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Percorso Guerra in Vietnam: vista dagli USA

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My Sweet Lord / Today Is a Killer

My Sweet Lord / Today Is a Killer
Medley di My Sweet Lord, la preghiera cosmica di George Harrison con la poesia "Today is a Killer" di David Nelson del fondamentale gruppo The Last Poets messa in musica da Nina Simone.
dall'album dal vivo Emergency Ward! registrato dal vivo alla base militare di Fort Dix
Sul lato B l'altrettanto stupefacente versione di Isn't it A Pity sempre di George Harrison.

Nella sua versione (di 18 minuti!) della canzone di George Harrison (il grande successo dal primo album solista dell'ex Beatle) registrata dal vivo con un coro gospel davanti a un pubblico formato in gran parte da soldati neri, la preghiera spirituale della canzone originale si trasforma in una potentissima canzone di protesta contro la guerra del Vietnam. Alla fine della canzone Nina Simone accusa direttamente Dio di essere un assassino per permettere guerre e stragi insensate.
We want want Nina
2/1/2021 - 23:02
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my time had come to go
inviata da Dq82 19/12/2020 - 16:09

Talking Ben Tre

Talking Ben Tre
dal disco "Now", con Bernice Reagon & The Reverend Fred Kirkpatrick
Parole di Jan Davidson

Un talkin' blues che racconta con sarcasmo la storia di un plotone di soldati USA che attacca un villaggio vietnamita.
Gonna tell you all a story from across the sea
inviata da Lorenzo 18/12/2020 - 23:59

Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh
The Last Poets With Bernard Purdie ‎– Delights Of The Garden

Praticamente la storia della guerra del Vietnam nello spazio di una canzone.
He stood
17/12/2020 - 21:16

Why Them, Why Me

Why Them, Why Me
Very rare Motown Records (Soul)
Producer -- Frank Wilson, Henry Cosby
Written-By -- Abdullah
Soul ‎-- S-35051
7", 45 RPM
US - 1968

Lyrics from Genius

The song "Why Them, Why Me" was released by Abdullah on Soul (# S 35051), a subsidiary of Motown Records, for blues and R&B (1964-1978). The b-side "I Comma Zimba Zio" was a strong civil rights, African-American militant song, evoking Africa and the fight for freedom. Born Joseph McLean, he changed his name as a follower of Elijah Muhammad, a self-proclaimed black Muslim nationalist. He apparently fell out with Motown's Ralph Seltzer in a racial confrontation, hence only one single on Motown. It is fairly difficult to transcribe, but clearly it is narrated from the perspective of a soldier on "the shores of Vietnam", who was "fighting and dying". Vietnam War Song Project
The evening that she rising
7/12/2020 - 23:23
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Ballad Of A Crystal Man

Ballad Of A Crystal Man
ascoltandola ho pianto, grazie
Andrea Donati 12/11/2020 - 18:07
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Frank, Dennis, And Me

Frank, Dennis, And Me
9/11/2020 - 13:54

We Need to Be Governed by McGovern

We Need to Be Governed by McGovern

Singolo promozionale per la campagna del candidato democratico George McGovern che aveva promesso di mettere fine alla guerra in Vietnam. McGovern fu platealmente sconfitto da Nixon. Nixon fu però costretto alle dimissioni due anni dopo dallo scandalo Watergate.
We need to be governed by McGovern!
1/11/2020 - 18:52

Southbound Train

Southbound Train
Scritta da Graham Nash
Nell'album "Graham Nash / David Crosby"
(Alla steel guitar, Jerry Garcia dei Grateful Dead)
Testo da Genius

Questo treno che scivola verso il sud ha un carico speciale: soldati morti in una qualsiasi guerra (ma era il 1972, quella in Vietnam volgeva alla fine ma infuriava ancora) che tornano a riposare per sempre nella terra dei padri... Con loro sono state sepolte anche la Libertà, l'Eguaglianza e la Fraternità con cui tutti i leader sono soliti sciacquarsi la bocca...
Liberty, laughing and shaking your head
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 19/10/2020 - 21:06

A Good Man Is Hard to Find (Pittsburgh)

