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Le chant des ouvriers [Buvons à l'indépendance du monde]

Le chant des ouvriers [Buvons à l'indépendance du monde]
English version from The Mudcat Café

Some precisions that may suffer from a literary translations:
- "to the anvil": to work
- The verse beginning by "To the puny son" was harder.
- "Our wives gives their breasts": they are nurses for the bourgeoisie
- "to demean oneself": it was in my dictionary, never heard that before. The song says that the poor woman feeds the bourgeois kid, and then the kid, older, is condescending.
- "the landlord's right": "le droit du seigneur", also known as "droit de cuissage" - in the feudal regime, the landlord has the right to sleep first with a woman (virgin) who just got married. This practically declined in (not really sure) fifteen or sixteen century, but continued a long time in certain places. Is there anything like this in the English culture?
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 27/11/2005 - 19:58

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