it's not me and I live here not there, pass the peas please' sense of detachment. It's a form of detachment that is utterly deadly because if the majority of people in developing countries take the screen-zombie approach, powerful countries like the United States will increasingly drape their flags around death and destruction to secure resources and other geo-political objectives with nary a peep out of the rest of the world (except perhaps, activist songwriters!). I chose a bemused, satirical approach to the lyrics, including the blatantly country &... (continua)
From/Da Centre For Political Song
"This song is a very Canadian one - somebody watching television at dinnertime as planes crash into buildings, people starve in different parts of the world, and digesting the evening meal of mayhem with a very cynical, passive and I think Canadian 'gosh, shucks, glad it's not me and I live here not there, pass the peas please' sense of detachment. It's a form of detachment that is utterly deadly because if the majority of people in developing countries take the screen-zombie approach, powerful countries like the United States will increasingly drape their flags around death and destruction to secure resources and other geo-political objectives with nary a peep out of the rest of the world (except perhaps, activist songwriters!). I chose a bemused, satirical approach to the lyrics, including the blatantly country &... (continua)
Jose just lost her job
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 13:49

Yankee Doodle Georgie

Copyright 2004 Vicki Ryder
To the tune of/Sull'aria di Yankee Doodle Dandy
Lyrics available at
Testo ripreso da
Centre For Political Song
To the tune of/Sull'aria di Yankee Doodle Dandy
Lyrics available at
Testo ripreso da
Centre For Political Song
Georgie Porgie is the prez
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 12:34
George Walker Bush II

You Can Not Have War Tell the Truth

My son Jacob asked me when he was five,
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 19/8/2006 - 12:17

Wenn die Soldaten durch die Stadt marschieren

inviata da Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 23:48

In den Kasernen

Grazie a te, Piergiorgio, per questo contributo. Ogni traduzione è sempre la benvenuta. [RV]
inviata da Piergiorgio 18/8/2006 - 22:22

Stranizza d'amuri

Quando l'ho ascoltata per la prima volta mi sono detto questo è il vero Franco Battiato siciliano.E`davvero magnifica questa canzone.Anch'io siciliano mi sento davvero orgoglioso di avere un artista straordinario della mia stessa Madre Terra.W Sicilia
Daniele di Palermo da Tolone
Daniele di Palermo da Tolone
Daniele 18/8/2006 - 22:17
18 agosto 2006: una data storica per le CCG. E' terminato l'inserimento delle canzoni di David Rovics. Sono 89, un record che verrà difficilmente battuto da un altro singolo autore. Verranno via via tradotte in italiano. Grazie a David, se legge, per tutto quello che ha fatto e che farà ancora!
Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 17:53

Song For Hugh Thompson

[December 1998]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
David Rovics' Official Website
Da/From "We Just Want The World"
"I was in a wonderful cafe (Hyperion Espresso) in Fredericksburg, Virginia, when I read in the paper about this helicopter pilot who landed in My Lai near the end of this horrible massacre perpetrated upon Vietnamese peasants by American troops. I never knew until I read this article that certain American troops were also involved with finally putting an end to it. The only reason Hugh Thomson's heroic story emerged after thirty years was because the government of Vietnam was preparing to give him a medal for his actions, and the U.S. Army decided it wanted to try to avoid being upstaged." - David Rovics.
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
David Rovics' Official Website
Da/From "We Just Want The World"
"I was in a wonderful cafe (Hyperion Espresso) in Fredericksburg, Virginia, when I read in the paper about this helicopter pilot who landed in My Lai near the end of this horrible massacre perpetrated upon Vietnamese peasants by American troops. I never knew until I read this article that certain American troops were also involved with finally putting an end to it. The only reason Hugh Thomson's heroic story emerged after thirty years was because the government of Vietnam was preparing to give him a medal for his actions, and the U.S. Army decided it wanted to try to avoid being upstaged." - David Rovics.
Hugh Thompson was a pilot, just like many more
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 17:16
Guerra in Vietnam: vista dagli USA

