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Percorso Hiroshima e Nagasaki 広島市 - 長崎市

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Hiroshima mon amour

Hiroshima mon amour
It was newborn and ten feet tall,
5/10/2005 - 22:40
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Album: Dirty Fingers - 1983
They still remember
5/10/2005 - 22:36
Oggi 9 agosto 2005 è il 60° anniversario della seconda bomba atomica sganciata su Nagasaki. Sessant'anni di terrore nucleare che vogliamo ricordare con uno speciale, nuovo percorso su Hiroshima e Nagasaki, contenente tutte le CCG dedicate a questo triste e cruciale evento nella storia dell'umanità. Il percorso contiene anche, in via straordinaria, la Dichiarazione di Pace per l'anno 2004 pronunciata dal sindaco di Hiroshima.
Riccardo Venturi 9/8/2005 - 10:08
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Nagasaki Nightmare

Nagasaki Nightmare

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"On the 6th of August 1945, Hiroshima in Japan, gained a certain permanent place in history as the first city to be destroy by a nuclear bomb. As a result of that attack, 250 000 people alone have died. Three days later, on August the 9, Nagasaki suffered the same faith, a counting for another 60 000 deaths. We will never know how many people are now dying as a result of those attacks. It is estimated that fifty percent of the deaths in the two bombing resulted from burns. Anyone within half a mile from the blast stood little chance of survival, and those that did almost certainly would have died weeks later from radiation sickness. Long term radiation effects are equally terrifying: leukemia, genetic defects, retarded development, malignment deceases, shorten life span, death. Radioactive fallout is carried hundred of miles by the wind and is deposit into the soil by rain and snowfall. The number of deaths and tragedies as a result of nuclear bomb on the earth surface..."
They're always there high in the skies...
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 1/8/2005 - 17:24
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When The Bomb Drops

When The Bomb Drops
When the bomb drops I'll be a bank holiday
5/6/2005 - 22:51

Cranes over Hiroshima

Cranes over Hiroshima
Lyrics and music by Fred Small
Testo e musica di Fred Small

Album No Limit
The baby blinks her eyes as the sun falls from the sky
inviata da Monia 5/4/2005 - 09:51

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