A Good Man Is Hard to Find (Pittsburgh)
inviata da Massimo 24/9/2020 - 20:22
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The Ballad of Ho Chi Minh

The Ballad of Ho Chi Minh
Ad Latinum sermonem adaptavit Richardus Venturi a.d. MMXX
8/9/2020 - 11:38

Hey, Hey, LBJ

Hey, Hey, LBJ

La title track dell'album del 1967 di Bill Frederick riprendeva il famoso slogan delle manifestazioni contro la guerra del Vietnam "Hey, hey LBJ! / How many kids did you kill today?" trasformandole in una vera e propria canzone. LBJ è ovviamente il presidente Lyndon Johnson.

Incredibile che ancora non l'avessimo inserita. La trascrizione è di lilyjamey da YouTube.
Johnson had a button nose,
7/9/2020 - 23:07

The Victors

The Victors

Una lunga serie di nomi di morti in guerra, non solo nel Vietnam e non solo soldati americani.
Private Alex Woodruff, U.S. Army
7/9/2020 - 22:28
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Ineguagliabile nella semplicità. Intramontabile nel grido. Freedom!
3/9/2020 - 20:50

A la guerra ya me llevan

A la guerra ya me llevan

The tejano song "A la guerra ya me llevan" ("They're Taking Me to the War") (Buena Suerte Records # 929), narrated from the soldier's perspective, expressed opposition to being drafted to go to the war, leaning towards the anti-war side: "they're taking me against my will". Little Joe performed the song, a Mexican-American, born in Temple, Texas (17 October 1940), as José María De León Hernández. This political song helped established him as a major artist in the 1960s Chicano movement. He founded the record label Buena Suerte Records in 1968, based in Temple, TX. (1) (2) (3) The narration saw the soldier expressing sympathy towards his mother, father, and girlfriend, telling them that "if in combat I find death, I wouldn't want you to cry". The narrator also said that as he headed off to war, taken away from his family, he regretted fighting with his father. Note that Little Joe also released the Vietnam-related corrido El prisionero de Vietnam, with the group Little Joe & The Starlites.

Vietnam War Song
A la guerra ya me llevan madrecita
25/8/2020 - 22:44
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I Should Be Proud

I Should Be Proud
24/8/2020 - 21:48

Hey, Mr. Draft Board

Hey, Mr. Draft Board
Album: The American Revolution

Canzone contro la leva durante la guerra del Vietnam, con citazioni nel testo di Mr Custer e di Wild Thing (I think I love you / but I want to know for sure...).

Un brano protopunk potente e fieramente antimilitarista di un artista tutto da riscoprire. Purtroppo il testo completo non si trova da nessuna parte e ho dovuto trascriverlo parzialmente all'ascolto con alcune lacune (ogni correzione è benvenuta!)
Oh you magnificent physical specimen!
inviata da Lorenzo 23/8/2020 - 00:01

The Tallest Tree

The Tallest Tree
Written by Richard Antonio

Canzone country sentimentale di una madre che vede nell'arco di vent'anni tre figli uccisi in tre diverse guerre: la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, la guerra in Corea e il Vietnam.
The growth of a man takes a lifetime,
21/8/2020 - 23:47
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The Lee Shore

The Lee Shore
Grazie ,Enrico.grazie a tutti per gli approfondimenti.
Amo moltissimo questa CanzonA.
Conosco molte versioni.
Quella che vi propongo è inserita in un live,una volta erano boutleg
Per me è la più bella.

Lorenzo vella 18/7/2020 - 14:16

Army Man in Vietnam

Army Man in Vietnam
Testo incompleto
dall'album Thinking Of What They Did To Me

Big Joe Williams (1903-1982), delta blues guitar player, born Joseph Lee Williams, in Crawford Mississippi, used a nine-string acoustic guitar, giving his delta style an interesting, unique sound. In the track "Army Man in Vietnam" (Arhoolie Records # 1053) he expressed a desire to "stop the war in Vietnam" because he feared that the government might "drop that atom bomb", a reflection of Cold War tensions. The song also showed concern for young men, at the age of eighteen, drafted into the army and given a gun. Note the minor reference to Christmas: "some will be home for Christmas, some will hurt real bad". Chris Strachwitz (founder of Arhoolie) recorded the song on 14 December 1969 at Arhoolie House in Berkeley, California. It featured Charlie Musselwhite on harmonica.
Vietnam War Songs Project
Well I heard a voice one morning
11/7/2020 - 23:39