We Just Want The World

[December 1998]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/da "We Just Want The World"
David Rovics' Official Website
"We Just Want the World -- not its ashes. There's certainly no future for any of humanity's hopes and dreams if the earth itself is strangled to death by oil spills and chainsaws." -David Rovics.
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/da "We Just Want The World"
David Rovics' Official Website
"We Just Want the World -- not its ashes. There's certainly no future for any of humanity's hopes and dreams if the earth itself is strangled to death by oil spills and chainsaws." -David Rovics.
When we're living in the White House
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 17:11

The Flag Desecration Rag

[December 1998]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/da "Live At Club Passim"
David Rovics' Official Website
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/da "Live At Club Passim"
David Rovics' Official Website
They tried to pass an amendment in the U.S. Congress
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 17:07

We Are Everywhere

[July 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website
"It’s true. I would say this is the single most important fact that we should always remember." -David Rovics.
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website
"It’s true. I would say this is the single most important fact that we should always remember." -David Rovics.
When I say the hungry should have food
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 16:25

Your Poverty is Our Profit

Africa's starving, the news came in
inviata da adriana 18/8/2006 - 16:22

In One World

[March 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website
"Based on a story I read in the Palestine Monitor about a Palestinian refugee from the city of Haifa who went to visit the home of his birth and met the Jewish refugees from Iraq who were living there." -David Rovics.
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website
"Based on a story I read in the Palestine Monitor about a Palestinian refugee from the city of Haifa who went to visit the home of his birth and met the Jewish refugees from Iraq who were living there." -David Rovics.
It took a long time, but I made a home here
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 16:22
That's News!

A re-write of an old Tom Paxton song...
In Chiapas
inviata da adriana 18/8/2006 - 16:19

By The Time They Nuke D.C.

[July 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website
"As research into mini-nukes continues at the Y-12 Nuclear weapons factory in Tennessee, the specter of nuclear terrorism becomes ever more real." -David Rovics.
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website
"As research into mini-nukes continues at the Y-12 Nuclear weapons factory in Tennessee, the specter of nuclear terrorism becomes ever more real." -David Rovics.
I want to write this song
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 16:13

I Have Seen The Enemy

[July 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website
"Any relation to any politicians, living or dead, is entirely coincidental." -David Rovics.
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website
"Any relation to any politicians, living or dead, is entirely coincidental." -David Rovics.
He has no feelings for the dead
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 16:04
Compagno col kashmiv

Detto fatto. Non c'è stato neppure il tempo di abituarsi all'idea, ed ecco che il perfido Riccardo Scocciante, che oramai ha preso a definirsi il "Cantastorie Carogna", se n'esce fuori con una nuova composizione. Stavolta, ohimé, ha preso di mira un noto politico italiano di estvema sinistva, uno che animava le manifestazioni per la pace con tanto di bandierina, uno che si faceva fotografare col Subcomandante Mavcos, uno che...insomma, uno che adesso espelle dal partito chi dice che in Iraq l'Italia c'era andata a far la guerra e a difendere interessi economici, non una "missione di pace", e uno che il due giugno scorso s'è fatto vedere tutto compunto mentre sfilavano cavvi avmati, missili, mezzi covazzati, bazzùca, ometti al passo dell'oca, cazzi di gomma, casseruole al plutonio, urànii impoveriti, isole dei famosi & altre belle cosine del geneve. Bisogna scendeve a compvomessi, neh,... (continua)
A Montecitovio tanta gente
18/8/2006 - 15:20
The Ballad Of NAFTA

They're fighting for your freedom
inviata da adriana 18/8/2006 - 15:01
One More War
I heard the corporation's weren't doing good
inviata da adriana 18/8/2006 - 14:52

The Ballad Of The Last 10,000 Years
In the streets and everywhere
inviata da adriana 18/8/2006 - 14:39