A Very Nice Country

A Very Nice Country
Testo da Mudcat

Dalla compilation What Now, People? Vol. 1
I was born in Philadelphia
1/7/2020 - 12:08

Thank You Daniel Ellsberg

Thank You Daniel Ellsberg

Daniel Ellsberg era uno dei "geniacci del Pentagono" (i brillanti giovani reclutati da Robert McNamara, segretario della difesa dal 1961 al 1968). Divenuto oppositore della guerra del Vietnam, cominciò a fotocopiare un dossier di 7000 pagine coperto da segreto di Stato, che rivelava le strategie del governo americano in merito alla guerra in Vietnam.

Nel 1971 consegnò questo materiale al The New York Times sotto il nome di Pentagon Papers, dando vita a una controversia politica nazionale.
wanna thank you Daniel Ellsberg
27/6/2020 - 17:38
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My Son

My Son
Lyrics & music by Jan Howard
Album: Jan Howard [1969]

"My Son" is a song written and recorded by American country music singer Jan Howard. It is among several songs recorded by country artists during this period that related to the Vietnam War. The song is based on a letter Howard wrote to her son, Jimmy, who was drafted into the war. After writing the letter, she was inspired by family and friends to put it to music. Recording the song in a single take, it was released as a single in 1968.
Jan sent the song to her son in 1968 after its release. Before he could write back, he was killed in battle. At the same time, "My Son" became a major hit on the country charts in the United States. The recording later appeared on Howard's 1969 self-titled studio album. Since its release, "My Son" has been considered among Howard's signature songs. In later years, the song also has also... (continua)
My son my son I pray
inviata da giorgio 25/6/2020 - 09:05

How Do You Tell a Small Boy?

How Do You Tell a Small Boy?
Single: Wake Up America! / How Do You Tell A Small Boy

The second song "How Do You Tell a Small Boy", narrated from the perspective of a P.O.W. (Prisoner of War), looked at the impact of a missing father on a child.

The P.O.W. wondered how to explain to his son that he "had to go to war", and that he spent most of his "time on a prison floor". The P.O.W. missed many of his son's life events: receiving his first bike, going to school, meeting his friend, playing in the snow. The father concluded that while he could not make up the time, and that his son paid the cost, he intended to stay home.

Vietnam War Songs Project
His hair was long and it tumbled down
24/6/2020 - 23:16

Wake Up America!

Wake Up America!
Single: Wake Up America! / How Do You Tell A Small Boy

A double-sided Vietnam single, written and sung by Lance Lindsay. Bruce Miller arranged both sides. Released by Voices in Vital America (VIVA) - a not-for-profit student organisation formed in 1967 in Los Angeles by Carol Oates, under the name Victory in Vietnam Association, this group sought to counter campus radicalism while promoting concern for US soldiers missing in action and prisoners of war.

They famously distributed metal bracelets, with details of those M.I.A. or P.O.W., selling over 5 million. The group disbanded in 1976. Many of its records are held at the Vietnam Center and Archive, at Texas Tech.

The back of the picture sleeve said that

"over 1800 men are prisoners of war or missing in action. A picture of Lt. Ron Dodge (front cover) being escorted by North Vietnamese soldiers appeared in 'Paris March' magazine... (continua)
In a cell a man waits for a pardon
24/6/2020 - 22:59

The Blind Soldier From Vietnam

The Blind Soldier From Vietnam
The country song "The Blind Soldier From Vietnam" (Arzee # RZ-106-X) took an anti-war and plight of the soldier interpretation.

Curly Herman (1918-1968), from West Virginia, a fiddler in the 1960s, sometimes headed a group called the West Virginia Boys. He died shortly after the recording and release of this single, in 1968.

Narrated from the perspective of a soldier, who had returned home "from Vietnam", blinded by the war. His brother had also died in a war, possibly Vietnam or Korea. Likewise his father, presumably a reference to the Second World War. It thus sought to show a family continuity in fighting wars for the US. The narrator then explained that the young boy helped him cross the street. The boy told him that his friend's father had died in the Vietnam War. The soldier then declared: "dear god...stop the fighting in Vietnam and send the boys home safely". Released in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Rex Zario's record label Arzee (he produced the single). Composed by Curly Herdman.

Vietnam War Song Project
I am a blind soldier,
21/6/2020 - 22:28
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Lieutenant (Had Any Lately)

Lieutenant (Had Any Lately)
Trascritte all'ascolto con qualche dubbio.
Rispetto alla versione che fa riferimento diretto a Calley, la versione pubblicata a nome di Sylvia è più generica ma mantiene intatto tutto il messaggio contro la guerra.
8/6/2020 - 22:48

Tricia Tell Your Daddy

Tricia Tell Your Daddy

The song "Tricia, Tell Your Daddy" (Steed Records # 715), performed on this single by Andy Kim in 1969, targeted President Nixon's daughter Tricia. The narrator pleaded with her to spread "love and peace", and stop the "people dying needlessly" because Nixon "is everybody's daddy now". Composed by Jeff Barry & Marty Joe Kupersmith (aka Marty Sanders) of the band Jay and The Americans, who released their own version of the song in 1970: Tricia Tell Your Daddy, arranged by Donald Fagen & Walter Becker, otherwise known as Steely Dan.

Vietnam War Songs Project
Tricia tell your daddy
8/6/2020 - 21:57

Vietnam Will Win!

Vietnam Will Win!
Album: The Force Of Life

Words and Music by Mike Stout
Additional Words by Red Star Singers - 1974

We heard "Vietnam Will Win!" on a tape from New York made by Mike Stout.

We liked it but we wanted to rework parts of it. Gary rewrote some of the words and added a verse and Michael made some changes in the music. All this was done without Mike Stout ever hearing it. When we finally contacted him to let him know we changed the song and wanted to use it be was (fortunately) very pleased.
They came for the pride and glory of the western man
7/6/2020 - 22:26

Pig Nixon

Pig Nixon
Album: The Force Of Life
Testo da YouTube

In the '60's a lot of spirituals and rock 'n' roll songs were overhauled to become freedom songs for civil rights demonstrators. “Pig Nixon” comes from “Oh Wallace,” (“you're never gonna jail us all”) which people sang in Alabama. We use “Pig Nixon” as an all-purpose song, writing verses for the occasion, each verse about a current issue.
We're singin' for you people, it's a very simple song
7/6/2020 - 22:03
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When You Gonna Bring Our Soldiers Home

When You Gonna Bring Our Soldiers Home
Lyrics & music by Skeeter Davis
Album: It's Hard To Be A Woman

In 1970 Skeeter Davis aimed “When You Gonna Bring Our Soldiers Home” directly at president Nixon. Voicing a woman’s perspective, Skeeter declared, “Every mother has to worry about the son she loves, And every sweetheart has to worry too". Although Nixon did not think she should “protest” or “question” his policies, “I think I’ve got a right 'cause I just got word tonight, The Man I love was killed there yesterday, When you gonna bring our soldiers home?”. The following year, Arlene Harden’s “Congratulations, You Sure Made a Man Out of Him” was equally bitter and provided an even more frontal challenge to the South’s patriotic militarism. Unlike Lynn’s and Davis’ songs, in which the US soldiers had died, the character in this song had returned home profoundly impaired: “I watch him just sit by the window and silently... (continua)
When you gonna bring our soldiers home
inviata da giorgio 7/6/2020 - 20:10
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What's Going On

What's Going On
La versione registrata nel 2001 dal classico supergruppo chiamato Artists Against AIDS Worldwide

con Bono degli U2, Destiny's Child, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, NSYNC, Darren Hayes dei Savage Garden, Jennifer Lopez, Ja Rule, Nas, Lil' Kim, Sean Combs, Mary J Blige, Alicia Keys, Eve, Gwen Stefani, Nelly Furtado, Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit, Aaron Lewis of Staind, Michael Stipe of R.E.M., Wyclef Jean e la figlia di Marvin Gaye, Nona

4/6/2020 - 20:37

There in Vietnam

There in Vietnam

The song "There in Viet Nam" (Bubbie Records # 1003) - a country music track that took an anti-war position. It placed a strong emphasis on the contrast between the voting age (21) and the draft age (18).