Good Kurds, Bad Kurds

[May 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website
"I wrote this after watching a documentary of the same name. There may not be a more glaring example of the contradictions in US foreign policy than our policy towards the Kurdish nation." -David Rovics.
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website
"I wrote this after watching a documentary of the same name. There may not be a more glaring example of the contradictions in US foreign policy than our policy towards the Kurdish nation." -David Rovics.
Saddam Hussein gassed the Kurdish people
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 14:11
Dal Kurdistan

Bomb Ourselves

[March 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website
"Another song inspired by Dubya" -David Rovics.
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website
"Another song inspired by Dubya" -David Rovics.
The President got on TV and there was nary a dry eye, he said he loved his country and mom and apple pie
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 11:40

The Village Where Nothing Happened

[January 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website
"Based on an article by Richard Lloyd Parry that originally appeared in the Independent (UK)." -David Rovics
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website
"Based on an article by Richard Lloyd Parry that originally appeared in the Independent (UK)." -David Rovics
The Army commander spooke to the media
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 11:37

Drink Of The Death Squads

[March 2002]
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website
"True story first told to me by Katie Knight from the Colombia Support Network in Montana. Something like half of the union organizers that are killed in the world each year are Colombian. Colombia is also the biggest recipient of military aid in the hemisphere. This, of course, is a coincidence." -David Rovics.
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
From/Da "Hang A Flag In The Window"
David Rovics' Official Website
"True story first told to me by Katie Knight from the Colombia Support Network in Montana. Something like half of the union organizers that are killed in the world each year are Colombian. Colombia is also the biggest recipient of military aid in the hemisphere. This, of course, is a coincidence." -David Rovics.
Coca-Cola came to Colombia
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 18/8/2006 - 11:34

Who'll Stop The Rain?

... vorrei solo aggiungere che questa magnifica canzone dei CCR dà il titolo ad un altrettanto bellissimo film americano di uno dei padri del free cinema britannico, Karel Reisz (ebreo cecoslovacco riparato in Inghilterra dopo l'invasione nazista). Il film è tratto dal romanzo "Dog Soldiers" di Robert Stone. Da noi, come spesso avviene, uscì con un titolo del cavolo che ammiccava al pubblico dei film d'azione: "I guerrieri dell'inferno"...
"Who'll Stop the Rain (1977), allegorico, è un thriller ad inseguimento; è la storia di un pacco di eroina trasportato da un reduce del Vietnam a Los Angeles per conto di un giornalista, conteso ai due da poliziotti corrotti e da professionisti della droga; nello spettacolare scontro a fuoco finale, il soldato muore, permettendo all'amico e a sua moglie di mettersi in salvo; sarà sepolto nel deserto e per croce avrà il fucile. Il film dissacra e smitizza... (continua)
"Who'll Stop the Rain (1977), allegorico, è un thriller ad inseguimento; è la storia di un pacco di eroina trasportato da un reduce del Vietnam a Los Angeles per conto di un giornalista, conteso ai due da poliziotti corrotti e da professionisti della droga; nello spettacolare scontro a fuoco finale, il soldato muore, permettendo all'amico e a sua moglie di mettersi in salvo; sarà sepolto nel deserto e per croce avrà il fucile. Il film dissacra e smitizza... (continua)
Alessandro 17/8/2006 - 23:04

Hadda Been Playin' On The Jukebox

17 agosto 2006
17/8/2006 - 19:27

The Ghost Of Hiroshima
I’ll show you chemical and biological weapons,
inviata da adriana 17/8/2006 - 17:44

(Atkins, Hammer)
From the album Future World
Dall'album Future World
Lyrics available at/Testo ripreso da
Questa pagina/This page
A song on Vietnam veterans. Considered heroes when they left, and criminals when they returned. They were only pawns in a game, not knowing what they were fighting for, but they were the ones who were blamed.