The narrator also expressed moral and religious opposition to the war, quoting the bible: "thou shall not kill". Yet, she also defended the previous generation's conflict as a just war for freedom: "his daddy fought in World War Two so that we can live in peace".

Released in Midwest City, Oklahoma. Written by B. Willow. Produced by Frank Dell.

Vietnam War Songs Project
Back home they say he's not a man
3/6/2020 - 00:16

Viet Nam

Pat Bohlman and Edwin Maderia
Viet Nam
The country anti-war track "Viet Nam" (Green Mountain # GM-101), by the obscure artists Pat Bohlman and Edwin Maderia, expressed the view that the war was harming the US, but it also noted the ongoing peace negotiations in Paris, which the song described as "doing well". The negotiations started in Paris in 1968, and were mainly conducted by Henry Kissinger (National Security Adviser to President Richard Nixon, 1969-1974) and his North Vietnamese counterpart Lê Ðức Thọ.

Vietnam War Songs Project
The war in Vietnam is doing us a lot of harm
3/6/2020 - 00:04

The War Is Over

The War Is Over
Single The War Is Over / You Ain't Goin' Nowhere

Anti Vietnam war song "The War Is Over" (RCA Victor # 74-0309) referenced Richard Nixon, criticizing him for ignoring the protesters and prolonging the war. It also noted a protester being killed, which in the case of Michael James Brody Jr. won't make any difference because he will be reborn.
I just want to thank everybody for letting me record now. All the money that I record off this record goes to peace.
2/6/2020 - 17:04

Weep No More

Weep No More

Nathan McKinney recorded the doo-wop track "Weep No More", composed by the blues man Len Johnson. The song, released on the Los Angeles based label Rayco Records (R-526), founded by Floyd Ray, contained themes of the Vietnam War. It is narrated from the soldier's perspective, who tells us that "Uncle Sam is calling for me", and that he is resigned to leaving those he loves: "So I guess I'll have to go".

Vietnam War Songs
Weep no more, my baby for me
1/6/2020 - 22:54

Bring 'Em on Home

Bring 'Em on Home
Musica un po' copiata da You Ain't Go Nowhere (da The Basement Tapes di Bob Dylan & The Band interpretata anche da The Byrds)

Double-sided Vietnam War single by Chicano soul group Six Pak, released on the Californian label Gordo (# 704), founded by Eddie Davis (a sub-label of his Rampart Records). Both tracks had a Latin Soul feel to it - of course, the label focused on Mexican Americans.

This formed part of the West Coast 'Eastside Sound' music scene. According to the president of Rampart Steven Chavez: "almost 50% of the artists from the East Side Sound era served in combat roles in Viet Nam, losing their innocence to a war in the prime of their youth, and returned to a changed American music scene that pretty much turned their back on them with the advent of new genres like hard rock, heavy metal, punk, disco and the like".

Firstly, the group covered the song "Weep... (continua)
One by one, numbers are called
1/6/2020 - 22:25

Why Is It?

Why Is It?

Double-sided anti-Vietnam War single, with the tracks "Why Is It?" and "When I Come Home" (A & G Records # AG 2041) - this label was almost certainly based in New York, with A & G standing for Al Grannum, a radio DJ for WLIB. His program in the late 1960s and early 1970s focused on R&B groups. This record was released under the name "Al Grannum & the Granulated Souls". There is a picture of Grannum in a 1971 article from the The Daily Register, based in Red Bank, New Jersey, in which Grannum was helping out at a community party. Is there a connection to Hugh Grannum, the Detroit based photographer? The record was also released in Jamaica - Why Is It? / When I Come Home (Dynamic Sounds # AG 2041).

So in the first track, "Why Is It?", the narrator, in spoken-word, said that he was "sick and tired" of hearing about children starving and "soldiers dying". He wanted to... (continua)
The way things are today is bad
1/6/2020 - 15:10

(I Got) So Much Trouble in My Mind

(I Got) So Much Trouble in My Mind
I got so much trouble in my mind
31/5/2020 - 23:25

Viet Nam

Viet Nam

In the blues / gospel track "Viet Nam" (Gospel Corner Records # GC-127) Madame Nellie Robinson pleaded for the conclusion of the Vietnam War - "settle this war in Vietnam" - in order to stop people from dying: "lord have mercy, a child is dying". It considered the pain felt by those fighting: "soldiers laying in mud". It also looked at the family and friends of soldiers in the US: "mothers and fathers at home crying". Robinson signed to the label Gospel Corner, based in Los Angeles, California, by Brother Hudson in 1968, a subsidiary of Proverb Records.

Composed by Madame Nellie Robinson. Produced by Bro. Henderson.

Vietnam War Songs Project
Vietnam, Vietnam
31/5/2020 - 23:11

See What You Done, Done (Hymn No. 9)

See What You Done, Done (Hymn No. 9)

The 1971 track "See What You Done, Done (Hymn No. 9)" about a Vietnam veteran who became a drug addict, was composed by Atlanta, Georgian soul singer Delia Gartrell and her husband James T. Shaw, otherwise known as The Mighty Hannibal (he also released a Vietnam War song in 1966 with a similar name, but different theme - Hymn No. 5). This Delia Gartrell single, originally released on the obscure Atlanta label Demin-Kalo (# JS-2/JS-3), was soon after picked up by the larger New York label Right-On Records (RR0-109).

Hannibal explained in an interview the inspiration for writing "See What You Done, Done": "Me and my wife were watching the news and Walter Cronkite was talking about how all the soldiers were coming back from Vietnam addicted to opium". Thus, the song provides a representation of veteran drug addiction associated with the Vietnam War:

Vietnam War Song Project
Can't you see what you done done to my only son
31/5/2020 - 22:37
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I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die Rag

I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die Rag
Non tutti sanno che anche Pete Seeger la incise nel 1970.

31/5/2020 - 22:23

Bring My Buddies Back

Bring My Buddies Back
(David Sheffield)

Soul song called "Bring My Buddies Back" (Stone Lady # SL-006), which had a very similar sound and theme to Freda Payne's "Bring The Boys Home" - except in this case the plea came from the perspective of a war veteran, asking the government to end the war and send his friends home.

The very first line actually referenced Payne, saying: "Hey Freda, maybe you were right". The song went on to recall one of his friends dying in Vietnam because of the "lack of doctors". Not much is know of this group. They probably came from the East Coast - their label Stone Lady was based in New Jersey, founded by David L. Sheffield, who composed this and most of the songs on their album. The members of the group were Luis Farinas (tenor vocals), Doug Green (lead vocals), Greg Jackson (tenor vocals), and Tony Matthews (bass vocals).

This song also featured on the album "Bring My Buddies Back" (Stone Lady # 1001), the front cover of which has a painting of marching troops in Vietnam.

Vietnam War Songs Project
One two, three four...
31/5/2020 - 17:30

The Dean Rusk Song

The Dean Rusk Song

From the album "Hey, Hey...LBJ! Songs of the U.S. Antiwar Movement" (Crisis Records # LP-001 / US / LP / 33rpm)

Dean Rusk (1909-1994) segretario di stato dal 1961 al 1969 sotto le presidenze di Kennedy e Johnson e convinto sostenitore della guerra in Vietnam.
Oh, I'm weary and I'm harried and I don't know what to do
31/5/2020 - 17:00

Johnny Comes Marching Home

Johnny Comes Marching Home

Citazione della canzone popoloare When Johnny Comes Marching Home (vedi Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye)
When Johnny comes marching home again hurrah, hurrah,
31/5/2020 - 16:16

It's Outrageous

It's Outrageous
I don't understand my fellow white man
30/5/2020 - 16:13

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